Matlock Premiere Recap 09/22/24: Season 1 Episode 1 “Pilot”

Matlock Premiere Recap 09/22/24: Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"Matlock Premiere Recap 09/22/24: Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"

Tonight on CBS Matlock returns with an all-new Sunday, September 22, 2024, season 1 episode 1 called, “Pilot,” and we have your weekly Matlock recap below.

In tonight’s Matlock season 1 episode 1 called “Pilot,” as per the CBS synopsis, “After achieving success in her younger years, brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock uses her unassuming demeanor to make her way into a position at a prestigious law firm, Jacobson Moore.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Matlock Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Matlock episode Madeline Matlock was an incredibly smart woman. She got wiser with age. Most people don’t really see her as a threat because she appears as a harmless elderly woman and so she uses that to her advantage. Madeline or Matty as she likes to call herself was good at working whatever angle she can.

She had been trying to get a job at an important law firm. Only they wouldn’t take her calls. They assume because she hasn’t worked in twenty years that she was useless. She wanted to combat that assumption and she did it in the best way. Matty found out the big law firm was in negotiations with another company. And she followed the lawyer representing the other side.

Matty used her invisibility powers that comes to all elderly women to get a piece of information. She learned the other side was willing to negotiate up to twenty-three million.

The lawyer pretended the highest ceiling was nineteen million. Matty then marches into the law firm and she told them that she deserves a job there. She knew the real ceiling of the opposing counsel. She helped them make four million dollars in a day. She also couldn’t be dismissed like an old lady because they were discrimination laws in place.

Matty got hired on a two week probationary period. The law firm could have put her anywhere. They chose to saddle her with hotshot lawyer Olympia and two junior associates.

This was an issue because Olympia’s case was falling apart. She was representing an innocent black man that served over twenty years for something he didn’t do.

He made a false confession. He also had a history of criminality. He still got out in spite of that. It just didn’t seem to matter to the District Attorney’s office. They were trying to screw him over a second time.

The client’s name was Raymond Harris. He was jumpy. He wanted to settle as fast as he could. He turned down two million dollars because Olympia said she could get him more money.

Olympia wanted to prove that social justice was profitable for the firm. She was representing big pharma before. She got burnt out doing that. She needed something else and that’s when she turned to social justice. She was a black woman. She wanted the same choices as her whiter counterparts when it came to the police.

The police didn’t have anything on Raymond when they arrested him. He was black and an ex-con. The cops thought he must be guilty of something. They arrested him with barely anything. Olympia found out there was widespread corruption in the police department at the time. She had that in the news for months.

She was pressuring them to give Raymond what he was owed for a false arrest. Then the worst thing happened. The police union found out about an article coming out that said that tales of corruption were overestimated and so they used that to go lower in their negotiations with Olympia.

They went from offering two million to two hundred thousand. People tend to remember the last thing they remember. The cops wanted to use that in their favor. They were trying to get away with giving Raymond nothing and Olympia couldn’t allow that. This case was important to her. It wasn’t just about creating a new stream of revenue for the firm.

She wanted to win this case because she resonated with Raymond and his family. The others at the firm didn’t get it. They wanted her to settle because the case had taken six months and they wanted her on something that was bringing in the cash.

Matty didn’t get the position that Olympia was in. Matty was a sweet old white woman. She got married young. She spent thirty plus years with her husband. He constantly cheated on her. He also had a gambling problem that took up most of their nest egg and so Matty had to return to work or risk going broke.

Something she couldn’t afford to do because she was raising her grandson. Matty sympathized with Raymond. She wanted what was best for him. She just couldn’t place herself in his position and that came out when they finally found a prostitute connected to Raymond’s original case.

Raymond was accused of murdering prostitutes. After he was arrested, the attacks didn’t stop. There was another prostitute that got attacked and she managed to get away.

The firm has been looking for this woman for months. Matty helped them track her down by buttering up the pimp. They meet the woman. Her name is Carlin and she turned her life around. She left the game. She put herself through college. She met a nice guy and got married. They have two teenagers now. No one knew about her previous lifestyle. And she wanted to keep it that way.

This woman was a white woman like Matty. She was a mother like Matty. She was trying to protect her family and Matty understood her. Matty lost her own daughter to drugs.

She was never going to judge another mother. Where she went wrong was that Matty told Carlin how to get out of testifying. Carlin didn’t want to testify because she didn’t want her family to know about her previous life and so she was glad when Matty told her she couldn’t be forced into testifying. Olympia on other hand was angry about what Matty did.

Olympia threatened to fire her right there. She came down on Matty for everything. How Matty use her age as a way to force herself into the company. How she never once put herself in Raymond’s shoes and was quick to do so with Carlin. It was an unconscious form of bias. Matty realized that and she tried to course correct. She went back to Carlin.

She found out that Carlin could corroborate her story. There was a witness to Carlin fighting over her attacker. He even brought her to the police station afterwards and it went nowhere.

Carlin figured it must have been because no one believes prostitutes. The police also ignored that this witness called 911 and reported what happened to Carlin. The cops made sure that call went away right along with Carlin’s complaint. Matty found that call. They brought it up in court.

The jury decided to give Raymond twenty million dollars in damages. It even eased the issues with Olympia. Olympia was going through a divorce and struggling with a custody agreement with her twins while also dating another man at firm. As long as Matty didn’t mention it to her ex who also works there, they were good.

But it turns out Matty lied about everything. Her name was Matty. It just wasn’t Matlock. Her real name was Matty Kingston and she wanted to join that firm because one of the lawyers there kept a dangerous drug out on the street for an additional ten years. Matty wasn’t lying about her daughter being an addict. She got hooked on prescription pills and died. And now Matty wants revenge.

Matty was a wealthy woman raising her loving grandson with her amazing husband. And they were all working together to take down this firm.


Kristine Francis:
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