Law & Order: Organized Crime Finale Recap 05/16/24: Season 4 Episode 13 “Stabler’s Lament”

Tonight on NBC Law & Order Organized Crime returns with an all-new Thursday, May 16, 2024 episode and we have your Law & Order Organized Crime recap below.

In tonight’s Law & Order Organized Crime season, 4 episode 13 called, “Stabler’s Lament” as per the NBC synopsis, “When the ATF Bureau plans a raid of Redcoat’s warehouse, Trisha promises to help Stabler keep Joe Jr. safe. Bell comes face to face with the man who killed Sam. Another Stabler family dinner causes tensions to run high.

Tonight’s Law & Order Organized Crime season 4 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Law & Order Organized Crime recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order Organized Crime recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Law & Order Organized Crime episode, Detective Elliott Stabler was looking for closure. He would visit the graveyard. He would tell the dead his worries and it never gave him the solace he was looking for. Stabler was troubled because he feared he might lose another family member.

He was worried about his little brother, Joey. Joey got mixed up with the wrong people. They were also very dangerous. They were bringing in guns and major firepower. They were shipping to New York City. Stabler’s people were looking for the shipment because they wanted to stop it before it goes to the wrong people.

Stabler’s brother acted as a spy on the inside. ATF already arrested the beekeepers. They wanted the guy in charge and the Stabler brothers were going to hand Emery to them.

That is if Joey can stay clean. Joey was an addict. It’s how he got mixed up with the wrong crowd. They were feeding him drugs to keep him in line. They didn’t want anything to go wrong with their shipment. The drugs also served to remind Joey that he has a weakness they can exploit. He couldn’t really be an informant if he couldn’t pass a drug test.

Joey’s little problem was heroin. He was trying to fight the addiction. Only he might want to get high before the next family dinner. Joey and his older brothers were invited to dinner by their mom.

She wasn’t in the best condition. She often struggles with her memory. She still called for a family dinner because she has some news to celebrate. Eli’s girlfriend was pregnant. His girlfriend is Becky. They found out they were recently pregnant and Eli wanted to drop out of school to get a job. He wanted to support his family from the start.

Stabler didn’t want his son dropping out of school. He and his wife worked hard to give Eli a better future than they had. Which Eli planned on throwing away.

He signed up for the police academy. He broke the news at the family dinner. Joey didn’t make the dinner because he was busy with Emery’s son, Giles. Giles really likes Joey. Joey was good with kids. It must be from having so many nieces and nephews. Joey missed out on a good dinner too. Eli told his dad he wants to be a cop. And Stabler tried to talk him out of it.

Stabler said the job has only gotten more dangerous. He didn’t care what the statistics said. He’s the one out on the street and he’s buried two cops back to back. He didn’t want to lose his son.

He just couldn’t talk his son out of his decision. Eli wants to have a baby. He wants to marry his girlfriend. He couldn’t support his family if he was stuck in school. He’s already done enough to apply for the police academy. He should probably bulk up as well because he’s on the skinny side. Stabler didn’t care about Eli’s possible reasoning. He was trying to talk his son out of it when he got called into work.

Emery received his special items. He set up a warehouse as a decoy. He then used one of them to rat him out as a guinea pig to test drive his new bioweapon. Emery knew that the cops were watching him. They went to the decoy warehouse. All they found were tires. Emery’s legitimate business was selling tires.

He also showed off his bioweapon on the dark web. He covered his face. He had a computer to distort his voice. He couldn’t be connected to the weapon or to the buyers. There were about six people on the most wanted list that bought his Soviet Union era bioweapons called “Goodnight”. And any of them could use that for a mass casualty event.

Joey wasn’t suspected as an informant. Emery was going to take Joey with him when he left town. He didn’t know that Joey used Giles’s gaming system to send a message to the cops. He told them where his location was. He was at an airfield in upstate New York. The police went there.

They saw Joey get on the plane and disappear with Emery. The cops couldn’t stop the flight because Emery left behind people to take care of them. The cops found themselves in a shootout. They killed the Russian. They also found Colin who was hogtied to the bioweapons that Emery just sold.

They stopped “Goodnight” from being used. Or so they thought. Joey disappeared with Emery. Emery suspected that someone was informing on him.

He didn’t suspect Joey and so Joey was promoted. He was the new delivery boy. Emery had a second batch of the bioweapon. He had Joey carry that suitcase around everywhere. He was handcuffed to it. The cops couldn’t trace their plane. Stabler was forced to go home without his brother. He also learned that Becky was pregnant. He wasn’t sure about how he felt about it.

But Stabler did go back to the graveyard to tell his late wife about their newest grandchild.


Kristine Francis:
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