Station 19 Recap 05/09/24: Season 7 Episode 7 “Give It All”

Station 19 Recap 05/09/24: Season 7 Episode 7 "Give It All"Station 19 Recap 05/09/24: Season 7 Episode 7 "Give It All"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 2, 2023, season 7 episode 7 called, “Give It All,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.

On tonight’s Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “The crew responds to a call at a local park, only to have their assumptions challenged by the Tulalip Tribe when they arrive. Meanwhile, Maya confronts her past, and Carina goes on the offense.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 7 episode 7 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Carina was being sued. A former patient of hers claimed that Carina caused her daughter to be born disabled. The daughter was born with Cerebral Palsy.

It’s been a very difficult and expensive journey to treat a child that’s disabled, but she was wrong to blame Carina for it. Carina knew she did everything she could for her patient. She even reread her patient’s file. She saw that she did everything possible and there was no case against her. She went to the hearing fully believing she’ll be exonerated.

Carina wanted to focus on other things. She and Maya were adopting a little boy. They were also trying to get pregnant. They couldn’t use Carina’s eggs because her age was working against her and so they decided to use Maya’s eggs.

They were going to implant Maya’s hopefully fertilized eggs into Carina. Carina still wanted to carry the baby. Maya not so much. She was barely living with the new hormone injections she was on to prep her eggs. She couldn’t handle an actual pregnancy. She was already snapping at people.

She also made her emotional enough that she went looking for her brother. She spotted him recently at the Pride Parade. He was there protesting it with some racist white nationalists. Mason has always struggled. He struggled with addiction. He was living on the streets for a time.

The whole family was abused by the father. Maya channeled that into being a competitor. She was an Olympian runner. She did everything right to try and keep her father happy. Nothing worked. Nothing was ever going to work with him.

Mason didn’t bother to try. He was written off as the bad one. The dumb one. The one with no future. Maya wasn’t surprised when she saw her brother with those people at Pride. She knew he was looking for a way to belong and she wanted to save him. She’s been trying to save him for years.

Mason was an adult now. He can make his own decisions and if he wanted to reject everything that Maya was – there was nothing she could do. She was a proud lesbian. She was happy to be married to a woman. She was never going to change while Mason will forever change to connect with people.

Back at the firehouse, Theo came in with a patient. Theo works with a private ambulance company now. He brought in a patient rather than take them to a hospital because he was trying to help. The woman didn’t want to go to a hospital. She was worried she might get fired if she has to file another worker’s comp.

She works in construction. She has a boss that’s worried about the bottom line. Theo tried to help her by bringing her to Ben. He knows Ben was a former surgeon. He could probably remove the nail from her without having to take her to a hospital.

The other firefighters got called out to a massive fire. The fire was in the woods near the conservation. It got started by a gender reveal party. They set off a bunch of fireworks. Those started plenty of smaller fires in the literal woods. Andy was doing her best to handle it. Only they quickly got out of control.

She had to call for extra firefighters. They were all dousing the scene when Ben successfully removed the nail out of the woman’s arm. He also got to know Theo’s new partner.

The new partner was Dominic Amaya. He was gay. He was also into Montgomery in the few short minutes they had together. He also stood by Theo when Theo needed him. He was a great partner. He might also be a great fit for Montgomery as well. Montgomery was newly single.

He kinda cheated on the last boyfriend with an ex-boyfriend. Montgomery was happy when he returned to the firehouse and saw that Dominic was still there. Dominic was single because his ex broke his heart. He was good at breaking the engine. Not so much on putting it back together.

He was also a good friend. If it doesn’t work out with Montgomery, Theo will be there to help him find someone else. Maya meanwhile learned she couldn’t save her brother. He’s become like their father. He wants to bring in hatred and suffering. He doesn’t deserve to be a part of Maya’s life.

Maya turned her back on their father. She was doing that again with Mason. Mason learned violence from their dad and that’s what he wants to continue. Maya once considered having him live with her family. So that he could see what a real family entailed and all he did was say she was going to screw up her son. And so Maya knew she couldn’t save him.

Maya was done with her brother. Carina was done with the deposition. She gave the woman suing her, her number. She said she could help get in touch with a community that will be there for her always.

And later the firefighters went out for drinks after a long day. Theo and Vic are back to hooking up. Andy still has to make room in her budget. She was going to help with that from Fire Chief Ross. Montgomery also got Dominic’s number at the bar. It’s amazing that the day ended without anyone getting hurt. The guy that threw the baby reveal party also got arrested.


Kristine Francis:
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