Survivor Finale Part 1 Recap 12/11/24: Season 47 Episode 13 “Bob and Weave”

Survivor Finale Part 1 Recap 12/11/24: Season 47 Episode 13 "Bob and Weave"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 11, 2024, season 47 episode 13 finale part 1 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 47 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 47 episode 13 finale called, “Bob and Weave,”as per the CBS synopsis, “It’s double the immunity challenges and double the tribal councils in part one of the two-part season 47 finale.

Castaways must do damage control after Operation Italy’s success. Then, one castaway tries spying to get some key information to further their game.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor finale part 1 episode, Operation Italy was a success! They led a careful game play that allowed them to whittle down their opponents. Those same opponents were now in the minority. Or they would be if Rachel didn’t have her power. Rachel can cancel out someone else’s vote.

She has two people in her corner at the start of tonight. They have three votes in all. The alliance they were working against also has three people. Rachel just has to cancel out one vote of theirs and she can win back the majority. She, Teeny, and Sue had already come up with a plan. They wanted to oust Sam first. He was considered the bigger threat. And then they were going to move onto Genieve then Andy.

Teeny thought she was making a game move when she had everyone turn against Sam. Only her move didn’t work. They were betrayed by Andy and it seemed fair because they also planned on betraying him too. Teeny, Rachel, and Sue were all upset with Andy. They called him a flip flopper.

They were panicking over what to do next when Teeny realized Rachel was the bigger threat. Rachel does win challenges a little too easily. Teeny wasn’t sure if she’d win if it’s the two of them at the end and so she changed allegiance.

Teeny joined the others. She was going to turn on Rachel. She was talking with Sam, Genieve and Andy when Rachel overheard them. Rachel realized they were coming for her at the next tribal.

She knew she could no longer trust Teeny because Teeny told them about her block a vote. Rachel got desperate. She went to Sue and the two of them formed a plan. Rachel has an idol. She could use it to save herself only they couldn’t tell anyone else about the idol. They were going to surprise the alliance working against them.

They especially didn’t tell Teeny. They pretended to Teeny like they still trusted her when they no longer do. Sue also didn’t reveal to Rachel that she has her own idol and she was going to hold onto it for another week.

It was two against four by that point. If Teeny hadn’t been so quick to turn against her friends, she would know they both have idols. She would also have worked with them to force Genieve’s hand. There were three people that thought Genieve has an idol. She doesn’t. She faked an idol to sell Teeny on the idea and Teeny still hasn’t figured it out.

Teeny could have forced Genieve to reveal she didn’t have an idol if she still worked with the others No that the plan would have worked because of the Immunity Challenge.

The contestants later played in the Immunity Challenge and Genieve won. She got to go to the Sanctuary where a feast awaited her. She also got to bring two people with her. She brought Sue and Teeny. She knew she still needed to get on their good side if she hopes to win the whole thing. And so she did her best to convince them to target Rachel.

Teeny was already onboard with the idea. She turned against Rachel rather quickly. Teeny also got a little drunk at the Sanctuary and she convinced Sue that Genieve has an idol. Genieve let that lie stand. She doesn’t trust either Sue or Teeny. She felt safe as long as they knew they couldn’t target her. Teeny was doing her best to trust Genieve. Sue knew she couldn’t trust either of them. She played into the idea that they could vote out Rachel. Sue pretended like she was willing to hear out Genieve’s plan.

Rachel did the same back at the beach. She had a final “goodbye” with Sam and Andy. She acted like she knew she was going home that night and had made her peace with it. She completely had them fooled. They didn’t suspect in the slightest that she has an idol. Rachel was going to surprise them at the end. She came to that decision after she gave Andy one last chance. She tried to appeal to Andy’s pragmatic nature. She told him she was going to block Sam’s vote. She said they could be the majority. She said that she, Sue, and Andy could be the final three.

Andy told her he’d think about it. He instead ratted her out to everyone else. Andy saw her as an easy target and Sue confirmed to Rachel that they couldn’t trust Andy. Rachel then considered ousting Andy. She was torn between him and Sam. Rachel has been trying to get rid of Sam for the longest. He has an impenetrable alliance with Genieve. Teeny was merely drawn to power. The same for Andy. Rachel had to seriously think about who would best go home. And how it would help her own game.

The group of six went into tribal council. Genieve was feeling a little antsy. She felt the plan to oust Rachel was clear and she still had some misgivings because she felt like someone would break rank. Rachel described her relationship with Genieve as Harry Potter and Voldemort. One of them has to die for the other to survive. Genieve didn’t know it at the time but Rachel did rise again a bit like Voldemort. She heard everyone but Sue saying they were going to vote her out and then she played the idol.

Rachel was safe for another night. Which couldn’t be said for Andy. Andy was voted out tonight. He was too much of a flip flopper to let live. He left and he even hugged Rachel before he left. She played a good game. Rachel went back to the beach with the others. Rachel and Genieve had a honest conversation there. Neither of them had ever trusted the other. They knew instantly upon meeting that the other was going to be the biggest challenge they’d ever faced and Genieve would have gone home if she hadn’t won the Immunity Challenge.

With Rachel surviving another night, she and Genieve were back to competing. Though they don’t mind it. They love that someone was there pushing them to be better. They were actually quite similar and that’s why they recognized the other as a threat. Rachel played her idol. There was fear that Genieve would soon have to play her own. She doesn’t actually have one and so the next challenge was an important one for her. They both wanted to make it to the final four. They both wanted to win the next Immunity Challenge.

Rachel ended up winning it the next time. She has Immunity. She was going into the final four. She was safe and Genieve wasn’t. The only thing keeping her safe was that assumption she has an idol. Something that won’t matter if they manage to blindside her. Sue still had her idol. She was safe. The same for Rachel. Sam saw that he didn’t have the numbers and so he changed allegiance. He told Teeny that Genieve doesn’t have an idol. He admitted they created a fake one out of an old one that was no longer in use.

Teeny felt so betrayed that she couldn’t wait to turn on Genieve. She ran to the other women. She told them that Genieve’s idol was fake and they weren’t sure if they could believe her or not. They thought it could be a ruse. They’d load their votes on Genieve only for her to play the idol. They didn’t want to get played. Teeny went to Genieve personally and Genieve admitted the idol was fake. It still wasn’t enough to entirely convince the others. Sure, Genieve was bummed out that Sam turned on her only that too could be a ploy.

Rachel led the charge against Sam. They’d be safer by voting out Sam. They didn’t know who’d they vote for and Sue made sure to keep herself safe. She used her idol. She didn’t have to. There was no vote against her. The votes were either Sam or Genieve. Genieve ultimately lost out. She was voted out tonight. Sam was going into the final four. He didn’t deserve it because he betrayed a friend. He probably betrayed the only person he could rely on at this point and now he has to face off against three strategic women.

Although, it is funny that two of the three involved in Operation Italy were voted out tonight.