Law & Order SVU Recap 02/01/24: Season 25 Episode 3 “The Punch List”

Law & Order SVU Recap 02/01/24: Season 25 Episode 3 "The Punch List"

Tonight on NBC Law & Order SVU returns with an all-new Thursday, February 2, 2024 episode and we have your Law & Order SVU recap below.

In tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 25 episode 3 “The Punch List,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The SVU assists a guy in coming to grips with being victimized, while Benson attempts to comfort a victim’s family when tragedy strikes twice.”

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 25 episode 3 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Law & Order SVU recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode Law & Order SVU, Dr. Ray Goldberg was a normal middle age guy. He was a plastic surgeon. He was married. He was living in a nice house and they were currently renovating it. It all seemed normal. The poor guy even wanted to go out for a guy’s night with his buddy Andy. Only Andy canceled at the last minute.

He couldn’t go with Ray. He had made a date with one of Ray’s nurses and he was ditching him for the better offer. Ray understood. He didn’t get upset with his buddy. He just didn’t want to go home right away. He wanted to still enjoy himself and so he went to the club that one of his nurses got him into. And he tried to make friends with a couple of younger guys.

The next thing he knows he’s waking up in a deserted house miles away. He didn’t have clothes. He just had his underwear on and he found a jacket to wear. He did his best to make it home. He was doing so while a woman walked into SVU headquarters to report a rape, but she wasn’t the victim. Or at least that’s what she thought.

She said she was the rapist. She raped Ray. She was an escort and someone forced her to rape Ray. The woman’s name is Tess. Tess was called to a house by two young guys who looked high. She had consensual sex with them. They then wanted her to have sex with Ray.

Ray was even more out of it than the guys were. He was given erectile dysfunction pills. He was practically passed out on a bed and the two younger guys then forced Tess to have sex with him.

Meaning she too was also raped. She knew that Ray was out of it. She only agreed to it because she had a literal gun pointed at her head the whole time. It turns out that the young guys that Ray met at the club were into crack. They smoked it. They got Ray to smoke it. He had burns on his fingers and he didn’t know from what.

The cops went to the house where Tess said the crime took place. They found signs of a party. They cordoned it off as a crime scene and the homeowners weren’t going to mind because they’ve been trying to sell the place.

They couldn’t offload it because of the high interest rates. No one was looking to buy in Brooklyn for that type of money. Not when Manhattan was the same price. The homeowner left a caretaker. He put a lock on the gate that looked like it was easily tampered with. That’s how the guys got in.

SVU checked on rideshares from that house. They found Ray. They tried to inform him that he might have been a victim of sexual assault and he was denying all of knowledge of that. He also didn’t want his wife to hear that he still went out by himself after Andy cancelled. Ray wasn’t going to press charges.

Tess felt so guilty that she was willing to face charges. Captain Benson however was MIA. She got a call from Maddie’s mother. The grief-stricken woman found her husband trying to kill himself in their daughter bedroom.

Their daughter had been kidnapped. They haven’t seen her in weeks. Her husband was giving up hope that they’ll ever find their daughter and so he tried killing himself and his wife found him in time.

She got him help at the hospital. He was going to be cleared to return home soon. Before that could happen, Benson went through Maddie’s room. She removed all signs of the hanging. She also removed all sharp objects. She didn’t want the man to try killing himself a second time. Benson was so busy being there for Eileen that she left Finn to handle their current case.

Finn had an uphill battle because he knew he had to convince Ray that he was sexually assaulted. They checked Ray’s credit card statements. They found out that Ray spent twelve thousand dollars at a bodega to get everything for the party at the deserted house.

He also made quick trips back to the ATM because his buddies wanted money to pay for the escort as well as for drugs. They must have spiked Ray’s drink because he doesn’t remember any of that. He remembered going to the club. And meeting the guys.

Ray thought they were like-minded because they seemed nerdy like he was. The cops informed him that Tess was in a lot of trouble. She confessed to sexually assaulting him and she could be tried. Unless Ray helps them find the guy that pulled a gun on her. Ray offered to help.

He identified the guys that they tracked down through receipts from the club that night. The guys were Duvall and Reese. They were both dorky and young. They never could have afforded an escort without Ray unwittingly paying for it.

The one thing the cops couldn’t find was the gun. Where was the gun used on Tess? The guys weren’t registered gun owners. They denied all knowledge of a gun. They said that the party was all Ray’s idea.

Ray has been married for thirty years. He wanted to live a little. Which was true. He did want to live a little. He just didn’t want to take part in a sexual assault. Not his own. Not Tess’s either. The cops wired Ray. He reached out to Duvall and Reese and he got them confessing on tape that they used a starter’s pistol to trick Tess into believing they had an actual gun.

Ray’s wife Denise almost blew his cover. She found out that he cancelled the credit cards and so she tracked him down to the club to yell at him. Ray managed to sneak her away long enough to tell her he was undercover. And so he did get his groove back.

In the end, both Duvall and Reese later took a plea deal. Neither Tess nor Ray had to testify. They can all work on healing now. This included Benson who returned to therapy.