NCIS Hawai’i Recap 02/19/24: Season 3 Episode 2 “Crash and Burn”

NCIS Hawai’i Recap 02/19/24: Season 3 Episode 2 "Crash and Burn"

Tonight on CBS NCIS Hawaiʻi returns with an all-new Monday, February 19, 2023, season 3 episode 2 called, “Crash and Burn,” and we have your weekly NCIS Hawaiʻi recap below. In tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi season 3 episode 2, as per the CBS synopsis, “Following the crash of a prisoner transport plane, the NCIS team must find the convicts that escaped onto the island.

Meanwhile, Sam Hanna and Tennant are tasked with locating a high-profile Russian prisoner known as “The Chemist,” on the conclusion of the two-part season three premiere

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi Recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS Hawai’i episode, the last anyone saw of the prisoner carrier plane was when it was going down. It was forced out of the air by someone who paid a lot of money to break one of the prisoners out of custody. This person only targeted that specific plane because they forced the US Marshalls to move these people.

They hacked the US Marshall’s witness list. They shared it on the dark web. The US Marshalls were forced to respond. They started moving people around. They were taking the prisoners stateside when NCIS Special Agent in Charge Tennant called them to warn them about the danger. And sadly NCIS was too late to stop the prisoners from getting out.

By time the NCIS team got to the plane, most of convicts escaped. All except Jackson Kekoa. Jackson didn’t want any part in what happened and so he just stayed seating down.

He didn’t hide. He didn’t take part in killing the five dead US Marshalls. He just sat. He waited for help to arrive and he told them that he was fine with being moved. He doesn’t want to escape. He has two years left on his sentence. He also doesn’t want to assist NCIS with their investigation. He said the dead US Marshalls were their problem. Jackson just wants to be left alone.

It was funny actually because Jackson was once guilty of plane-jacking. Only he didn’t do this. Nor was he going to help the authorities in any way. They have their hands full with the escapees.

There were so many of them that the teams were split up to look for certain prisoners. Jesse and Kai were given a trio of bad guys that once operated as a family of thieves. Lucy was given a guy that firebombed a post office and who had actually turned himself in. She hated her job. Ernie hated his. Someone moved into his office to put together the flight system from the plane.

Meaning he had to watch everyone make a mess out of his office. He couldn’t use that or the war room that smelled funny to him. Ernie started to work out of the kitchen.

He was still trying to find the hacker. The one that hacked the US Marshalls’ files. He traced them back to the island. He was trying to do more when people kept invading his personal space. That was slowing him down, but eventually did get in touch with the hacker. And he hacked the hacker’s computer system.

Ernie used that to pinpoint the hacker’s location. He even went with the federal police to go arrest this hacker. Across town, Jesse and Kai with Pike as backup found the family thieves. Pike distracted the woman. The other two guys snuck up and made their arrest. The woman smashed Pike’s face into the food before making a run for it. Pike caught up with her and she had a knife by that point. She took him hostage. She was cutting him when Jesse used the stun gun to knock her out. And so Pike’s plan actually worked.

Pike was now calling the trio of federal agents the three musketeers.

Tennant and Sam Hana on the other hand got information from Jackson. Jackson didn’t want dangerous people on Hawaii. He grew up there. His family was still there. He told them that the men with guns wanted a chemist. They were looking for the chemist because they were hoping he’d build something for them. Everyone was now looking for the chemist. Lucy and Whistler even found their arsonist before they found the chemist. It turns out their arsonist was trying to burn down the oil tanker for the island.

The arsonist was also useful. He said that there was a man on Block C who scared all the other sociopaths. His name was Henry West. West bragged about being a serial killer. They only caught him on one murder when he’s committed over twenty. Lucy called it in with her boss. She informed them that West was by the far the most dangerous of the escaped prisoners. Her news came right as Tennant was introduced to West. West had taken the chemist hostage. He had a gun trained on him when NCIS caught up to them.

The one thing that stumped NCIS was why West was intent on killing another prisoner. He apparently was going to leverage it to force the Russians to get him a helicopter. Those people that hijacked the plane were only there for the Chemist. He was that important to them, but the helicopter was never coming. NCIS stopped that from happening. They ended up killing West before he could kill the other guy. And the Chemist has now been moved back to the mainland where no one will find him.

Tennant was allowed to resume her old position as head of NCIS’s Hawaii Office. Only Sam wasn’t going anywhere. He was sticking around on the island to teach a class on military tactics.