FBI: Most Wanted Recap 02/25/25: Season 6 Episode 13 “Greek Tragedy”

FBI: Most Wanted Recap 02/25/25: Season 6 Episode 13 "Greek Tragedy"FBI: Most Wanted Recap 02/25/25: Season 6 Episode 13 "Greek Tragedy"

Tonight on CBS FBI Most Wanted airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 25, 2025 season 6 episode 13, “Greek Tragedy” and we have your FBI Most Wanted recap below.

In tonight’s FBI Most Wanted season 6 episode 13 as per the CBS synopsis, “When two sorority sisters are found stabbed to death in their off-campus home, the Fugitive Task Force heads to Virginia to hunt down the suspect before more killings occur.

Meanwhile, Hana agrees to meet with Ethan after he asks her for help with his latest troubles.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI: Most Wanted episode, Hana heard from her ex. She broke things off when she found out he was taking drugs. Ethan later explained that he is an addict. He was injured while serving in the military and he got addicted to the painkillers.

He claimed he was finally getting treatment for it, but that wasn’t the reason he was reaching out. He suddenly contacted Hana after months because he was being blackmailed. His drug dealer found out he was an Air Marshall. She wants thirty thousand dollars or she was going to report him.

Ethan could lose his whole career if this woman goes through with her threat. He really needed Hana’s help in stopping her. He wanted Hana to use her job as an FBI Agent to stop Jamie and Hana couldn’t do that.

She couldn’t use her badge to frighten off a drug dealer. She instead told Ethan that only way to keep his job was to come forward about his addiction. He couldn’t be fired if he went to rehab.

Ethan didn’t want to do that because he thought he could get clean on his own. Only Hana knew better. She knew that rehab will force him to be clean.

Ethan couldn’t rationalize it if he slips up in rehab. No sooner that Hana tried to help him that she got called to the scene of a double homicide. Two sorority girls were killed. Their names were Maddie Baker and Tina Liu. They didn’t come from money. They didn’t seem to have been sexually assaulted.

They were simply killed at Maddie’s boyfriend’s house. The boyfriend was Nick Turpin. He has money. He told Maddie that she could sleep off the hangover at his place with her friend and he crashed at the frat house he was in.

Well, someone found out the two girls were alone. Nick had a safe. The one he inherited from his grandfather. The only things in there were a few hundreds, a registered gun, and Nick’s passport.

It wasn’t some serious haul. Maddie knew the combination to the safe. It could be why she was tied up before she was killed or maybe the two girls weren’t killed over a safe. Maybe they were killed by Tina’s ex. Tina was dating her Chemistry TA. She broke things off and he began stalking her. He had a restraining order from another girl that he stalked.

The stalker’s name is Demarcus Ware. Someone tried to run him over. It was the feds that protected him and they realized he wasn’t their killer. He was with his new girlfriend when Tina was killed. He was also asked why the two broke up. Ware said that Tina was used to the high life.

She and Maddie were constantly going clubbing with Nick and his friend, Brad Biederman. They travel all over. He was never sure if it was family money or frat money or even drug money. What he did know was that Biederman was the chemical engineer. He actually set Tina up with Ware.

Biederman did tell the cops that they made special brew at the party that night. It was called “blackout brew”. It was alcohol mixed with Xanax. It was put in special cups so that no one accidentally drugs themselves. Biederman left out the part that he was a drug chemist. He worked for someone named Kimani Lyons.

Lyons was a hardcore drug dealer. The FBI found his other victim. It gave them enough DNA to get a match. Lyons was the real deal and the college kids were merely playing at being tough.

One of the college kids got arrested a few months back. He was found with bags of drugs. The drugs got confiscated and that put them in debt to Lyons. Lyons doesn’t play about his money. He killed those girls to frighten the frat guys. He killed another frat guy so that he could get close to Biederman.

Once Lyons got his hands on him, he was refusing to let him go. He wants Biederman to make all his drugs now and its no longer about the money. Nick gave Lyons all the money they owed him. And he still wanted more.

Lyons beat up Nick. He had his men drop Nick off at the frat house. They then disappeared with Biederman. Someone at the frat house broke rank. He contacted the FBI.

He said that Nick sent a call to arms from the entire chapter house. Nick wanted to shoot his way into rescuing his best friend. They were headed to Rico Dusty. It’s where Lyons likes to hang out. The feds were worried about a blood bath and so they called everyone in on this one. They later stormed the club. They heard some shooting. They put a stop to all the fighting.

Nick, Biederman, another friend, Lyons, and Lyons’s henchman were all arrested. Lyons threatened to kill the frat boys in prison and the feds congratulated them on making a friend.

Hana meanwhile scared off the drug dealer. She revealed she was FBI. She said she could shut down the woman’s business if she didn’t stop blackmailing Ethan. She also added that the drug dealer was no longer allowed to sell to Ethan. She was going to put him in rehab. Ethan agreed to get clean because he really does love Hana. And this was the only way to keep her.


Kristine Francis:
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