S.W.A.T. Recap 04/19/24: Season 7 Episode 9 “Honeytrap”

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Friday, April 19, 2024, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below.

On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 7 episode 9 called “Honeytrap” as per the CBS synopsis, “When a female robbery crew “honeytraps” and kills several rich VIPs, HONDO and 20-SQUAD are called in to assist FBI Agent Jackie Vasquez in capturing the dangerous fugitives before the death toll rises.

Commander Hicks is shocked when his new love, Maggie, abruptly ends their relationship without rhyme or reason. With help from Deacon and Dr. Wendy, Hicks makes an important decision about his romantic future

So make sure to stop by tonight between 8 PM and 9 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

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In tonight’s S.W.A.T. episode, there’s this new robbery crew called the Honeytraps. The crew was comprised of women. They were beautiful and they used that to their advantage. They lure men in with that beautiful face. They let the guys bring them home. They then dose them.

They rob them of everything of value they can find while the men were passed out. Sometimes the men came too. They usually get a bullet for it. It happened with a guy named Paul Lysher as well as his kind neighbor who tried to check on him. Both men were dead on arrival at the hospital. And the FBI was brought in to take over the case because these women have killed five people across state lines.

They wounded eight. The FBI has been looking for this crew for months. These women have hit VIPs all across the country. They were now working their way on the West Coast. The feds came close to arresting them in San Franciso and something went awry. The women got away. The feds were left embarrassed.

The ADIC demanded an arrest and the two agents on the case had to bring this home or they were going to be out of a job. One of the agents was a familiar face to LAPD SWAT. FBI Jackie Vasquez was working this case. She unfortunately was doing it under FBI Special Agent Chad Hettinger.

Chad was appointed lead after the feds lost these women. Up to that point, Jackie was running lead. She unfortunately deployed the full federal fleet when she thought she had a location for the Honeytraps.

She accidentally sent the feds to a home being rented by a family. The fact that there was also kids in the home made the whole thing into an embarrassment and that got on the news. Jackie was demoted from team lead. She was almost thrown off the case altogether when she fought for herself. She got one last chance to get these women. She couldn’t blow it.

Jackie called Hondo after the Honeytraps made their move to LA. She told him that they have forty-eight hours to catch these women before they leave the area for good. It’s their MO. Jackie shared with him crucial information. She showed him photos of the crew. The four women they knew without a doubt were involved.

She also shared a theory about a fifth person being involved. There had to be someone tech savy because these women were moving goods across state lines and they weren’t visiting pawn shops. Or had a presence on the dark web.

Whoever it was had also drained the bank accounts of the men these women were robbing. This along with the fact that facial recognition wasn’t working on them showed someone deleted their digital footprint. These five were working in tandem when they forgot something about loyalty.

They heard the police coming for them and they left a woman behind. SWAT arrested this woman. They even fingerprinted her. She was identified as Bella Lisboa. She was Brazilian. They were all Brazilian. Her father was a drug dealer and both parents died when she was eight.

Bella has been on her own ever since then. She started getting charges as a honeytrapper in Brazil. She has one known alliance. It was Catalina Paulista. Catalina was different. She was once involved in the biggest gang in Rio. She was trained in guerrilla warfare. She’s the one that’s been killing people.

Bella was just the face. The one used to lure men in. Bella also said during her arrest that Augie was calling the shots. He’s the one that told them who to hit. Which changed recently. He sent them to the home of people that weren’t really rich.

They barely got enough stuff from Paul or the second guy they hit in LA. They did however grab these men’s laptops. These two men were testing the security of a storage facility. Augie wanted the information because he planned on selling it to the highest bidder. Augie was going to cut his cousin out entirely.

His cousin was Catalina. Catalina found out about it. She killed Augie to get her hands on the bigger hit. SWAT could have saved Augie if it hadn’t been for Chad. Chad interrupted Jackie and Hondo questioning Bella. He took Bella as a federal prisoner.

He was already taking victory laps before he even bothered to question her. He also stopped SWAT from getting the information they need. Augie was killed in all that chaos.

Catalina found out he was cutting her out of a score and she killed him. All this happened because Chad wants to climb the bureaucratic ladder. He wanted all the credit. He kept yelling at SWAT for getting involved and they told him that they didn’t need his permission. Nor do they answer to him. They were cops in their own jurisdiction. They had to save lives.

Jackie also knew she could be forgiven if she captured the women before they made it off with their haul. They learned that the women were hitting a dark vault.

A dark vault was where Department of Customs held their seized foreign currency. There were millions there. The women stole an armored truck and they were going to use that to transport their stolen goods. SWAT made their move to get to the location. Chad must have been spying on them because he tried to race to the scene. He wanted to be there first to take the win.

Chad managed to get himself captured. Catalina was using him as a human shield when Jackie saved him. She didn’t have to do that. She did it anyways because that’s who she is.

Chad was told that his selfish demeanor could get him killed if he didn’t learn to trust his team. Maybe instead of competing with Jackie, he should have worked with Jackie. That’s how he’ll rise through the ranks.

Hicks also learned that the woman he was interested in has ALS. She wanted to move in with her sister. She even wanted to end their relationship because she didn’t want Hicks to watch another woman he cares for die. And Hicks refused to take the out, he cares for Maggie too much to let her go through this alone.


Kristine Francis:
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