Survivor Recap 04/10/24: Season 46 Episode 7 “Episode Several”

Survivor Recap 04/10/24: Season 46 Episode 7 "Episode Several"Survivor Recap 04/10/24: Season 46 Episode 7 "Episode Several"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 10, 2024, season 46 episode 7 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 46 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 46 episode 17 called, “Episode Several,” as per the CBS synopsis, “A rogue vote at the last tribal council launches a blame game throughout camp.

Players must keep their balance to keep their game alive and win immunity. Then, castaways must decide between past loyalties and future strategies in one of the most important tribal councils of the season.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor episode, they were all merged into one tribe now. Only old alliances were carried into the merge. There was also some gossip on the first night after tribal council because someone voted Venus. Venus automatically thought it was Soda that put her name down. The two women haven’t gotten along.

Venus’s mind went to her in a heartbeat and she refused to believe Soda at first when Soda said it wasn’t her. It took Charlie confessing that it was him for Venus to finally let go of the idea that it was Soda. Charlie and Venus are now at odds. It was messing up Q’s game. He later pulled Charlie aside. He told Charlie that confessing was the stupidest thing he ever did.

Q said that the two women coming at each other would have been better for their game. For their alliance. He told Charlie not to let personal feelings get in the way of the game and Charlie pretended like he was listening when really he was upset. He was upset with Q. He felt Q was dictating to him.

He felt like he wasn’t allowed a personal moment for himself. He now wants to turn against Q because he feels like Q was too controlling. He mentioned that Q would stay in control to the end if he wasn’t stopped.

Charlie was now set on getting rid of Q. Venus might still be angry at Charlie. Then Ben had a panic attack. He has a history of panic attacks because he’s always struggled with anxiety.

He was fortunate to have been sleeping near Kenzie. Kenzie helped him. Both her mom and sister have anxiety. She knew how to help through panic attacks without knowing what it was at first. She was a great help to Ben and their friendship blossomed because of it. They were all fourteen days into the show. And friendship was hard to come by.

They later had their Immunity Challenge. Two people could win Immunity. They were split into two groups. Two people were forced to sit out. The two teams had to balance on a triangle shaped floating object in the ocean. Q and Soda were the first two out. The last time the show did this challenge the waters were choppy.

It lasted all of three minutes. It lasted nearly thirty minutes this time. Kenzie won Immunity for the Orange team. It came down to Maria and Tevin for the Purple team. The Purple team were guaranteed a reward of lunch and hot beverages. And Maria ultimately won that Immunity.

Both teams still had to face tribal council. The Purple team got to go second after they won the challenge. This also meant that two people were going home after tonight. Charlie seemed like an easy choice for the Purple team. He didn’t have the numbers from his former tribe on his side.

Venus easily wanted to take him out. The only thing that could save Charlie was the Plus One Alliance he has with the others. It crossed tribal lines. Tevin was letting Venus think that Charlie was out when really he planned the first blind side of the season against another player.

Over with the Orange team, Tim started to get ideas. He wanted to get rid of Hunter. He wanted to cut into the numbers for Naimi and he was forgetting that they have an alliance with Hunter.

Tim went to Q to get him onboard. Q tried to talk him out of targeting Hunter. He was remembering the Plus One Alliance. He wanted to stick with Hunter. It didn’t matter to him that Hunter was a good sportsman. He knew that Hunter couldn’t possibly win every challenge. Q was also betting on himself.

Q didn’t fall off that death trap. He jumped. He didn’t want to win the challenge because he thought it would put a target on his back. Like it did for Hunter. Q was trying to play the middle. He was only loyal to the Plus One Alliance. He didn’t want to upset anyone in that core alliance.

He now doesn’t trust Tim because he knows that Tim has other alliances that he’s trying to prioritize. Well, it turns out the Purple side was worst than the Orange side. The Naimi tribe was turning on each other. Venus wanted to get rid of Tevin. Tevin wanted to get rid of Soda. Soda wanted to get rid of Venus.

They all approached people about alliances. Tevin wanted to blindside Soda because he thinks she’s too comfortable with people. He was worried about her social game. Soda wanted to blindside Venus because she instantly confronted her after the last tribal council when Charlie voted Venus.

Venus wanted to blindside Tevin because she was worried about his alliances. Everyone was coming to Charlie because they thought they could get him to side with them. Charlie was just so relieved he wasn’t on the chopping block that he became happy with the fallout of Naimi.

Charlie even got to listen in as Maria reprimanded Venus for her demeanor. Venus was kinda blunt. She came at people when she’s supposed to approach them and Maria called her out on it. Venus then got upset. She started thinking about voting out Soda. Soda seemed like an easy option.

They were all over the place and the same went for the orange side. The orange side fell apart too. Q changed his mind constantly. He said they should vote out Tim at first because they couldn’t trust him. He then changes his mind and tells everyone to vote out Ben. And he’s not having conversations.

Q was like Venus in the sense that he barks orders. His alliance wasn’t sure if they could work with him when he gets like this. The orange side went into tribal council first. They ultimately voted out Tim because Kenzie didn’t want to turn against Ben. She knew she could work with Ben.

The others weren’t sure about him and the one thing that Ben has going for him is his loyalty. He even hugged Tim before Tim left tonight. Ben had also voted against Hunter. Hunter might remember that going forward.

Now, it was the purple side. They voted out Soda. Tevin’s plan went ahead because they were able to blindside her with no problem. And Tevin genuinely seemed like he regretted it when Soda started crying on her way out.


Kristine Francis:
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