Survivor Recap 10/30/24: Season 47 Episode 7 “Our Pickle on Blast”

Survivor Recap 10/30/24: Season 47 Episode 7 "Our Pickle on Blast"Survivor Recap 10/30/24: Season 47 Episode 7 "Our Pickle on Blast"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 30, 2024, season 47 episode 7 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 47 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 47 episode 7 called, “Our Pickle on Blast,”as per the CBS synopsis, “Two castaways must mend fences after a wild tribal council.

The Immunity Challenge leaves one group of castaways with a much-needed reward and safety in the game. Then, a secret advantage leads to a shocking change in the game.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor episode, alliances were forever shifting! Andy thought he was safe until the last tribal council. He found out Sol voted against him and now the two men have to make peace with each other. They were stuck on an island together. It’s not like one could avoid the other forever.

Sol was worried people would turn against him. The only way he could save face was by dropping someone else in it. He claimed Sam named Andy as a possible back up. He said Sam was the mastermind. Sol claims he just went along with it because he heard Rome had an idol and he didn’t want to risk being outside the majority.

Funnily enough, Sol still ended up on the outside when he voted Andy. He was the one person everyone knew voted Andy. Him throwing Sam under the bus bought him some time.

Andy and Sam were buddies. Andy was naturally hurt when he heard that his friend named him as a backup and so he was in the perfect depressed position when Genevieve came along. Genevieve’s chief ally went home last week. She needed to fill that position and she figured that Andy wouldn’t be mad at having a few friends in his corner.

Andy has closely worked with several other castmates. The one thing he didn’t have was a ride or die. He needed one person to forever be in his corner and someone he knew would never vote against him.

That person could be Genevieve. The tribes have been merged. People were reaching out to former rivals and Genevieve wasn’t the only one looking for a final two. Teeny wanted to form an all women alliance. There were more women than men. It also wasn’t the first time that women have suggested all female alliance only to have break it down towards the end.

Teeny wanted to do things differently than the former castmates. She was friendly with most of the women. She knew Genevieve recently lost Rome. She knew that Tiyana wanted to take out Gabe.

She made herself appear friendly and it was helping her to learn everyone’s secret thoughts. Then the Immunity Challenge came. The castmates were split into two groups of six. There was an equal number of Gata and Lavo on one time. The other time were all Tuku and Rachel. Which didn’t look good for Rachel.

The winning team of the Immunity Challenge got treated to a BBQ picnic. The were all safe that night. It worked differently for the losing team. The last person standing on the losing team got immunity, but they still have to eliminate one member of the losing team. Rachel knew that her team losing would automatically place her up for elimination.

The formerly Tuku tribe have been together since day one. They weren’t going to turn on each other for Rachel. Rachel was the most nervous going into the challenge tonight.

The challenge itself was them balancing themselves on a beam while holding up a stick. There was a ball balanced on the stick and it couldn’t drop. Nor could they get off the beam.

The mixed team managed to win it. The blue team lost. The blue team was the one with Tuku tribe and Rachel. Rachel didn’t even earn immunity. Kyle won immunity for the second time. Kyle along with the others had to vote and some questioned if eliminating Rachel was too easy of a choice. Rachel wasn’t that much of a threat.

The winning team was discussing the same thing. They thought the Tuku tribe would be too strong if they got rid of Rachel and so the Lavo and Gata tribes wanted to target them if Rachel was out of the picture.

Rachel was that big of a deciding vote. Only there was an upside with Rachel being on the losing team. Tiyana needed Rachel’s vote to get rid of Gabe. She was back at it again with him being a bigger threat. She was talking to everyone secretly to blindside Gabe. Kyle seemed willing to back her. Rachel could be a deciding vote.

Or she could be a blindside. Tiyana spoke to Caroline. Caroline likes Rachel. The two were friendly. Caroline then said that a lot of people like Caroline. She has a strong social game and she was a bigger threat than Gabe.

If they keep Gabe on their side, they will have the majority. They could easily eliminate others. Caroline made such a great case that she convinced Tiyana to back off the Gabe plan. The former Tuku tribe were all set to eliminate Rachel when Gabe created a problem for everyone to clean up.

Gabe was set on eliminating Rachel. He just didn’t want Rachel to know or play her shot in the dark. He came up with this wild story to convince Rachel she was safe.

He set he was determined to target Caroline. Caroline was the bigger threat and Gabe wanted Rachel’s vote to send her home. Rachel had heard so many stories that she wasn’t sure who she should believe. She was going back and forth on what to do when an advantage entered the picture. Someone found an advantage at the picnic.

Back at the picnic, Andy got a little sloppy. He waited for everyone to fall asleep after overeating. He then started looking for an advantage and he was so loud that the others woke up.

Sierra caught him doing it. She was ticked off. She admitted they were only keeping Andy around to get the majority of votes at tribal. Genevieve also was worried for her new friend. Andy stopped looking for the advantage after being spotted and then funniest thing happened. Sol found the advantage. It was right next to them at the picnic.

Sol was given the chance to give the advantage to someone at tribal council. It could either block someone else’s vote or save someone from elimination. Sol gave Rachel the advantage.

She used it that night by saving herself. She couldn’t vote only she didn’t care because she got to last another day. She also didn’t know it was Sol that gave her the advantage. No one knew it was Sol. The winning team suspected it was Andy because he was looking around earlier. And without Rachel being a choice, the Tuku tribe had to turn on each other.

They later voted out Tiyana.

Tiyana was the first to turn against her fellow Tuku and there were consequences to that.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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