Tracker Recap 11/03/24: Season 2 Episode 4 “Noble Rot”

Tracker Recap 11/03/24: Season 2 Episode 4 "Noble Rot"Tracker Recap 11/03/24: Season 2 Episode 4 "Noble Rot"

Tracker airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, November 3, 2024, season 2 episode 4 called “Noble Rot,” and we have your Tracker recap below.

In tonight’s Tracker episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Reenie gets Colter to take a case involving a woman missing from a high-end wellness retreat in Napa designed for CEOs.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our Tracker recap between 9 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Tracker recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Tracker episode, Reenie came to Colter with a new case. There was a woman that disappeared from Napa Valley. Her name is Quinn Ridgley. She was the Co-CEO of a company she started with her wife and her wife put out a fifty grand reward for her safe return. Reenie knew about the case because she was vacationing/working there.

They were all attending a corporate event. There were a lot of up and coming companies being represented there. There were quite a few of VIPs. Reenie needed to get on their good side because she was hoping to sign some of them up as new clients. She left her law firm to go solo and she has to grow her business or it’ll die. And unfortunately she took on a hard case to prove herself.

Quinn’s wife wasn’t being entirely honest. Gray didn’t mention she was fighting with her wife. The couple started a grad project that turned into a billion dollar company and Quinn was struggling with fame.

It was creating issues within her marriage. Hence Colter noticed someone was sleeping on the couch in their room. Gray eventually admit there were issues only she still believes her wife was in trouble. There was blood in the bathroom along with an open window. Gray thinks her wife was abducted for ransom.

They’ve been through this once before. They had an employee that was taken for ransom. Quinn went against advice from security to pay the ransom. They got their employee back.

They also became known for paying ransoms and that could turn into an ugly thing. Only Colter took one look at the bathroom before coming to a conclusion.

Quinn wasn’t taken from the bathroom window. She escaped through the bathroom window. She punched the mirror in there. Its where the blood came from. She then opened the window and escaped through it.

Colter wanted to know what she was running from. The whole event happened on a private property owned by William Locke. Locke didn’t want the bad publicity.

He tried to stop Reenie from bringing Colter in and, when that didn’t work, he tried to limit Colter’s movements. He pretended he was sharing everything when he wasn’t.

Colter could tell when someone’s lying to him. He knew Locke knew more than he let on. Colter and Reenie later broke into the security office. They found out someone edited footage that night and they got help from Bobby in finding what was cut.

Quinn left her room that night to meet up with someone she knows. She didn’t fight them. They walked off together. It was clear she didn’t feel she was in danger and someone tried destroying the evidence of her walking off with this man. Colter and Reenie were caught snooping by Locke’s security team.

They were about to be thrown off the property when they turned it around. They said they’d go to the police with the evidence if they don’t get answers. Locke’s chief of security cracked. Reynolds told them it was Locke that met with Quinn that night.

Locke and Quinn go way back. They’ve known each other for years. Once Quinn began having issues with fame, Locke claimed he tried to help her. He was a therapeutic friend.

He gave her toad venom. It was a psychedelic. He hid the footage because he didn’t want the media knowing he was handing out drugs to a bunch of billionaires. Locke claimed he didn’t harm Quinn and that she was fine when they went their separate ways. He showed Colter and Reenie where he last saw Quinn. Tracker followed her movements to a mass gravesite.

Someone was dumping victims on Locke’s vineyard. The one he barely uses. The area was only now being fixed up. Locke owned the property for years. He never went to that area.

There were never cameras in that area. He was going to build on it soon and so a serial killer wanted to move the bodies before they were found. It was just their luck that they ran into a drugged up Quinn. She couldn’t fight this person off. They had to give up on moving the bodies to abduct Quinn and Colter later found a foot in the old watering grounds.

The foot was at least three months old. They knew it wasn’t Quinn, but Locke was afraid that this would come back on him and he hired Reenie to represent him. She worked a large case for him before. He knows she’s good at her job. Its why she got an invite to the event in spite of her leaving her old firm.

Reenie even brought a date to the vineyard. Elliot Stern seemed like a good guy. He just wasn’t prepared for the craziness that follows Reenie and Colter around everywhere. Serial killers were not for him. Reenie and Colter were partly used to it by now.

Colter figured out how Quinn was removed. She was taken off property by an ATV. Colter also noticed that three barrels were removed from maintenance and so it wasn’t just one killer. It was about three of them. The man leading the charge was Jesse Pardue. He was a contractor. He was fired from the vineyard for shoddy work.

He liked to cut corners and several migrants died because of him. He pretended they went back to his home country when in reality he buried them at the vineyard believing they would never be found.

Colter ran into one of Pardue’s guys. He handed him over the police. Everyone headed to Pardue’s home to find Quinn. The cops got there first and they didn’t find anything. Colter then had Velma check out secluded work areas from Pardue’s past. By then, Pardue had turned on his own people.

He was willing to kill his girlfriend as well as Quinn. Colter showed up the perfect time to save her. They were in a standoff when Pardue’s girlfriend shot him. She gave him a taste of his own medicine. He fell into the pit where Quinn was supposed to go and his body was destroyed by the machines he set up.


Quinn was saved. She returned to her wife. Colter got paid the finder’s fee. Reenie took stock options in form of payment and Elliot was becoming accustomed to the amazing work they do. He even agreed to a second date.


Kristine Francis:
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