The Bachelorette Recap 08/19/24: Season 21 Episode 7 “Hometowns Week”

The Bachelorette Recap 08/19/24: Season 21 Episode 7 "Hometowns Week"The Bachelorette Recap 08/19/24: Season 21 Episode 7 "Hometowns Week"

The Bachelorette airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Monday, August 19, 2024, episode, and we have your weekly The Bachelorette recap below. In tonight’s season, 21 episode 7 as per the ABC synopsis, “It’s hometowns week! As her journey continues, Jenn makes her way to meet the families of her four remaining men.

The week is filled with intimate dates and important conversations that leave Jenn hopeful for clarity in her relationships. With only three roses left to hand out, this will be her most difficult decision so far — but will she make the right one?

We will be liveblogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette and you know there will be tons of drama, catfights, and tears. So come back tonight at 8 PM for our live two-hour The Bachelorette recap of tonight’s episode.

While you wait for the recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for this season of The Bachelorette.

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It was Hometown week. Jenn got to go home with the guys. She met their families. She considered where she’d fit in best and she also got to see another side to the guys she was dating. Jenn first headed to Houston, Texas to be with Devin. Devin was happy in Texas. His family is there. His friends are there. The same friends that got him into running. His friends all came out to meet Jenn. They were super nice. They were wearing t-shirts with Devin and Jenn’s faces on them. And they all went running together.

Devin used to be a fat kid. His friends helped him get into shape. They love going for runs and marathons. Jenn seemed to fit right in with them. She was physically fit. She doesn’t mind exercising. She kept up with them. She also didn’t complain about it or develop a cramp. After the run, Jenn met Devin’s dog. Devin was a great girldad to his dog. He loved dog like she was a kid and Jenn was good with her. Not everyone was good with dogs or dogs they just met. Jenn came to appreciate the bond Devin had with his dog.

Devin and Jenn then went to dinner with his family. Devin wasn’t always close with his father. His dad was in and out of his life when he was younger. They reconnected when Devin got older. They were still working through their relationship, but Devin told Jenn upfront that he couldn’t get engaged to anyone who hasn’t met his dad. Jenn knew she had to impress. She just didn’t expect that Devin’s dad would be easier than his mom. His mom grilled Jenn. She wanted to know what made Devin special for Jenn.

Jenn was dating four guys at once. Their mothers wanted to know their sons were being treated right. Jenn ended up saying that Devin understood her because they were so similar. She explained her whole background to Devin’s mom. They connected because of their similar backgrounds. They were raised by single mothers. They had to watch their mothers struggled as their dads was inconsistent. What Jenn didn’t know was that Devin talked to his dad about his feelings for Jenn. He told his dad that he didn’t want to tell Jenn he loves her only for her to tell someone she loves them. Devin wanted to say the words when he knew he’d be the only one.

His hesitancy doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. He does love her. He told his mom that he loves Jenn. He was simply worried about saying the words to her and he eventually got over his fear. He later told Jenn he loves her. It made her so happy. It made him happy. Both of them could envision a future with each other. It just didn’t stop Jenn from going on her next Hometown. Jenn next headed to Fairfield, Connecticut to be with Jeremy. Jeremy was Jenn’s last one on one date. She saved him for last because she’s always been sure about him and so Hometown was just to confirm those feelings.

Jeremy took Jenn on the most Jeremy-ist date ever. He took her shopping. Jenn took Jeremy to two food markets overseas. He figured he’d return the favor. He took on a trip to Connecticut markets. The store there that he took her shopping at was the wildest grocery store that Jenn had ever seen. They served ice cream, fresh popcorn, and there were cows everywhere. There was even a cow mascot. They also ran into Jeremy’s aunt at the store and so Jenn’s introduction to his family happened before either of them were ready for it.

Luckily, Jeremy’s sense of humor saved the day like it always does. He was unshakable. Jenn met his aunt and they grabbed something for his mom before they went to go meet up with the rest of the family. She had Jeremy tell them about the night they first met. How he pulled up in a sports car though he left out how someone ended up stealing the keys to that car and interrupted his alone time with Jenn. Jeremy and Jenn weren’t that serious about each other. They were having fun and still getting to know each other. And Jeremy’s mom picked up on that.

Jeremy’s mom wasn’t too sure about the whole process. She didn’t think Jeremy was taking his future with Jenn all that seriously at this stage and maybe they had something to do with her dating other people. The mom wasn’t sure. Neither were the two people supposedly dating. Jeremy was ready to meet the right person and he might not be ready for an engagement at the end of this. He was falling for Jenn. What he means by that was him loving to be around her. Them feeding off of each other’s energy. It just wasn’t the commitment that either of them were looking for.

The upside was that Jenn wasn’t running around telling everyone she’s falling for them. She next headed to San Diego, California to be with Jonathan. Jonathan makes her feel very seen and understood. He was also honest with her about having an emotional wall up. They don’t have much time to break down the wall before the final rose ceremony. Jonathan’s Hometown was to help Jenn see if they do have a future. The two of them played lacrosse. They both played at school and it was a fun experience.

Jenn was looking for Jonathan to tell her he has feelings for her. Only he wasn’t there yet. He considered the word “love” to be a big deal. He just wasn’t going to brandish it about if he wasn’t completely invested and he told her as much. It also didn’t help things when Jenn met his family. She met his brother and sister-in-law. The two met on Tinder. They said “I love you” by the third date. Jonathan couldn’t say that to Jenn after weeks of getting to know each other and so Jenn had to consider if she was ever going to hear those words.

Jenn talked to the rest of Jonathan’s family. She told him how amazing Jonathan was. She has a deep respect for him and she’s waiting for Jonathan to become just as invested. Jonathan still had his misgivings. He was hurt once before. He wasn’t trusting the person he saw. He didn’t know if what he saw of Jenn was the real her or what she wanted him to see. He talked to his mom. His mom assessed his feelings for Jenn and she basically told him to stop hiding. Jonathan was finally able to admit that he was falling for Jenn. And while she didn’t say it to him, she did say in her confessional that she was falling for him too.

Jenn lastly headed to Tacoma, Washington to be with Marcus. Marcus didn’t have much family. He just has his sister. His parents abandoned them as kids and they grew up in foster care. They had to build a family for themselves and Marcus’s friends became his family. He literally had the entire crew out ready to meet Jenn. There was just one problem. Marcus wasn’t sure about his feelings for Jenn. He felt as if he was stuck in-between liking someone and falling in love with them. He wasn’t sure how he felt and so he talked to his friend Scott.

Marcus was afraid to invest in someone else because he’s been hurt too many times. He told Jenn he cares for her. He just couldn’t say the word “love”. Or give the much safer word “falling”. Plus, Jenn still had to eliminate someone tonight. The guys reunited. They don’t have a problem with each other. They were all friendly. Jonathan and Marcus even do word puzzles together at the hotel. They didn’t mind reuniting. They also didn’t try to undermine each other. And going into the Rose Ceremony, Marcus was still struggling.

They’ve all introduced Jenn to their families. It was a big step for them and, for some, it deepened their feelings for Jenn. For others, it left questions. Jenn admitted she was falling for the guys. She just couldn’t choose all of them. She gave a rose to Devin first. She gave a rose to Jonathan second. She gave her final rose to Marcus and tonight was it for Jeremy. Jeremy was eliminated.

Jeremy was a nice guy and he will surely fall in love again, but Jenn wasn’t it for him and they both knew it.

The End

Kristine Francis:
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