The Bachelor Recap 01/29/24: Season 28 Episode 2

The Bachelor Recap 01/29/24: Season 28 Episode 2The Bachelor Recap 01/29/24: Season 28 Episode 2

The Bachelor 2024 airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Monday, January 29, 2024, season 28 episode 2 and we have your The Bachelor recap below. On tonight’s The Bachelor season 28 episode 1 as per the ABC synopsis, “With the women moved into the mansion, Joey’s first group date gives several ladies the chance to experience their own wedding reception.

The stakes are higher than ever as the “brides” compete for an intimate first dance with Joey, set to smooth vocals of Michael Bolton. Next, Joey and one lucky lady fly off to the Beach Life Music Festival for the first one-on-one date of the season, featuring a performance by Bahamas!

We will be blogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelor and you just know there is going to be tons of drama, catfights, and tears. So come back tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM for our live The Bachelor recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Bachelor photos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s The Bachelor episode, the new Bachelor has his hands full this season. There’s already a villain. There’s a pair of sisters competing with each other and using him as their prop. The saddest part though was that there were plenty of women there for the reasons.

Most of them were going to be left heartbroken at the end of this because unlike fanfics there’s little chance of Joey choosing the harem aesthetic. No, he will be choosing one woman. It would probably be the person that’s been honest with him. Someone he can trust. Someone he can respect. And that right away rules out at least three of the women he chose at the last rose ceremony.

Take the sisters. Lauren and Allison have dated the same guy before. They didn’t go into the other situation intentionally. There was just some overlap with a guy they were both talking to. They both felt that prepared them for Joey. Joey invited Lauren along with a few others on the first group date.

For the date, the ladies all had to pick out a wedding dress to potentially get married in. There was a rush to the dresses. They were so eager to grab at them that one of them toppled the stand. They then got dressed up. They traveled in dressed up cars that said “Almost Married” on them.

It made them realize what their special day might look like. Lauren actually got teary-eyed because her father had recently passed away. She always thought her dad would be at the wedding and now they’ve missed that chance. The wedding brough out a softer side to Lauren. It also brought out a tougher side to Taylor.

Taylor was still pretty angry about what happened on night one with Jess. Jess purposely interrupted her time with Joey. She wouldn’t take the hint to go away. And so the both of them being on the first group date has led to some tension.

Jess doesn’t mind the tension. She said from day one that she wasn’t there to make friends. She was here for Joey and only for Joey. It’s a point of pride that she was the first one he kissed.

She couldn’t help bragging about it. This too rubbed a few of the women the wrong way. Jess was not liked. Hence she showed herself to be an early villain this season. She like the other women on the first group date was given a chance to sit near Joey tonight on the group date. They just had to play musical chairs first to decide who got to sit next to him at their reception.

When that music stopped, Evalin flew over a table to try grabbing a spot next to him. She missed it by a few seconds and she ended up landing on Lauren.

She didn’t get to sit next to him only she still left a massive impression all the same. Joey appreciated her athleticism. She showed him true commitment. Joey got some alone time with each of the women at the reception. He liked that Maria kept him on his toes. He liked that Rachel made him feel special with her speech. He liked that Erika was playful with him. He even had a little kiss with Jess.

Joey got to choose one person to have the first dance with. He chose Rachel. They danced to a live performance of “When A Man Loves A Woman” by Michael Bolton. Joey also kissed Rachel during the dance. Joey later spoke to the women one on one. Maria wore a great as well as sexy outfit after she got changed.

She also couldn’t stop kissing Joey the second she had him in her sights. Maria was definitely going to stay with him in thoughts if not body for the next few days. And when she returned to the group, they were some like Rachel that was upset with her for changing into something sexy.

Funnily enough the tension did crack open Jess’s tough exterior. She said she always feels like she’s on high when she’s with Joey and that the others constantly do their best to bring her down in the aftermath. She saw Taylor mocking her when she was with Joey. She brought it up with the group.

Taylor was unapologetic. Jess went off to cry and Joey found her. They had a heart to heart. He was surprised by the softer side to Jess. They also kissed again. He later gave her the only rose from the group date because he seems to really like her.

The women from the group date hadn’t known about the first solo date until they got back. It turns out that during their wedding reception with the group date, Joey had sent a note to Daisy to announce his first solo date. Daisy has this quiet confidence that Joey feels drawn to.

They have great chemistry. Everyone saw her get dolled up for the first solo. Her outfit was more playful than sexy and still she left an impression. They took a helicopter out on the water. They went to a music festival. He was really good at maintaining eye contact with her.

It helped because she does have a cochlear implant. The two went on upstage for the big kiss. Joey was that excited about showing her that she was special to him and that allowed her to lower her guard. Daisy was full disclosure on this date.

The two went on to have a private dinner on a rooftop. Daisy told him at the dinner about the implant as well as contracting Lyme Disease at one point. She went through a few months of getting treatment and now she’s out on the other side. She feels better than ever. She’s healthier now than she was then.

Daisy was someone Joey could see himself with at the end of this. Joey was someone Daisy can envision a future with. It seems things were going well for Joey.

Joey would go on another group date after the solo. This one was less fun. It was an actual bootcamp with Demi and Jubilee from previous seasons. Joey was very competitive. He was looking for that in a partner. They had their bootcamp and then they were split in two teams. They played the best out of three of capturing the heart.

Edwina really impressed Joey here. The Blue Team won. Edwina was on that team. They were then told that just one person from the team would spend time with Joey and so the teammates turned on each other because of course they would.

They were some that were genuinely upset when he ultimately chose Edwina. Edwina played it cool amongst the ladies. She was vulnerable with Joey. Joey really enjoyed his solo time with Edwina. He even gave her a rose at the end of their time together.

Back at the house sadly there was drama brewing. Madina expressed to the group that she feels vulnerable about her age. She was the oldest there at thirty-one. She was even older than Joey and
Madina felt insecure about that. She didn’t try to hide it. She didn’t try to take out her frustrations on the younger woman. She simply mentioned her insecurity. She told them and then Maria started talking behind her back. Maria was talking to another woman about how she wasn’t insecure at all. She was twenty-nine herself. She said Joey probably finds that sexy and that’s why they’re still there.

Maria also mentioned that Madina needed to “own it”. It wasn’t anything too bad. It was expressed to Madina that Maria was talking bad behind her back and so the rumors circulated to Maria. Maria began to feel concerned. She didn’t want these rumors to reach Joey. It was the night of the rose ceremony.

Maria tried to talk to Madina. Madina didn’t want to go into that headspace. She hasn’t had alone time with Joey. She wanted to prepare for that over arguing with Maria. Maria agreed that they should talk again afterwards. And then Maria wanted to know who brought up the rumor.

Maria mentioned it to the group when Madina was out of the room. Some found her annoying. Like Rachel who still hadn’t gotten over the sexy outfit from earlier. Maria has become a villain without trying to be one and now some of the women wanted her gone. Lauren was afraid of joining her.

Lauren’s grief about her dad prevented her from carving out some alone time with Joey earlier in the week. She tried to make up for it on the night of the rose ceremony and her emotions were still pretty much all over the place. And she ended up destroying a pretty good cake in anger.

Lauren ended up quitting because she wasn’t in the right headspace. Her sister however stayed. Allison was dealing with their father’s passing a little better than Lauren had. Later, Maria ended up getting a rose. The woman who talked smack about her was Sydney and she also got a rose. Along with Madina. Erika, Marlena, and Taylor were left without roses. And were thus eliminated tonight.

And the drama continues into next week because of this age thing.


Kristine Francis:
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