The Good Doctor Recap 03/19/24: Season 7 Episode 3 “Critical Support”

Tonight on NBC their new medical drama “The Good Doctor” airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 19, 2024, episode and we have you The Good Doctor recap below. In tonight’s The Good Doctor season 7 episode, 3 called, “Critical Support,” as per the ABC synopsis, “Shaun continues to be tested by Charlie when their newest case prompts her incessant stream of questions – all in pursuit of an answer.

Meanwhile, Morgan struggles on who to name as guardian for Baby Eden should anything happen to her.”

So make sure to tune in between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our The Good Doctor recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, videos & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Good Doctor recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Good Doctor episode, Dr. Shaun Murphy had to overcome many challenges before he became a doctor. He doesn’t technically understand why he should make things any easier on Dr. Charlotte Lukaitis than it was for him. She was on the spectrum. Like him. She wanted to be a doctor like him.

She was inspired by him. He just didn’t see the need on why he should help her or give her tips on being a doctor. She went to medical school. She needs to learn things for herself or she was never going to learn. Shaun didn’t give her tips, but the rest of the world did.

They reminded Charlie that her condition doesn’t stop her for getting in trouble. She couldn’t ask Asher what his sexual position was after learning he was gay. She couldn’t admit to having sexual fantasies about their patient. She also couldn’t keep cutting off her boss. Shaun was her boss.

When he’s speaking, it’s best to let him speak. Shaun was overseeing her patient. The patient was a frat boy. He was a college student who did a lot of stupid stuff. This included playing a slapping game that resulted in him not hearing through one ear.

Phipps even let his buddy test a nonlethal gun round on him. He had a deep bruise to his chest. They had to give him a scan to see if he broke his ribs and he didn’t break ribs.

He just had an unexplainable mass. He wasn’t a smoker so there was little chance it was cancer. Shaun still ordered a biopsy to be done to see what it was. Asher, Jared, and Charlie oversaw the procedure. They went looking and whatever it was moved. It was no longer in the patient’s chest. They have no idea what it was and the patient wasn’t getting better.

Phipps was getting worse. He experienced slurred speech. He was disorientated. Charlie tried to order the nurse to give medication to treat a stroke and Shaun stopped her.

He told her she was wrong. She tried to argue her position. Which resulted in her getting thrown out the room. Shaun asked her very firmly to leave. She felt he yelled at her. She later told him that she doesn’t deal well with yelling. She said that was outside her parameters with conversation. He tried to tell her that he didn’t yell. He said he spoke with urgency because she made a mistake and she couldn’t move past it.

Shaun had to move past his old troubles. Its why he’s such a good doctor now. He had great teachers and he worked alongside amazing people. Morgan wanted Shaun and Leia to be Eden’s caregivers if anything happened to her or Park. Shaun was now a role model. He wasn’t always like that and that’s what he needed to remember with Charlie. She was still learning. She needed to be molded. Shaun should help her more. He should be more patient with her. Glassman thought he should be more patient.

Sure, there were things she had to work on. She just wasn’t going to be able to do that if no one has her back. Dom was another med student. He was following around Park. They treated a man that got his hand caught in the meat grinder at a food processing plant. Dom vomited when he saw all the blood. He thought it was going to be all mangled and it wasn’t.

The meat grinder didn’t crush up the bone. The hand could still be saved. Park talked Dom into gaining some courage. Dom later watched the surgery to free the patient’s arm.

Dom took in important lessons that day. Charlie needed to do the same. She can’t give the nurses orders on a patient’s medication until she understands what he has. He wasn’t suffering a stroke. He was suffering from something else. Shaun talked to Audrey. She told him to be very firm with his own parameters and to let Charlie know what they are.

Shaun later tried to tell Charlie to stop cutting him off when he’s speaking. She doesn’t get to rush to medicate patients while still learning. He was there. He ran that room. Charlie didn’t like hearing that. She stayed silent during Phipps later surgery.

It was at the end that she asked to feel his gallbladder. She’d never touched a human organ before. She wanted to feel the gallbladder because she was curious and her curiosity saved the day.

She found something in the gallbladder. It was a metal wire. It came off onto barbequed food. Phipps ate it. He consumed the wire and it’s been playing havoc with his insides since then. Charlie saved the day. She spoke up for herself and it worked. She just has to know when she needs to speak up. It’s not all the time.

Sometimes it’s Shaun’s turn. Shaun realized there was more metal wire in their patient’s throat. Shaun used a magnet to get it out without surgery and it worked. Charlie tried to talk to him again. It didn’t go any better than it did earlier. Shaun told her that she had a career in Pathology.

Which disappointed Charlie. She wanted to be a surgeon. She didn’t want to go into Pathology. Her feelings got hurt. She was riding the elevator with Glassman and Audrey when they heard her story. And they realized that Shaun went too far.

Shaun has to be there to help support Charlie through her residency. Glassman and Audry tried to talk to him. He didn’t get where he was without help. He needed to give that same help to Charlie. And he’s refusing to do so because he once had to fight a way out of Pathology.

Plus, Morgan didn’t want Park to get Eden if something happened to her. She didn’t think him having his ex-girlfriend baby was a good idea and she was worried that they might break up again. And after she spoke to Dom, the fears went away because Park is a great man.


Kristine Francis:
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