Law & Order Recap 04/18/24: Season 23 Episode 10 “Inconvenient Truth”

Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, April 18, 2024 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 23 episode 10 “Inconvenient Truth,” as per the NBC synopsis,

“Shaw and Riley investigate the death of a prominent chef when he’s stabbed in his own restaurant. Price has hesitations about prosecuting the defendant after new evidence comes to light.

Tonight’s Law & Order season 23 episode 10 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Law & Order episode, Chef Jordan Bryant was murdered at his pop up. The pop ups are short-term restaurants. They rent a place for a few weeks and they move on in the aftermath.

Well, Jordan doesn’t get to move on now. He was killed in his latest venue. He had gotten into an argument with someone earlier that night. Jordan knew a man that goes by the nickname “Cheese”. Cheese wanted to hang out. Jordan told him it was not the time. Cheese made a scene and Jordan was forced to throw him out. Cheese was identified as Nick Perez.

Perez has a history of violence. He easily became the chief suspect in spite of him not matching the description of a man running from the scene. A waiter at the restaurant left Jordan for twenty minutes. He went out to buy cigarettes. He came back to find Jordan bleeding out on the floor.

He heard someone leaving. He chased them and they got away in a black BMW. He gave a good description of the guy. The guy doesn’t match Perez. Perez was tall. The suspect was average height. The expensive car as well as expensive jacket should have also ruled out Perez.

Perez was fresh out of prison. He visited Jordan because they grew up together. Perez wanted something from Jordan. Jordan was wrongfully convicted of the rape and murder of a ten year old girl.

DNA later exonerated him. Only he still changed his name. He spent ten years in prison. He wanted a fresh start and he was getting that before his murder. His original name was Jordan Walker. He received ten million in a settlement from the city when he got exonerated. Most people who couldn’t bother to visit him in prison suddenly showed up looking for a hand out.

Like Perez.

Jordan did his best to ignore them. He never gave them money. He broke that rule for his only child, Veronica. She used it to pay off her student loans. She was one of the few people that actually tried to stay in contact. She never believed he was guilty. She and her dad weren’t that close because he never the same after prison.

The cops went to Veronica to break the news of her father’s murder. They also used the opportunity to question her about her father’s enemies. She mentioned that her father was arguing with his business partner a lot.

The business partner was Charles. He was about the bottom line. He wanted to bring in profit. Jordan just wanted to cook and bring people together. Charles felt he spent too much money on frivolous things. Charles also has an alibi for the time of death. He did say that Jordan had a few spats with the father of the girl he was accused of killing.

The father couldn’t accept he was innocent at first. The cops spoke to him and he’s since made peace with the fact he identified the wrong man. He even loaned Jordan twenty grand to help him through his financial problems.

Jordan was broke. He may have won ten million, but he only saw one million of that. His lawyer collected the rest. His lawyer was Keith Palmer. He said that going to trial was expensive. The money was mostly spent on trial costs. Palmer also gets paid fifty-five percent of what they get from the city.

Jordan must not have agreed with his financial plan because he went to the board about Palmer. He was going to accuse him of stealing over three million dollars from him. This couldn’t have come at a worst time for Palmer because he was about to be appointed as a judge.

Palmer actually matches the description of the suspect. He drives a black BMW. He even has the baseball cap because he was a huge fan of that team. When the cops ran into him, they were forced to truly take in his villainy. They dropped other suspects. They focused on Palmer. Palmer has the biggest motive.

He could be disbarred for what he did to Jordan. There was also a chance he did this to everyone he helped get exonerated. Palmer was arrested. His trial was pushed up because the judge didn’t want him in prison for long.

The first thing that Palmer’s defense attorney did was paint the victim as violent. They wanted to say that Jordan made enemies in prison. Enemies that were out now. They were going to say that one of them could have killed Jordan. ADA Price didn’t like that. The judge still allowed it.

Veronica refused to let them paint her father like a monster. Her father did what he had to do in prison to stay alive. He also took cooking courses. He earned his Associate degree behind bars. He was positive about the future. And Price got the prison warden to go on record on that.

The one curve ball that Price couldn’t predict was the traffic ticket. Palmer was photographed driving through a red light on the night Jordan died. Three minutes after the murder and he was driving uptown. He claimed he was heading to his holiday home upstate. It technically didn’t matter that an eyewitness saw him fleeing the scene.

The defense attorney proved the eyewitness had smoked weed that day. The cops drove that distance several times. This included at night around the time of the murder. It was possible that Palmer still could have committed murder and ran that light.

Price didn’t want to take the chance of wrongfully convicting another man. He dismissed the charges against Palmer. He also bugged Palmer’s phone because he suspected Palmer knew the real killer. The real killer was his wife. Amanda Palmer was guilty and they got enough evidence to convict her.


Kristine Francis:
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