Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, March 20, 2025 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 24 episode 16 “Folk Hero,” as per the NBC synopsis,
“When a murder suspect becomes an underground hero, Brady seeks help from a former colleague to track down a culprit who seems to be in multiple locations. Baxter, Price and Maroun disagree on the best way forward when public interest heightens.”
Tonight’s Law & Order season 24 episode 16 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!
Tonight’s Law & Order recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s Law & Order episode, Detective Jalen Shaw was out sick. His insurance through the NYPD sucked. He either has to wait months to make an appointment or he could try his luck by waiting eleven hours in the ED. He chose the latter. He was out with a chest infection when his partner caught a new case.
Someone shot the CEO of an insurance company. Shaw wasn’t the only one with grievances with the insurance company. There were a lot of people who claimed to have gotten denied or who pay for insurance just to still end up with medical debt. There was no one more hated in America than the insurance company. And now their angry customers have started killing them.
The victim was Logan Andrews. He was the CEO of OptiShield. He gets paid millions no matter what and its everyone else that works below him that has to go years without a pay increase. Andrews may not have been the worst guy as a person, but he was the face of a corrupt system. His killer waited for him that day.
He shot him several times prior to just walking away. He acted like he had nothing to fear. He also had a plan because he disappeared too easily. He hopped on the back of a delivery truck. He knew what store to go into so that he could access the backdoor into the alley.
The guy also showed a woman his face when he got a baked good. His image had already been released by then. The media even included his crime and now he’s become a folk hero.
The one woman that saw his face refused to later help the police. She said her uncle’s family was bankrupted by medical debt. It was all OptiShield’s fault. She wasn’t going to help the cops take him down. There was also a bunch of guys that thought it would be fun to dress up like the killer. They made a social media challenge out of it.
There were so many wearing the exact same as the killer that the NYPD couldn’t find the real guy. They started arresting the lookalikes for wasting the police’s time. Only they soon backtracked on that policy because they couldn’t arrest over forty men for being stupid. These men and the media were loving the story about someone taking a powerful man down.
They never once thought about the victim’s family. His poor wife. She said she and Logan didn’t come from money. He grew up in Bushwick. His dad tried to talk him out of business school so that he could take over the plumbing company.
Joy Andrews also said her husband fired someone recently. He fired Walden. Walden wanted to fix a flaw in the company and Logan thought it would be unnecessary. He fired Walden.
Walden actually needed him alive to sue him. He couldn’t put Logan on the stand to make his case now. Walden also has an airtight alibi. He was out of town during the murder with his family. The cops were dropping him as a suspect when they overheard another sighting on their radios. The dispatcher said someone matching the killer’s description was on a certain street.
The cops were going to dismiss it when Walden said they should take it seriously. Evervita was located there. They were another insurance company. The cops raced to the scene thanks in large part to Walden. They later ran into the killer before he could kill another CEO. The arrested the guy. His name is Ethan Weller.
He created a manifesto in his journals. It showed he planned these murders meticulously. It shows he has no remorse. He was charged with murder in the first degree. They also included his attempted murder on the CEO of Evervita.
Weller’s arraignment was a sh*tshow. His fans filled up the courtroom. They rooted for him. They clapped for him. They went as far as to boo the judge that denied him bail.
ADA Price wasn’t worried about any of it. He didn’t even mind all the medica scrutiny. He later told his boss that there was plenty of evidence to win an easy conviction. District Baxter disagreed with him. He said Weller was loved by the people. He’s connected with a bunch of them that were sick of a divided system. And the will of people shouldn’t be underestimated.
Price still made a strong case against Weller. Weller’s mother died of breast cancer. Her insurance refused to cover a medication that could have saved her life. She died from her illness.
Her son never recovered. This was why he began hunting CEOs. Price used that information try and convict Weller. Weller’s lawyer used the same information for different reasons. She said that Weller was acting in the defense of others when he began killing CEOs of insurance companies. The judge allowed her to use that defense. Baxter was also getting heat because of that defense.
Other CEOs from other insurance companies reached out to Baxter. They were worried about it being open season of them if Weller was found not guilty. They begged Baxter to make a deal.
The media fascination will go away with time. They just needed to change focus and the one person that refused to do so was Price. Price felt he could win a conviction. He was so sure that he turned down a chance of offering Weller a plea deal. Which was a mistake. The judge wasn’t with him on this one. The judge overly favored Weller’s side and Weller wasn’t a monster.
The jury could empathize with him because they could see his pain. Weller was raised by a single mother. She worked multiple jobs to give him the best start in life. When she got sick, he dropped everything to be there for her. He wrote the insurance company multiple times when they couldn’t afford to buy the drug outright.
It was twenty grand. They didn’t have that. Weller didn’t just accept defeat. He went down to OptiShield’s office. He saw Logan and Logan dismissed him because he was late for a meeting.
Weller claimed Logan killed his mother. The judge should have shut that down. He didn’t and so Price changed his mind about a plea deal.
He tried to offer Weller one when he saw he was losing, but Weller’s lawyer said they no longer needed it. She could see the jury was leaning towards their side. The judge also told the jury to follow their conscience. He was supposed to tell them to follow the evidence.
And so there’s no way to know what the jury decided tonight.