The Bachelor Recap 02/05/24: Season 28 Episode 3

The Bachelor Recap 02/05/24: Season 28 Episode 3The Bachelor Recap 02/05/24: Season 28 Episode 3

The Bachelor 2024 airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Monday, February 5, 2024, season 28 episode 3 and we have your The Bachelor recap below. On tonight’s The Bachelor season 28 episode 3 as per the ABC synopsis, “As Joey’s journey to love continues, he’s joined by a few familiar faces. First, the ASKN ladies of “The Golden Bachelor” – April, Susan, Kathy and Nancy – return at the week’s first group date to offer up some advice and help find Joey’s Mrs. Right.

Then, one lucky woman hits the beach for a romantic one-on-one date; and the remaining women gear up for a tennis date like none other, guest judged by host Jesse Palmer alongside ESPN’s James Blake and Pam Shriver.

We will be blogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelor and you just know there is going to be tons of drama, catfights, and tears. So come back tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM for our live The Bachelor recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Bachelor photos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Bachelor recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Bachelor episode, Joey doesn’t like drama. He tires to stay out of that until something or someone forces his hand. Which was what happened tonight. Joey was forced to address the women he was dating after he heard rumors of bullying. He doesn’t like bullying. He will never tolerate it from someone he’s dating.

He addressed the group because he wanted answers and to potentially send someone home only that happened towards the end of the week. There was a lot that happened before then. It was down to eighteen of them. They had just gotten over a rotten week. They were all feeling pretty good when letters arrived from Joey.

Joey invited another group to a group date. Maria was included in this group. This group also had Sydney. The two women do not like each other and Sydney mentioned in her confessional that she was dreading spending time with Maria. The two fell out last week. Sydney heard Maria talking behind someone’s back. Madina’s back.

It wasn’t truly mean because she said Madina should be proud of being a hot older woman. It just should have been said to Madina rather than behind her back.

Anyways, Sydney actually ran off to tell the others what Maria was doing. She told everyone about how Maria said she was old too and Madina felt offended. The old comment stemmed from her admitting her private fears to the group.

Maria could have come to her to reassure her. Maria didn’t have to start talking about her behind her back and she did do that. Counterpoint: Sydney also didn’t have to run go play tattletale. They were all grown women. They should have been passed that stage.

With all of that’s happened, the two women now no longer like each other. Sydney seemed more offended by being with Maria than Maria did by being with Sydney. Maria thought the drama was over.

Sydney was still talking about how she could never forget what Maria did. They along with others got to enjoy taking part in the Mrs. Right Pageant Show. There was a Q&A. There was a Talent Show. There was even a Best Outfit round. The championship ended up going to Lexi who did less than some of the others and still managed to hold onto Joey’s attention.

Lexi won. She was so pleased because it got her some extra time with Joey. The other women weren’t as pleased because they felt they put in more of an effort and so that got them talking while Lexi was off with Joey.

They said they felt it should have gone to someone else. They didn’t think being a great kisser was much of a talent much less that she won for it. Sydney then said to the group that Lexi was her girl and that while she was disappointed she didn’t win herself she wasn’t going to badmouth Lexi.

It was commendable of Syndey to say that because that’s the direction some were going in. Even the ones that made a great impression about fairness on the first night. They were now feeling bitter and so Sydney refusing to change was commendable. Sydney also didn’t use her time to talk about others with Joey.

Maria was the only one that told Joey about how uncomfortable they were that Lexi won the pageant. Maria was a self-confessed introvert. She left herself be vulnerable to compete and she needed validation after that.

Maria used her time to discuss her feelings with Joey. She didn’t intentionally bring up anyone else. Madina did that. She used what little time with Joey to tell her that she felt bullied at the cocktail party.

She said someone was demanding answers from her and that left her feeling trapped. She was talking about Maria. Notice however how she never addressed the problem with Maria. Not even when Maria tried to talk to her about it. Madina had fobbed her off at the time because she said she didn’t want to go into that headspace and so Maria left her alone last week. Maria mostly took issue with Sydney. Not with Madina.

Madina was literally the oldest women there tonight. Did she have to use the word bullying? Did Maria threaten her or forced her to do something against her will?

Was that part not shown last week because what the hell is she talking about? Madina didn’t say Maria’s name to Joey. Joey had to talk to the group that there shouldn’t be any bullying. He also gave the group date rose to Kelsey. After he left, Maria wondered out loud what that bullying thing was about. Madina admitted that she mentioned something to Joey.

Madina clarified that she didn’t call Maria a bully. She just said she felt bullied. Sydney then stirred the pot by saying that Maria was a bully and she also felt bullied by her. Maria then asked for context.

She wanted to know how she was a bully. Sydney couldn’t give her an answer. She left the group because she said she didn’t want to be around bad energy. Maria then cleared the air with Madina. She apologized if she came on too strong. She didn’t know where Sydney was coming from and she was ready to move past the drama.

The other women didn’t think Maria was a bully. They thought she was bold and confident. They liked Maria. They had no problems with her nor were they painting themselves as victims like Sydney was.

Sydney had her great moments. She was great friend to some of the women. She’s never badmouth them behind their backs. She just seemed to resent Maria for some reason. She was acting like Maria victimized her and she wouldn’t explain why she was of that mindset. It was very odd.

Later, Joey went on a solo date with Jenn. They went surfing. They had dinner. They could really picture a life together and it was very romantic. He was already talking about kids with her. Not that it stopped him from going on more dates. Joey went on a second group date tonight. He invited the women to a tennis lesson.

The tennis court is his happy place. It’s also his career. He wanted to give the women a tennis lesson and he had two pros there to help. Joey was completing fangirling of tonight’s celebrity guests. And they were there to judge tennis matches between the women.

It was doubles vs doubles until just one duo was left. Evalin and Kelsey T. won. They also made Joey laugh with their costumes. The ladies all enjoyed their date with Joey. Daisy checked in with him to see if he was okay after their last conversation and he was doing well with her cochlear implant.

The second group date rose went to Katelyn who admitted to him that she has a family curse. The women in her family were all single because they couldn’t hold onto a guy. The family was hoping that Katelyn will break that curse for them.

Joey would later visit the house to see the women. Sydney started talking about Maria. She kept mentioning how Maria was starting all the drama and Maria was toxic. She told Joey that Maria was the person that Madina was talking about. She said that Maria called her dumb and other names. She pictured Maria as the villain.

Joey said to himself that doesn’t sound like the Maria he knows. He therefore decided to go seek out Maria. He wanted to talk to Maria about what’s been happening. He asked her if she was calling people names. And she told him she’s not like that at all because she never called anyone names,

She would say this was dumb. Them arguing was dumb. She just never said Sydney was dumb. Maria gave Joey a completely different story to the one that Sydney told him earlier. Joey left the house after that because he said he wanted time to think. Joey knows he has to choose between Sydney and Maria or if they should both be eliminated tonight.

The next rose ceremony was a tough one. He gave Kelsey, Jenn and Katelyn roses earlier. The last night he chose to give Lexi a rose followed by Lea, Edwina, Daisy, Jess, Kelsey T, Jess, Autumn, Allison. Rachel, Madina, Maria, and Sydney getting a rose.

And it was goodbye to Chrissa, Evalin, and Starr tonight.


Kristine Francis:
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