NCIS: Sydney Recap 01/09/24: Season 1 Episode 6 “Extraction”

NCIS: Sydney Recap 01/09/23: Season 1 Episode 6 "Extraction"NCIS: Sydney Recap 01/09/23: Season 1 Episode 6 "Extraction"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: Sydney airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 9 2024, season 1 episode 6 called, “Extraction,” and we have your weekly NCIS: Sydney recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS season 1 episode 6, “Extraction” as per the CBS synopsis, “When a man in a concealed U.S. Navy jacket drops dead from a cocaine overdose on a crowded bus in Bondi, the investigation pulls Evie (Tuuli Narkle) back into her past as an undercover narcotics cop.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS: Sydney episode, Evie was a colorful character. The same goes for her friends. One such friend got involved in the death of an American sailor. Or at least that’s what everyone thought. The dead sailor as it turns out was a fake. He was simply wearing a new naval jacket. It was fresh off the boat and everything.

The victim only put it on because he was trying to get the jacket in evidence. The jacket was soaked in liquid cocaine. It could be turned into physical cocaine once soaked in salt water. The victim was pursued and forced to run for his life in which he worked up a sweat. Something strong enough to activate the cocaine.

It was the cocaine that eventually killed this unnamed victim. NCIS continued on the case because it was unclear where the victim got his new jacket. Evie normally would have worked the case with them but she called out sick after seeing the victim as well as who was pursuing him.

The people who chased the victim until he worked up a sweat were known to Evie. They later found her apartment. They pulled a gun on her and they called her by another name while doing so. They called her Jess.

They forced “Jess” to work for them. Jess was Evie’s undercover name. She was known by that name back when she worked Drug Squad. She was undercover as a cook.

She would cook up the drugs and her old friends needed her because they have a lot of cocaine thanks to the American Navy. US Petty Officer Leeson claimed that only one box of naval jackets came in. And a small one of that. NCIS later learned it was more like five rather large boxes instead. The jackets came off an American naval ship. Thereby making it an international crime.

Evie was told to work for the Ramos cartel or the man that brought her in would be killed. Kane was the man that brought her in. He was another asset from Drug Squad.

The two of them had apparently developed a too close relationship back in the day that had Evie transferred out of their unit. The victim was in fact another member of Drug Squad. It didn’t make sense why he’d run from Kane. NCIS also figured out Evie was back undercover after they found the men that chased their victim to his death and it led them to her. She was working alongside their suspects.

Evie even punched out DeShawn to maintain cover. DeShawn realized there was more at play. He didn’t break her cover. He only reported it to his bosses after he went looking through Evie’s desk and found the wallet of the victim. The man’s name or at least his cover was Dylan Brooks.

He took some photos before he fled. The photos showed that the cocaine was being cooked around the same chemical known as accelerant for explosives. Someone was going to erase all evidence from the kitchen. They started with by killing the contacts that made the shipment possible.

Leeson as well as another American sailor back stateside had both been murdered. The cartel was tying up loose ends and they had to have someone on the inside. NCIS thought that was Kane.

They were wrong. It wasn’t until they found Kane’s boss at the scene that everything came together. Blue found out it was Detective Sergeant Daniel Skilton who checked out the chemical to destroy the lab. This could be why their victim ran from Kane. He must have thought Kane could be just as dirty as their boss and he wanted to preserve evidence.

Skilton was so good at covering his tracks that he also planted hairs from Kane at Leeson’s crime scene. NCIS thought Kane was dirty and once they knocked out everyone else – they pulled a gun on him. Skilton had already doused the place in the explosive chemical. None of them could risk firing a weapon.

Mackey was able to take down Skilton with one on one combat. She then quickly informed the rest of the team that they had to get out of there. And they escaped right as one of the dealers was firing a gun at them.

The whole place blew. Along with all the evidence. It also killed everyone inside and so NCIS successfully took down a large drug operation happening in multiple countries. Kane also got to clear his name. He still has a soft spot for Evie after all these years. She hadn’t trusted him when the evidence was stacked against him, but who knows?

Maybe they can work that out. Kane could no longer go into the field as a local drug dealer. He might be moved to a desk after this. They also found the chemist that the cartel sent and were able to arrest him. He might just flip now that he’s been caught. And so Kane’s career was salvageable.

Evie’s career on the other hand was at risk. If she had had any other boss than Mackey, she could be facing disciplinary actions or even termination. She instead was congratulated for finding a threat to national security. She was also warned to never keep secrets from her team again. Which she was grateful for. They were going to cover for her with Australian Federal Police.


Kristine Francis:
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