Survivor Recap 04/24/24: Season 46 Episode 9 “Spicy Jeff”

Survivor Recap 04/24/24: Season 46 Episode 9 "Spicy Jeff"Survivor Recap 04/24/24: Season 46 Episode 9 "Spicy Jeff"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 24, 2024, season 46 episode 9 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 46 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 46 episode 9 called, “Spicy Jeff,”as per the CBS synopsis, “Confusion and chaos continue to make waves throughout camp after a shocking tribal council.

Castaways must test their balance to earn safety and a spot in the final eight. Then, the emergence of multiple hidden immunity idols shakes the plan for the next tribal council

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor episode, Q fumbled the bag. He tried to leave at the last tribal council. He made enemies. He told some truths and now no one wants to play with him. He tried to go against the group. He tried to stop Tevin from being voted out, but all it did was convince everyone that they couldn’t trust him.

They still voted Tevin out. There was way too much pressure to change things at the last minute. Tiffany was still angry about everything that Q did. She sought him out on the beach after tribal. She demanded to know why he told people about her idol. He was explaining about the Six alliance. And he couldn’t really answer her.

He ruined her game. She now has to play the idol on herself at the next tribal because she was scared. She didn’t want to be voted out. She also would have probably let him use the idol.

That was no longer on the table either. Tiffany’s game was ruined. Q’s alliance had fallen apart. The whole beach wanted him gone and they couldn’t take credit for getting rid of him. It wasn’t going to be some big move. They all said that if Q makes it to the end that no one plans on voting for him. They all thought he was an idiot.

The only thing Q got going for him was that he was smarter than Venus. Venus was taking credit for other people’s work. She took credit when Tevin got Soda out.

She took credit when Liz got Tevin out. She next wants to get rid of either Q or Hunter. Hunter had apparently put down Venus name at tribal. He didn’t try to hide it. He just said he refused to oust Tevin. The two were really close friends. Plus, Hunter gave Venus the biggest compliment possible. He called her unkillable. Which in this game meant everything.

Hunter can also feel his days are numbered. He was once in the majority. There wasn’t that anymore. The Six was done. There was also someone else that was left out. Liz. Liz’s big move got overshadowed by Q’s stupid move. No one was talking about Liz. No one was considering her as a leader. She was on the outside and so was Venus.

There wasn’t a line at their door of people wanting to work with them. Q tried to take back control. He tried to oust Hunter. Hunter was a threat with challenges. And they didn’t want to give him another chance at Immunity.

Q was right about Hunter being a physical threat. Only the others know that they can work with him. They can’t work with Q because he could always do something else stupid. They all went in the Immunity Challenge. There wasn’t anyone that wanted to say they were going to win it. It wasn’t like last time.

They all feared putting a target on their backs. They split up to three groups of three. Q found himself on a team with Liz and Venus. Hunter was on a team with Maria and Charlie. It was Charlie that Q approached about throwing the game.

Charlie refused to do that. He talked to Maria. Neither of them were willing to risk their own game. They were in the lead for the first half of the Immunity Challenge. The team that comprised of Kenzie, Ben, and Tiff were out. They got knocked out early on. The second half was about individual challenges.

Hunter was in the lead and he gave that up to help the other members on his team. He was doing everything possible to show that he was loyal to whoever was willing to work with him. And it was his team that made it to the third leg where they could fight it out for Individual Immunity.

Maria was the first out in the trio. It came down to Charlie and Hunter. It’s a good thing Charlie ignored Q’s advice because Maria wouldn’t have lasted against Hunter.

Charlie ended up winning Immunity. Hunter surprised everyone when he gave up on the most painful challenge. With Charlie now safe, he was going to make sure that Maria was safe as well. They can be approached by others looking to oust someone. The one that everyone can agree on ousting was Q. If not Q, then the next target was going to be Venus.

Or at least that’s what Q believed. Q tried to get involved in the game. He tried to be the funny man again. He tried to turn Kenzie against Tiffany. It didn’t work out because she was still ticked off with him and she outright refused to work with him. Kenzie was considering a big move.

She wants to make a name for herself. She doesn’t want to be bogged down by everyone focusing on Q. She wanted to try ousting Hunter. Hunter was a real threat. She couldn’t beat him at physical challenges. Kenzie wants to make a name for herself now that she can’t rely on her friends.

Q had been a friend before the last tribal council. He wrecked everything. Kenzie wants to make this big move against Hunter. Maria and Charlie want to make a big move against Tiffany.

There was one problem with both of these plans. The targets have idols. Tiffany plans on playing her idol. Everyone knows about the idol now. It’s putting a target on her back. She wants to play it and get rid of it. She was even discussing burning it. Tiffany was trying to win back some loyalty and she was willing to work with others to oust Hunter. And Hunter got wind of the plan.

Hunter started telling people that he also has an idol. The two idols were wreaking havoc on the game. Kenzie couldn’t take responsibility for a wrong move.

She also wasn’t the first to consider ousting Hunter. That had been his former friends, Charlie and Maria. Then the tribal council came along. Q and Tiffany got in a literal argument about what happened. Kenzie kept lying to Hunter by saying they were going to vote out Q. Hunter chose to forgo playing his idol. Tiffany did the same. It came down to a tie between Q and Hunter.

They had to vote again. This time they had to decide between the two men. The loser was Hunter and so he was voted out tonight. And he also been lied to by everyone.


Kristine Francis:
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