Tonight on CBS their new show inspired by series Star Max Thieriot’s experiences growing up in Northern California Fire Country airs with an all-new Friday, March 14, 2025, episode, and we have your Fire Country recap below.
On tonight’s Fire Country season 3 episode 15 called, “One Last Time,”as per the CBS synopsis, “Bode and Jake respond to a lighthouse rescue operation that turns into a mission to prevent a ship from crashing during an intense storm.
Meanwhile, Eve investigates the origins of a flu outbreak at Three Rock.”
So make sure to stop by tonight between 9 PM and 10 PM ET for our Fire Country recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!
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Manny was rushed to the hospital. He was diagnosed as having pesticide poisoning. He needed urgent treatment before his organs failed and so Manny told Eve to go check on the others. He must have gotten sick at Three Rock. The Three Rock camp has already buried one man. Birch died of what they thought was a flu and now they were realizing he probably had the same thing as Manny. The only thing the two men had in common was that they were both prisoners at Three Rock. And if its already killed one of them, odds are the others were affected too.
The town was experiencing some bad weather. Manny begged both Eve and Gabriela to rush back to the camp. He wanted them to check out everyone before things got bad outside. Which he wasn’t wrong about. The weather was getting really bad. There was some flooding. It stopped the Leones from visiting the care home for Walter. The family realized they couldn’t keep caring for Walter by themselves. He takes the car out. He starts wandering. He forgets the little thing and the big things. He needed around the clock care.
They were going to put him in the facility when flooding forced them to head back to the station. Walter was pleased by that. He was a stubborn man and he didn’t want to admit he has problem. He instead got angry at his family for trying put him in a home. He said people only go there to die. He also couldn’t believe that his family wouldn’t care for him themselves. Walter guilt tripped them about it. He reminded his son about all the things he did for him. He also said he was there after his wife ran off.
What Walter failed to mention was that his wife left him. She didn’t leave her children. She waited until her youngest reached eighteen and then she left her husband. She escaped the first chance she could that didn’t leave her children alone to face their father. Vince told Walter exactly that. Father and son got into such a huge fight. Bode and Sharon had to pull them apart. It was rough on them to watch Walter deteriorate. Bode has been taking side gigs just so that he could keep busy. He hurts less when he’s busy. It helped him not to have to think about everything that’s wrong.
It was a better coping method than drugs, but it did leave Bode burned out. He was constantly working. He was barely at the apartment and so Jake’s new girlfriend had no idea that he has a roommate. It wasn’t until she tried walking around the apartment in just Jake’s shirt that he told her his roommate might see she doesn’t have pants on. It was fine because they laughed about it. They also laughed when Jake mentioned them having a future. He was kinda moving fast. And if Violet hadn’t heard she got her dream job – they might have had a talk about defining the relationship.
Luckily, work called for both of them before they had that conversation. Violet got her dream job. Jake was asked to come in. The Point Crux Lighthouse was experiencing flooding and that was a problem for the people that work there. It wasn’t a lighthouse anymore. It was a museum. Jake was sent out into the field to check on them. He took Bode with him. It was Vince’s idea. Vince didn’t want Bode to see Walter at his worst. Jake and Bode were off at the lighthouse when things got really bad for Three Rock.
Eve returned to the camp to find that all the prisoners were getting sick. The weather was too bad to transport them all to the hospital. Eve just had to keep them hydrated. She also called the nearby firehouse to say her guys were out of commission until they get checked out by a doctor. Eve kept giving the prisoners water until she realized it’s the one they all have in common. They were drinking tap water. Something must be wrong with the water supply. Eve didn’t drink the tap water. She only drank the water from her own cooler and that’s why she wasn’t sick.
Eve ate everything the prisoners did. It was just the water that was different. Once Eve realized what was causing the illness, she threw away all the water bottles of tap water. She then sent in for an emergency delivery of bottled water. It was going take some time because of the weather. It was getting so bad that two idiots thought it would be the perfect time to go surfing. They wanted to ride a fifty foot wave. One of them got impaled by a piece of driftwood. His friend drove him to the firehouse to get treatment and the firefighters couldn’t do much for them.
They couldn’t just yank out the driftwood. It could potentially kill Rocco if they did. The only thing they could do was keep him comfortable and also check on his friend, Tommy. Tommy had a seizure. He wanted to get right back up on his feet and Gabriela told him to stay seated. The seizure could be a sign of a bigger problem. Gabriela was also regretting not going back with Eve to Three Rock. She went to the firehouse because she thought she could help more people there and she kept bumping into Audrey.
Audrey found out about Finn. The nice guy that was interested in Gabriela. Finn had stopped by the firehouse. Audrey also revealed by accident that she was worried about Bode. Bode being Audrey’s current boyfriend and Gabriela’s ex-boyfriend. It was very awkward. They didn’t know if they should discuss Bode with each other. They both figured that focusing on work will help them get pass the awkwardness. They were at the firehouse when Eve had Sharon check out who owned the land where the tap water was from. It turns out it was owned by Oxalta.
Oxalta was the biggest chemical company in all of California. They even have several senators and congressmen in their pocket just so they wouldn’t get sued. They were dumping chemicals into the water supply. It was technically illegal, but again these people were well insulated from consequences. They were the ones that probably stopped Birch’s autopsy too. They might have also gotten Birch’s sister to drop the case and have her brother cremated before any tests could be run on him.
A big company like Oxalta was not going to carry about a bunch of prisoners that got poisoned. Not when society looked down on those same prisoners. There wasn’t going to be an outcry for them. The prisoners were mostly overlooked by their own families and so Eve needed Sharon’s help if she was going to stop Oxalta from poisoning tap water. Bode meanwhile turned the lighthouse museum back into a functioning lighthouse. They saved a few fishermen out on the water. He also saved someone’s life. He injured his back when he did that and so pain meds would be great if he didn’t have an addiction.
As for Walter, he was pleased when Vince changed his mind. Vince let his father choose what was best for him and that’s all Walter wanted. He wanted to still make choices for himself. He later chose to go to the facility. It was the best place for him. He had Bode and Vince drive him. The men returned back to Edgewater where Bode ran into his probation officer. His PO wanted to know why he was in contact with known felons. He might go back to jail if that’s the case.
The dream job that Violet got was at Oxalta. She became their new lawyer. She was now on the team that was actively blocking the firefighters at Three Rock to get fresh water. When Oxalta heard that the prisoners got poisoned, they sent their legal team to issue Sharon a cease and desist. Violet was now working for those kinds of people. And so there might not be a future with Jake.