Station 19 Recap 05/02/24: Season 7 Episode 6 “With So Little To Be Sure Of”

Station 19 Recap 05/02/24: Season 7 Episode 6 "With So Little To Be Sure Of"Station 19 Recap 05/02/24: Season 7 Episode 6 "With So Little To Be Sure Of"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 2, 2023, season 7 episode 6 called, “With So Little To Be Sure Of,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.

On tonight’s Station 19 Season 7 Episode 6 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “With both Vic’s job and Crisis One in jeopardy, a flashback shows how the program has changed the lives of the team and the local community. Meanwhile, Ben keeps a secret from Bailey.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 7 episode 6 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonights Station 19 episode, the Mayor wanted Vic fired. He was coming down on Fire Chief Ross. He was pushing for her to fire Vic for him. She didn’t want to do that. She also didn’t buy excuses for it. He claimed he would have found a way to protect CrisisOne if it hadn’t been for Vic humiliating him in public and they both knew that was a lie.

He was already planning on cutting the program. He was making cuts in the budget. He wasn’t leaving any wriggle room. He also wanted Vic gone because she wasn’t afraid to call him out. Vic was one of the founding members of CrisisOne. She was a huge asset to the department as well as the community.

Vic helps saves lives. She was able to talk down a young man with anxiety. She was able to treat people and put them at ease. She only snapped because she was passionate.

She was angry that the same man she voted for would let her down. Would let Miller’s memory down. Miller got the program started. He sued the city after a wrongful arrest. The program was to help stop more cases like that. It was supposed to allow firefighters and crisis handlers the chance to talk people down without anyone else getting hurt. And the Mayor was going to cut it entirely?

He was barely in office before he started cutting programs all around the city. Seattle didn’t want to lose their quality of life and the Mayor didn’t get that. He was threatening cuts to the Fire Department.

It’s not like the Police Department. They only save lives. Their work was crucial in saving lives and Vic was going to help do that. Fire Chief Ross practically locked herself in a room with the Mayor. She was going to bat for Vic. She was going to bat for CrisisOne. She saw the program in action.

She watched as firefighters were able to label an anxiety attack on a kid. The kid was walking home at night and the cops assumed he had to be up to something because he was a black kid.

He had a panic attack at the worst moment. He just wanted to go home. The firefighters made sure he got home that night or else the police that were itching to kill him would have had their way. Their hands were on their guns. They were yelling at him to comply and he couldn’t with a panic attack. Something they’re not trained to see. And Crisis One was.

Fire Chief Ross told the Mayor all about the calls they take. The programs for free healthcare out of Station 19. It allows them to treat the homeless. They were able to spot diabetic shock when a patient was rationing his insulin. They lost a patient and they stay involved in his best friend’s life.

Some vets end up on the street because of mental health issues. Or simply losing housing when the military no longer wants you. And oh to get treatment for mental health when you don’t have insurance was the worst part.

Fire Chief Ross told the Mayor about Morris. Morris was homeless. He was a vet. He came back from Vietnam war to be labelled a monster and he wounded up on the street.

He met friends there. Some of them died. He made friends at Station 19. They got him new clothes. They got him vet housing for him. The paperwork was in his tent when someone cleared away the homeless encampment. Including his stuff. He didn’t have his documents. He thought he was alone in the world and Station 19 never turned their back on him. They were there for him.

After Morris lost his documents, they helped him get those documents back. He needed his birth certificate. He needed his social security card. He needed a new tent to live out of and so Vic got him that new tent.

She got the best tent there was to have. There was a later fire at the encampment. Vic wasn’t allowed to come because she’s been benched since she went off on the Mayor. The Mayor that still in a meeting with Fire Chief Ross. And so other firefighters were sent to help everyone, even the ones that won’t go looking for help like Morris.

Only they couldn’t save Morris. They couldn’t get Morris to leave his tent. He didn’t want to lose possessions again and so he went running back in when there was an explosion. Morris didn’t make it.

He’s been a long-term friend of their house. Andy as captain had a debrief and she was going to ask Diane to come only Vic volunteered to run the debrief. She knew she could handle it. She’s been struggling a lot lately and this was to help her come to peace with it. She got them talking. Then she spiraled out of control.

Vic finally released all of her bottled up emotions. She was sad. She was angry. She gives so much to the rest of them and she doesn’t feel seen or heard in return. So, they heard her out tonight.

They all said they’ll keep fighting for CrisisOne. They were also glad that Vic finally released all of her pain. She’s been numb for so long that any reaction at this point showed that she was going to be okay. And later Fire Chief Ross stopped by the house.

Ross announced that CrisisOne was saved and that Vic will be running it from now on.

The Fire Chief saved Vic’s job.

And later they had a funeral for Morris.


Kristine Francis:
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