Law & Order Recap 02/08/24: Season 23 Episode 4 “Unintended Consequences”

Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, February 8, 2024 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 23 episode 4 “Unintended Consequences,” as per the NBC synopsis,

“Shaw and Riley investigate a real estate agent’s murder; after they speak with prominent clients, an unexpected witness appears; Price and Maroun struggle to convince a jury of motive and face a difficult decision about their only witness.

Tonight’s Law & Order season 23 episode 4 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Law & Order episode, Andrea Fenton was found murdered at one of her properties. She was a high-end real estate agent. She was showing that particular property when she started to lock up and was targeted. She was later found by the homeowner when he returned home. The homeowner was Max Quattro.

He was a rock star. Detective Riley even knew his music and was currently sharing his love of it with his kids. Riley got really excited when he saw Max in person, but the body took precedence and Riley remained a professional. He and Detective Shaw questioned Max. Max was worried people might think he was responsible and the detectives put him at ease.

Max had nothing to worry about. He has an alibi. He was at his daughter’s school play. There were plenty of witnesses and he called 911 the second he returned home to find a dead body.

Max wasn’t their guy. He didn’t know Andrea all that well. He just met her a month ago. If Andrea had enemies, it would be her assistant that knew the person by name. The assistant did everything for her. He was also Andrea’s bodyguard because a woman alone in a house at night didn’t feel safe. And so the assistant explained the only reason he wasn’t there that night was because Andrea’s client was big into privacy.

Andrea was showing the property to a famous Irish actor, Robbie McDougall. The actor was working in the city and he wanted to buy property. The cops spoke to him. He explained that the property wasn’t for him.

He left Andrea not long after the showing. He made it to a press event on the other side of the city with plenty of time to spare. He couldn’t be the killer. The rock star couldn’t be the killer. The assistant had an alibi as well. The only one that seemingly had a problem with Andrea was Sabrina Beaumont.

They were both reality tv stars. They were on the television show called “Selling Park Ave”. Sabrina publicly threatened Andrea and it was all for the show. Their feud was scripted. It was merely to bring in ratings.

But Andrea was afraid of someone. She had asked her cousin for a gun. She didn’t have a permit to get one legally and her cousin got her it under the table. Andrea wouldn’t tell him what she needed it for. She did tell her sister though. She told her sister that a client had tried to rape her a couple of months ago and she got away. Andrea never reported what happened.

Andrea told her sister that she couldn’t risk her professional reputation. She dropped the client. She would have left it at that only she spotted him in her neighborhood the past few weeks.

That’s why she wanted the gun. She wanted to protect herself. Someone ended up killing her with her own gun. It didn’t take the cops long to find an old client that was recently seen in Andrea’s neighborhood. He was the owner of Northridge Global Security. He claimed he was dating a woman in Andrea’s neighborhood. He also had an alibi. He was on a flight from Berlin at the time of the murder.

Only the cops realized that Robbie lied to them. There was a website online showing all of Andrea’s private life. This included a sex tape she had with Robbie on the night she died and so she wasn’t just his realtor. She was his affair partner. Robbie was married. He was trying to make his marriage work. He couldn’t let the press get a hold of his real sex life because it might ruin his brand. This was why he denied any kind of personal relationship. He had no idea who uploaded a sex tape of them. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t Andrea because she was already dead by time someone did that.

It turns out that Max’s security firm was secretly spying on him. He thought he could turn the cameras off and that be that. Andrea thought the same. Well, they were both wrong.

George Shavers was a dead end lackey. He used his job with the security firm to hack the security cameras of famous people to upload images as well as video. He sold it to the highest bidder. He also tried to run when the cops arrested him. They were going to charge him for his voyeurism when he proved helpful. He witnessed the murder. He described the perp as the assistant, Luke Hines.

Hines’s alibi was fake. He paid a restaurant hostess to lie about him being there that night. He actually used the key that the homeowner left them to access the property and murder his boss. Yeah, the person she hired to feel safe was the one that killed her. He also did it with the illegal gun she owned. The one thing that the cops needed was motive. They couldn’t figure out why he would kill his own boss. He was once a client of hers and she hired him after she sold his property because she thought he had promise.

Andrea’s boss at the realtor firm said Luke was a problem. After they hired him, clients started complaining about their medication going missing. They all suspected Hines.

They just didn’t fire him because he comes from a wealthy family. His parents were clients of the firm. Their friends were also clients. Everyone covered up that Hines had a drug problem. He even had a rehab stint during his senior year at college. Andrea was going to do something about him when suddenly she gets murdered. And that was that.

The District Attorney now had motive, opportunity, and a witness against Hines. Hines’s expensive lawyer would later try to claim that it was Andrea that had the drug problem.

Hines claimed he found her stealing from clients and was going to report her when she pulled a gun on him. He’s saying that they fought over the gun when it went off killing her. ADA Price tried to break that lie. He kept hitting a brick wall with the judge. And the prosecution ran into a little problem with their only witness.

George Shavers was charged with additional crimes. The chief one being trafficking in child pornography. He’s been selling images and videos of the underage kids of his celebrity clients.

He tried to sell a naked photo’s the rockstar’s fourteen year old daughter to an undercover cop. He was arrested. They found a bunch of videos of more underage kids on his laptop. He was facing federal charges and he was refusing to testify against Hines unless his child pornography charges were dropped. He didn’t want to serve a day in prison. He knew what would happen to him if he did.

Pedophiles don’t do well in prison. Hell, pedophiles don’t do well on the stand either. There was no way that they could sell this guy as a credible witness and yet they had to try. It was the only way to get justice for Andrea. Price wanted to give Shavers the deal. Jack wanted the same. ADA Maroun was the one person that spoke out. Her appeal was ignored. And they won the trial by the skin of their teeth.

And Shavers got to on being a despicable human being.


Kristine Francis:
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