General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus’ Plan To Build A Televangelist Empire – Could It Turn Into A Cult?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that fans finally know the deal Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) cut. It seems that Cyrus was interested in some television time so that he could spread God’s word to the masses, or at the very least, the fine residents of Port Charles.

Looks innocent enough; however, this is Cyrus we are talking about. For years, he ran a massive criminal ring, and while he claims to have found God while he served his time in prison, fans know all too well that Cyrus is simply hiding behind his newfound faith to further his agenda.

At the moment, he has no money and is working at a piddly job, but this “television” opportunity opens a door for him on so many levels.

Not only to make good money, but potentially earn local celebrity status, respect (something he’s yearning for), and a following of “fans” who will hang on his every word.

While most people aren’t buying Cyrus’s “Godly” man act, a television show will expose him to a slue of others in the little town (and beyond): those who have no idea of the evil he’s once done, and his manipulative ways.

Cyrus can be quite a charmer, so it’s not that far-fetched to think that he’ll gather a fan base quite quickly and could become a televangelist sensation.

This industry can be a profitable one, and while some ministries can be legit, especially when they use their funds to donate to charity, many have been exposed for using God’s word for profit and not good.

If Cyrus gains a following quickly, he could slightly divert plans. He hasn’t changed one bit, so with fans willing to do “God’s work” at Cyrus’s beck and call, could he transform his little TV show into a massive cult?

Not only would he accumulate individuals to do his illegal bidding, but he would also have the money to back up any schemes he has.

General Hospital spoilers note that fans should always expect the unexpected in Port Charles.

Cyrus’s TV program could become popular very fast, and before everyone knows it, he may be on top of a televangelist empire and ready to use this clout for evil intentions.

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Dorathy Gass:
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