9-1-1 Recap 03/27/25: Season 8 Episode 12 “Disconnected”

9-1-1 Recap 03/27/25: Season 8 Episode 12 "Disconnected"9-1-1 Recap 03/27/25: Season 8 Episode 12 "Disconnected"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 airs with an all-new Thursday, March 27, 2024, season 8 episode 12, “Disconnected” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 season 8 episode 12 as per the FOX synopsis, “Maddie’s return to work proves to be more triggering than expected, as she may have returned too soon.

As Eddie struggles to adapt to his new surroundings, Christopher discovers him in an unfamiliar situation.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, Maddie returned to work. She probably shouldn’t have, but she did. She had been through a horrible ordeal. She faced down a serial killer and survived. The sad part is that she’s been through a lot more than just that. She was in an abusive marriage. She struggled with postpartum depression.

She’s always been able to bounce back and she thought she could do so again tonight. She thought taking off for five weeks was pushing it. She even tried to ignore her own body. She’s still having nightmares. She thought returning to work would help with those nightmares because she always dreams about work.

Maddie’s recurring dream was about someone calling into 911 saying they’ve been kidnapped. The person in trouble always said their name is Maddie Han. Maddie was dreaming about taking her own 911 call. She thought the dream would go away if she returned to work. She would start being useful again.

It would also shake the fear of catching another serial killer on her next call. What Maddie didn’t know was that she would meet a child in danger. The little boy was nine. He said his name is Chance.

There was a lot of smoke in the apartment. His fire alarm was going off. He went to go wake his dad and the dad wasn’t moving. Chance didn’t know his address. They recently moved.

He just knew his father worked for the paper across the street. Maddie was able to track the building he was in. The firefighters just didn’t know which apartment. Maddie convinced Chance to open a window. She was advising him to put the sheet in the open window when it all became too much for her. She froze in fear. Josh had to take over.

Josh stayed on the line with Chance until he was rescued. The boy was saved only Maddie couldn’t talk. She truly couldn’t bring herself to talk. Maddie later went to the doctor.

She thought almost getting strangled to death scarred her throat and it hadn’t. Her throat was fine. It was the trauma that took her voice away. The doctor told her as much. He suggested therapy and he didn’t back down or lied to them no matter how much Chimney was hoping to find a physical reason for Maddie losing her voice.

Maddie’s losing her voice was a reaction to trauma. She wasn’t ready to return to work. Her body was trying to tell her so and she has to listen to it. She couldn’t act like nothing happened. Not when she was pregnant with her second child. She needed help before her trauma spirals out of control. Maddie was later taking it easy when the 118 received a weird call. They got called to the scene of an accident in a parking garage. There was a pizza deliveryman who drove his car nearly over the edge. He needed to be rescued. Only he faces arrest once he was rescued.

The guy’s name is Oswald Smith. He has a suspended license. It happened because he had too many parking tickets. He was arrested once before for driving with a suspended license. He was supposed to be attending court over Zoom when he got caught again driving again.

The judge was so upset that she thought jail would help realize that he needed to stop driving. She ordered his arrest and that’s when he got into the accident. The firefighters were able to rescue him. And Ozzie wasn’t all bad because he spotted Athena in uniform and turned himself in.

His car also fell right onto her patrol car and so he owed her one.

Over in Texas, Eddie was struggling. He couldn’t get a job as a firefighter. He was told there was a hiring freeze and he knew the freeze was in only place because he needed a job. Eddie had spoken with a captain. The captain admitted that he accepted someone before who he invested a lot in.

The guy left after four months in and the captain was now gun shy. Eddie couldn’t become a firefighter for a while. He decided to become a ride share driver, but he was doing it all wrong at first. He kept talking. He was asking people about their interests. One of his guests finally told him the truth.

She was once a driver herself. It got her through undergrad. She told him what to do and how to maximize profits. Eddie followed her advice and it worked. He became a better driver. He got better tips. He was able to pay for his son’s activities. It also went towards renovating the house he just bought.

Eddie was finally finding his footing again and that’s when he ran into Chris. Chris’s friend bought them a ride. Chris saw Eddie. Eddie saw Chris. Chris pretended not to know Eddie and that kinda hurt.

Chris was bragging to his friends earlier about his cool firefighter of a dad. He didn’t know his father became a driver. He thought he was still a firefighter and so Eddie got caught in another lie.

The last time he lied to his son, Chris moved in with his grandparents. Eddie didn’t want to lose him again. He called Buck. Buck told him not to let Chris sit in the confusion and anger. They needed to talk. They could even text if talking was too much for Chris right now. Eddie followed Buck’s advice and back in LA it was Maddie listening to Athena.

They were both played by Amber Braeburn. They couldn’t see her for what she was. They’ve since learned more about themselves and their biases. Maddie also found her voice again.

She took her daughter to the playground. She took her eyes off of Jee-yun for one second when suddenly the girl was no longer in sight. Maddie was so scared that she yelled out her daughter’s name. It turns out the little girl was still nearby on the playground and so she was safe. And Maddie was later able to return to work.

As for Chris, he wasn’t mad. He wanted to help his dad save money. He gave back his gifts from Eddie. He wanted to make sure that his dad was going to be okay and he knew that his dad took the job as a driver to stay in Texas. To stay with him. Its why Chris wasn’t going to punish Eddie for fighting for him.


Kristine Francis:
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