Survivor Recap 04/17/24: Season 46 Episode 8 “Hide ‘N Seek”

Survivor Recap 04/17/24: Season 46 Episode 8 "Hide 'N Seek"Survivor Recap 04/17/24: Season 46 Episode 8 "Hide 'N Seek"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 17, 2024, season 46 episode 8 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 46 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 46 episode 8 called, “Hide ‘N Seek,” as per the CBS synopsis, “In the aftermath of a blindside elimination, multiple castaways claim credit for their resume, stirring the pot among their fellow tribemates.

In a classic SURVIVOR challenge, castaways must hold on for a shot at immunity from tribal council. Then, an innocent game of hide and seek becomes a revealing metaphor about every castaway’s SURVIVOR strategy.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor episode, everyone came back from tribal council. Ben came back a little down. He just lost Tim. They were very good friends and they were hoping to make it to the end together. It’s sadly not going to happen now. Tim went home. Only the worst part about Tim going home was that Ben didn’t see it coming.

They were blindsided by the other four. Tim was supposed to be a part of the Six. He betrayed that when he tried to turn on Hunter. Hunter then voted with the rest of the alliance to take Tim out.

This leaves Ben in a horrible position because he could easily be voted out at the next tribal council and so now was the time to make friends.

Things picked up on the beach when the others joined them. Everyone in Group A assumed that Group B would vote out Venus. They were all proven wrong when it was revealed they voted out Soda.

It was Tevin’s plan. He pretended like it wasn’t. He voted Venus because he knew everyone else was voting out Soda. Tevin made himself appear harmless and that could be an issue with Venus. Venus took credit for getting rid of Soda. She did victory laps. She basically told everyone how it was her idea to get rid of Soda and that Tevin’s days are numbered.

She knows he voted for her.

Venus was so oblivious that she failed to see that no one liked her. She ticked off everyone on her original tribe. Things haven’t changed much since the merge. If Venus was smart, she would try to figure out who really orchestrated getting rid of Soda. There were plenty of people taking credit for it. Venus was doing so.

Tevin was doing so. Liz was also doing so. Liz has been saying they should get rid of Soda from day one and she felt like no one remembered that when it came time to oust Soda. Liz was feeling overlooked by many.

Now was the perfect time for someone to be understanding or at least pretend to be with her. Liz was already turning against both Tevin and Venus. They just couldn’t see it.

Then there was Q. Q was making moves like he always does. He approached Charlie about joining the Six alliance. Charlie let himself be approached officially by Maria. She told him about the Six wanting to be the final six in the game. Charlie got that and he also had questions. He doesn’t want to end up in the final six with people he can’t beat.

Charlie also doesn’t trust the alliance because it’s already sent Tim home. He doesn’t think the alliance is as strong as they think it is. Charlie knew the alliance has to break and he has to decide if he’s the one that’s going to break it. Later, Q came back around with his idea of playing games. He suggested they play hide and seek.

He convinced everyone to do it. They thought he was just being young at heart. He was actually using the game to study people. They eventually called time because two people couldn’t be found no matter what. It was Ben and Hunter.

Q now knows that he has to get rid of them because they’re capable of big moves. Hunter literally went up a tree. Ben managed to camouflage himself deep into the woods. They both showed they were willing to do anything to win. Q was now weary of them. He thought one of them should be the next target.

His alliance on the other hand was focusing on Venus. Tevin was leading the charge to get rid of her. It doesn’t help that Venus approached Tevin. She approached him to say she forgives him for writing her name and that she doesn’t intend to turn on him now that she won against Soda.

Tevin was so amused by that he couldn’t help bursting out into laughter the second she left. He told Liz all about it because he too was oblivious. He thought Liz was still on his side and Liz was done being in his shadow.

She was ready to make a big move in this game. They all assumed the big move would be getting rid of Venus and Tiffany surprised her alliance. Tiffany was thinking about her own game. She suggested they keep Venus around a little longer. She knew like the rest of them that there’s no chance of Venus winning this season.

Tiffany thought that by keeping her that she was bettering her own odds. Which went against the Six. The Six now was questioning her loyalty. They weren’t sure if they could work with her.

They all talked. This included Charlie. They believe that they have to blindside Tiffany and Q told Maria it has to be a surprise because Tiffany has an idol. Q wants the Six to be absolutely loyal to each other first before everyone else. Tiffany couldn’t commit to that. It’s now the reason so many want her gone. And so they waited until the Immunity Challenge to see who won.

The Immunity Challenge was the infamous pole climb. They were all given an opportunity before the challenge. They were told that four people skipping the challenge would guarantee rice for the rest of the game. Q and Liz were willing to sit out. No one else was. The rice got taken away and everyone played in the challenge.

The challenge came down to Venus, Hunter, and Charlie. Venus was the second to last out. The winner of the challenge proved to be Hunter because Charlie tried to negotiate for rice and unfortunately he lost and still doesn’t get rice.

Hunter has Immunity. He was part of the Six. Or Five now that Tiffany was out. They all had to lay the groundwork for the next tribal council and Q took a couple of minutes to himself. He was angry that they gave up rice. They all saw Hunter climb up that tree for hide and seek. He was practically Tarzan.

Q couldn’t believe they gave up rice for the rest of the season. While Q was having a moment, Liz made a big move. She started recruiting people to go after Tevin. She wanted to blindside Tevin. Liz was willing to work with the Six to get rid of him.

Q realized they don’t have the numbers to get rid of Tiffany. He thought they need to wait before making a move on her. Hunter got upset because he really bonded with Tevin and so the Six alliance fell apart.

The only people willing to work together as well as stick together was Marie and Charlie. Charlie was Maria’s ride or die. He would vote with her before he voted with anyone else. They couldn’t trust anyone else. Q has lot control of his alliance. He was just bragging the other day about feeling like a mob boss. And now the game was being controlled by Liz.

Liz managed to convince a lot of people that Tevin has to go. It doesn’t help that they all know Tevin blindsided Soda. The only one that didn’t know about that was Venus and Tevin was considered a real threat with his social game. They went to tribal council. Q then surprised everyone by asking them all to vote him out.

Q lost control of his alliance. He knows that his days are numbered. He figured that he would make things easier by nominating himself. He got everyone talking. The Six were ticked off with him.

Q even told Tiffany that she was going to be a target if he didn’t nominate himself. Everyone thought this was the dumbest tribal council ever and the vote was all over the place. Q was trying to protect Tevin only Tevin still got voted out.

And now everyone has to return to the beach to try talking to Q.


Kristine Francis:
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