Tracker Recap 11/24/24: Season 2 Episode 7 “Man’s Best Friend”

Tracker Recap 11/24/24: Season 2 Episode 7 "Man's Best Friend"Tracker Recap 11/24/24: Season 2 Episode 7 "Man's Best Friend"

Tracker airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, November 17, 2024, season 2 episode 7 called “Man’s Best Friend,” and we have your Tracker recap below.

In tonight’s Tracker episode as per the CBS synopsis, “When Colter finds a lost dog at a gas station in Denver and the dog is subsequently stolen from his truck, Colter makes it his mission to track him down and reunite him with his family”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our Tracker recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Tracker recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Tracker episode, Colter Shaw travels all around the country. Sometimes he runs into people who need help. Then there were the other times where he randomly finds a dog. He found a dog digging through the gas station’s trash. He instantly spotted the collar. He knew the dog wasn’t just some stray.

He intervened before the dog got hurt by a store clerk. The dog’s name is Barkley. He got Barkley to trust him enough to go into the back of his truck and Colter stepped away for his vehicle to grab some water. He couldn’t hear anything outside because the store clerk had the music blasting, but while he was away, someone busted into his car to steal the dog.

It was really weird. It’s not like the dog was important enough that whoever took it kept an eye on it. The dog was wandering the street and going through trash when Colter first saw it. It was a mystery why the dog was stolen. Colter saw the dog’s address on his collar. It was about twenty miles away from the gas station.

Colter still drove the whole way and it’s a good thing he did because the homeowner was tied up with her son. It was just the two of them. Barkley was Aiden’s dog. He was playing video games while his mom was upstairs changing. And someone broke into their house with a gun.

This mystery man didn’t steal anything from them. He tied up the mother and son and he left them like that. The only thing he seems to have taken was Barkley.

Barkley was stolen twice in as many days. Colter helped the mother and son get free. They called the cops. Only the police were focusing on the wrong thing. They were looking into the home invasion and not the theft of the dog. They were also pretty dismissive of Colter when he tried to say the dog was the motive. Colter would normally try to convince them only he didn’t care about that.

Aiden, the little boy, hired Colter to find Barkley for him. He was going to use his birthday money. Aiden lost his father last year and his mom got him the dog to help with his grief. The plan was even working. Aiden loved that dog. Barkley became his best friend. Its why his mom turned down an offer to sell Barkley.

Several days before they were assaulted, the mom received an offer out of the blue to buy the dog. She turned the offer because she didn’t want to break her son’s heart. Colter for one thought it was strange that they offered to buy the dog before stealing the dog.

What was so important about that one dog? The dognaper could have easily bought a dog or adopted one from a shelter. The fact that he didn’t meant something more was happening with Barkley.

Colter used the video footage of Aiden’s game to track down the man that broke in. His name is Max Miller. He’s a former soldier. Colter got his address. He went to Max’s home where he found the door was broken. Max was missing along with his wife, Chelsea. Max’s friend was also checking up on him when he ran into Colter.

The friend was Nate Riggins. He said he was an old friend of Max’s. They served together overseas. Max struggled with addiction when they got back stateside and he gave his dog to Nate.

He wanted Nate to find Barkley a good home. Nate gave the dog to a charity. He was adopted. He went home with Aiden and it was Max that stole him back. Max contacted Nate a few days before the dog was stolen. He asked for information on where Barkley went. Nate could only give him the charity and he then heard gunshots in the background.

Nate was worried Max might have done something to his wife. PTSD was no joke. Max was still fresh from rehab and so Nate traveled to Max’s home where he ran into Colter.

The two men agreed that something happened to Chelsea. They later tracked Max. He was in the woods with Barkley. He was digging something up. Nate mentioned that Max got entangled with a private contractor named David Lawson. They stole something together. Max was suspected of the crime, but he never faced charges and was able to return stateside.

Lawson wasn’t so lucky. He went to prison overseas. He bribed his way out. He needed a cash influx and selling the statues he stole with Max was his only answer. Lawson wasn’t even supposed to be back in the states. He was facing charges there as well. Reenie found out everything from her contact in the military.

She also warned Colter that Lawson wasn’t the type to leave witnesses. He was going to kill Chelsea and Max the moment he got the statues. Colter told Max that Chelsea was still in danger. He told him that it was best he and Nate followed Max to the meeting with Lawson.

Lawson gave Max a burner. He later called him. He spoke with Max. They agreed to meet and both Nate and Colter went along. They kept enough distance that Lawson didn’t suspect they were there. They didn’t move in until Lawson shot Max. Nate took out Lawson. He never told Max where Chelsea was and so Barkley helped them.

Colter gave the dog something of Chelsea’s to smell. The dog tracked her down. She was still alive. She was reunited with her husband and Colter kept his promise to Aiden. He reunited the little boy with Barkley. And he also told him to use his birthday money on his mom.

Max only grabbed Barkley in the first place to help him remember where he buried statues.

And Colter later surprised his friends by finally showing up at Reenie’s new office. He was ready to relax for the next couple of days and his friends are amazingly helpful.


Kristine Francis:
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