The Equalizer Recap 02/25/24: Season 4 Episode 2 “Full Throttle”

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, February 25, 2024, season 4 episode 2 called “Full Throttle,” and we have your The Equalizer recap below.

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “After a young girl is struck by a car in an illegal street race, McCall tracks down the person responsible for the hit-and-run.

Meanwhile, Dee contemplates the idea of following in her mother’s footsteps to join the armed forces.

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Delilah was thinking about her future. She initially wanted to go into fashion. She backed away from that idea once she saw the dark side to that world and it doesn’t help that she looks up to her mom. Her mom is her hero. She helps saves the world every day. Dee now wants to be like her. She wants to enlist. She wants to see action. She was even considering skipping college altogether. Dee talked to her mom about not wanting to wait around at West Point. She thought maybe if she enlists straight away that she’ll start helping people sooner than she did by going to college. And Robyn was trying not to be that parent by talking her daughter out of this decision.

Robyn talked to her Aunt Vi. Her aunt felt they needed to support Delilah. Let her see that she doesn’t have to limit herself in order to do good. This meant that they couldn’t shoot down her ideas. They have to talk it out with her. They have to really listen to her. Robyn was considering that when another mother reached out to her. This poor woman’s daughter had gotten hit by a car. It was a hit and run. There were plenty of witnesses. They all said that two cars were racing and that neither of them wanted to slow down long enough not to hit the girl.

Baby girl was in a coma after what happened to her. Her mother wanted justice. She just wasn’t the only one looking for someone to blame. It didn’t take Robyn or Harry for that matter long before they found one of the parties involved in the road race. His name was Johnny Black. He runs a chop shop with his friend Brody Connors. The two of them were quick to point blame to the other car. When Detective Dante stopped by flashing his badge, the two racers claimed the other guy hit the girl.

They said the other guy was new on the scene. He was a poser. He reportedly got rough on the road with them. Dante saw Johnny’s car. It looked like Johnny tried to run this other guy off the road. It also looked like Johnny and his friend wanted to get to this other guy first to shut him up. Robyn didn’t want to let that happen. She looked for this other guy. She identified him as Ari Bentang. He was the son of a Sudanese diplomat. He was also on the spectrum. He was autistic. It explains his blunt form of speech that everyone whose met him has talked about.

Only it doesn’t explain what happened after the race. Ari disappeared. Mel went to the embassy to talk to his family and the family said he never made it home that night. They haven’t seen him. His mother was worried about him. His father however practically shoved Mel out the door. They said they were dealing with the matter internally. What they failed to mention was that Ari has been kidnapped. He was grabbed outside of the embassy when he was coming back home. And whoever has him has now demanded something from his father.

Mel and Robyn followed Ari’s dad Sameer to a meeting with the people that grabbed him. He went with his secretary. The secretary got shot. The ladies intervened at that point. They shot one of the kidnappers. They protected Sameer. The only thing they wanted in return were answers. What was going on? Sameer wouldn’t talk until his wife came down to the station and was prepared to threaten him. That’s when Sameer revealed he stole something from his new boss. His country has gotten taken over by a ruthless dictator. And Sameer stole from that guy.

This dictator shot down a plane of diplomats when they refused to hand over the country to him. He was ruthless and prepared to kill any and everyone to maintain power. Sameer stole a diamond from him. It was worth seven million American dollars. Sameer’s secretary was supposed to help him sell it only there was a hitch. Sameer hid the diamond in Ari’s Maserati. He was trying to avoid it being found on him when he got searched. He hid it. He didn’t think that Ari would take the car out. He did and he started drag racing in it.

After the race nearly killed a girl, Ari hid the car. He was grabbed because people want that diamond. They questioned Ari. He wouldn’t talk. They tried to demand answers from his father. Sameer didn’t know where the car was. It was just Ari that knew where he hid the vehicle. He didn’t know that the diamond was in the vehicle. Someone who might have known was Johnny Black. The kidnappers grabbed Johnny. They shot and killed him when Robyn got close enough to wing one of them. And so Johnny might have been one of the few people to know where that car was.

Robyn realized that Johnny was running a scam with his buddies at the chop shop. They would race these expensive cars and then hide trackers in them so that they could strip it later with the owner away. Johnny’s buddies therefore knew where the car was thanks to that tracker. They gave it to Robyn when she informed them that Johnny had been killed. Johnny’s best bud Brody then took it upon himself to go to that location because he wanted to get revenge for his friend. Robyn, Mel, and Detective Dante had to step in before he could get Ari killed.

They couldn’t let Brody risk them recovering Ari alive. They went in. They were forced to shoot their way to Ari and they saved him. Brody had to die only they could live with that. They saved Ari. Ari then had to take responsibility for what he did. He gave up his Immunity to plead guilty in the hit and run of the girl. He couldn’t return to Sudan because he along with his family will be murdered by the dictator. Ari chose to protect his family. He turned himself in and he learned that the little girl will survive. And her mother has agreed not to press charges. She didn’t want another child’s life to be over.

Robyn later figured out who had the diamond and she gave it back to Sameer. His family can now start over somewhere safe. They didn’t have to return to face a brutal regime.

And Aunt Vi meanwhile arranged for Dee to talk to Briggs again. Briggs told all of his horror stories about his time overseas. It scared Dee. It simply didn’t phase her. Or change her mind about joining the military. Dee still saw Briggs as a hero. She wants to become like him. She was also now angry with her Aunt Vi for trying to change her mind by using manipulation. And so it will be an uphill battle to convince her to go to college.


Kristine Francis:
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