The Amazing Race Recap 04/17/24: Season 36 Episode 6 “Our Alliance Strikes Again”

The Amazing Race Recap 04/17/24: Season 36 Episode 6 "Our Alliance Strikes Again"The Amazing Race Recap 04/17/24: Season 36 Episode 6 "Our Alliance Strikes Again"

Tonight the CBS series The Amazing Race airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 17, 2024, season 36 episode 6 and we have your The Amazing Race recap below. In tonight’s season, 36 episode 6 called, “Our Alliance Strikes Again,” as per the CBS synopsis,

“Teams compete in double the roadblocks and double the detours on a megaleg in Argentina.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:30 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Amazing Race recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Amazing Race news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Amazing Race recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Amazing Race episode, Boyfriends Ricky and Cesar have been in the lead for weeks up until now. They headed to Argentina for the Mega Leg. Their first task came down to Bicicleta or boleadora. One required throwing rope around a fake bull. The other required riding enough bicycles to ground up plastic bottles.

Ricky and Cesar chose bola. Most people ended up choosing bola. There was an alliance between three teams. They all followed the mother/son duo Angie and Danny because Danny was the best navigator. He’s helped them before. He’s willing to keep helping them now, And they all decided to stick together.

They ran into more teams at bola. They were each given ten chances to throw a rope around a fake bull. People chose it because they thought throwing was easier than riding a stationary bike. The alliance of three teams saw how difficult it was and they switched to the other one. They headed back to the cars and they headed towards the Bicicleta.

Only the bikes required a lot of physical energy. The dating pair of nurses also had a bike that got stuck. The bike was supposed to recycle plastic. It sometimes was hard to get things down if they chose the longer bottles. The smaller bottles were easier to ground down.

Something they had to learn when the bike kept getting stuck with the large bottles. Rod was doing the best at that. He was once in the NFL and has maintained a great shape.

He was the first to finish with the task. Danny was second. Amber was third. They then mapped out a path to their next location. Danny was once again the navigator. They hopped into their cars and they drove to the next location. Where they ran into a few familiar faces. Ricky and Cesar finished bola. The military pilots were in the lead after they also finished bola.

The grandparents, the firefighting moms, and even the girlfriends were in the bottom three. They were still doing stuff while everyone else drove to the dirt track. They all had to ride along on this dirt track in a race car.

They also had to map the path they took in the car. Juan and Shane were the first to finish this task. Ricky and Cesar were still trying to figure it out on maps. They had to go back onto the course because they kept getting the map wrong. It was after their third attempt that they got it right.

Juan and Shane were in the lead. Ricky and Cesar were second. There was no third right because the alliance were next. They let the women in their lives doing the driving. It was hard on them because if they get the map wrong, they had to back into the car. Angie got motion sickness.

She couldn’t go another round. The medics had to look at her. Angie still went back for another round. Amber was the first to get out of that alliance. She didn’t want to leave the other teams. They had all bonded. Amber stayed to help Angie get it right.

Amber also helped Leticia. The three teams took off together. They went to their next stop together. Bizzy and Sunny felt a little excluded. They had to do the map by themselves because no one came to help them. They were able to finish in time. They weren’t dead last like the grandparents.

Derek and Shelisa started out in the bottom tonight and they’ve been stuck there ever since. They were still figuring out the map of the racecourse when the others were heading to the soccer field.

They have to wear a bubble suit and score a winning point while in that suit. Shane and Juan were back in the lead when they became the first to get that right.

They were also the first to make it to the butcher’s. They were given two options for the next leg. They were told they could go to the butchers to do a meat challenge or they could do a fingerprint challenge.

They chose meat. They went to the butcher’s. They saw him arrange meat in how the beef was cut. The guys then had to arrange cuts of men to match where they come from the cow’s body. Shane and Juan were taking so long that Ricky and Cesar were able to catch up to them. They were all trying to do the meat challenge.

Shane and Juan got it first. Ricky and Cesar got it second. They raced to the last leg of the Mega Leg. Everyone else was at the soccer field. Angie tried to wear the bubble suit.

She wasn’t at her peak of physical strength and she didn’t know how to play dirty to score a goal. Rod did. That’s why he was the first of the alliance to get his clue for the next place. Angie finished it next. Vinny or possibly Amber finished it next. They all chose meat over fingerprints. They ran into two other teams. The firefighting moms and the girlfriends.

The alliance was able to push out the two women teams. There were only three desks to work at to match the beef pieces to each other. The women all left to check on the butcher’s cut.

When they left, the others came in. They claimed all the spots. They were now in the lead and there’s nothing the women could do about it. Rod and Leticia got the meat challenge first. They showed the others in their alliance. The firefighting moms and the girlfriends came in only no one wanted to help them. Angie had to especially warn her son because he can be too nice.

The alliance later came in third, fourth, and fifth on their last leg. The all women teams came in next. Derek and Shelisa never gained ground. They started tonight at the bottom and they were eliminated tonight after staying in the bottom.


Kristine Francis:
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