S.W.A.T. Recap 11/01/24: Season 8 Episode 3 “Life”

S.W.A.T. Recap 11/01/24: Season 8 Episode 3 "Life"

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Friday, November 1, 2024, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below.

On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 8 episode 3 called “Life” as per the CBS synopsis, “20-Squad faces down a prison hostage situation, only to be thrown into deeper danger when a bomb explodes, freeing maximum-security prisoners from their cells, including someone with a personal grudge against Hondo.

So make sure to stop by tonight between 8 PM and 9 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

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In tonight’s S.W.A.T episode, there was a riot at the prison. It happened because of eggs. One of the prisoners wasn’t in a joking mood that morning. He heard there was eggs benedict and he demanded to have it even as everyone was telling him it was a joke. It was prison. They weren’t getting gourmet meals.

They were getting slop. The guy didn’t like his reality and he took a guard prisoner. His demand was to have all of his favorite foods. He also wanted it served to him by Angelina Jolie. The prison couldn’t get him any of those things and so SWAT was called in.

Hondo and his team showed up at the prison. They quickly arrested their prisoner. They freed the hostage. They also arrested the other prisoner that was being forced to make hollandaise sauce when an explosion occurred. Mico ignored Hondo’s orders to protect a prisoner that got trapped under the rumble.

He saved the man’s life, but he broke command. He also injured his hands. Hondo benched him for the day. They needed all the help they could get and Hondo still sent one of his own away.

The explosion in the kitchen was a diversion. There was a low security prisoner breaking into the high security ward. The prison was severely understaffed. Its why there was a hostage situation to begin with. Hondo and his team were the only ones with guns.

They tried to follow the prisoner into the high security unit when he set off more bombs. He killed a couple of the guards. He locked Hondo, Deacon, and Gamble in with twenty prisoners out of their cell. Those men were looking at life sentences. They had nothing to lose.

The one thing deterring them was that SWAT were armed. It bought them enough time for Tan to get them out of there. He got them outside. Only the prisoner they were chasing had access to everything now.

He has a key to the armory. He was also heading towards the control unit. The control unit was the prison within the prison. It’s where the most violent offenders are held. SWAT had rescued one guard and unfortunately the guard’s son was in danger. The son’s name is Jason. Jason was also guard. He was grabbed from the infirmary after the prisoners broke in.

The prisoners gave Jason to Benicio Ramirez. Ramirez received an infraction because of Jason. He lost his yard time because of it and he’s hated Jason ever since. SWAT had to go back into prison to save lives.

The prisoner that kicked it all off was identified as Luiz Diaz. He has six more years on his sentence and he was still bragging about getting out of there soon.

He said he would go to Thailand. He’s the one that convinced the eggs guy to throw a fit over breakfast. He got into the armory. He armed the prisoners and the riot quickly overwhelmed SWAT.

Tan and Powell were split up. The prisoners locked themselves alone in a room with Powell. Hondo was taken prisoner. Hicks had to watch everything from the security cameras and Mico was itching to go back in there.

Backup was still about twenty minutes away. Diaz tried to rape Powell. Tan was able to break into the room. Together they took out Diaz.

He died minutes after bragging he’d would soon leave prison thanks to “the Prophet”. No one knows who “the Prophet” was. Mico was working with Hicks and he figured out who the guy was.

He believed “the Prophet” to be Moses Adams. He was in prison for the torture and murder of eight women. Moses was considered a prophet. Mico was supposed to have gone home, but he stuck around to help his team.

They weren’t going to receive any help from the Warden. The Warden was already doing interviews with journalists claiming that the riot that saw several men dead was all Hicks’s fault.

Hicks once went to a fundraiser where the Warden was also present. Hicks saw the guy cheat to get his dream vacation and that’s why he oversaw this personally. He thought someone that cheats at a charity event wasn’t that good of a guy. And he was right.

Hicks wasn’t willing to play around with the Warden. He took charge at the scene. He did that because he knew he didn’t have time to waste. Ramirez came close to killing Hondo. Hondo had apparently killed Ramirez’s cousin, Jesse Ramirez.

The current Ramirez and Hondo decided to settle their differences with a fist fight. Hondo was minutes away from killing Ramirez when his team finally arrived. They rescued him. They rescued the two guards with him. They all got a photo of Moses Adams and they recognized him.

The prisoner pretended to be a doctor. The prison’s nurse went along with it because she was his girlfriend. Mico was still outside and so he caught to the couple.

He arrested the both of them. The Prophet went back to prison. His girlfriend was now going to prison. Mico even had a heart to heart with Hondo at the end of it. They both apologized to each other.

Mico for ignoring orders. Hondo for being hard on him. Hondo was only hard on him because he believes in Mico and didn’t want him to get hurt.

Powell meanwhile was embarrassed that Tan had to rescue her only Tan helped her to feel better. He reminded her that she took out two of the prisoners on her own. He was there to finish what she started and no one on the team was going to judge her.

And Hicks might get in some trouble for yelling at Warden, but he didn’t care.