Law & Order SVU Recap 02/13/25: Season 26 Episode 12 “Calculated”

Law & Order SVU Recap 02/13/25: Season 26 Episode 12 "Calculated"

Tonight on NBC Law & Order SVU returns with an all-new Thursday, February 13, 2025 episode and we have your Law & Order SVU recap below.

In tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 26 episode 12 “Calculated,” as per the NBC synopsis, “When a high school principal busts a student for sexting, the SVU uncovers a sinister case of distribution concerning hundreds of underage students. Silva pleads for leniency for a suspect she believes is innocent.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Law & Order SVU recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Law & Order SVU episode, the principle of Hartington Prep called the Special Victims Unit. He confiscated a cell phone from a teenager. There was an underage nude photo on it and the principle thought that might be a crime. Which it was. It was indeed a crime. It was considered child porn.

The fact that it was being shared amongst children meant it wasn’t a life-ending crime or jail sentence. It just meant that Captain Olivia Benson had to speak to several parents. She went to Harington Prep. She spoke with the student that received the nude. He claimed he got it from someone he met through Math League. She goes to a different school.

The cops tracked down the Leah that sent the photo. She claimed she never sent it to Eli. She barely remembers him from Math League and he wasn’t her type.

Leah actually sent the photo to another boy named Oliver. A boy she liked. The cops spoke to Oliver to see if he was sending Leah’s photos to friends. He had no clue what they were talking about. The real Oliver never had the app that the pictures were being shared on. The app was called Ghost Letter. It deletes photos and messages every few days. Thereby making it very popular with teens and sending nudes.

Someone was using this app to target teenagers. They pretend to be someone they know. They then get them to send nudes and moves to a different name and target new kids. The kids were all rich. They were all from the Upper East Side. They were from different prep schools. They had no connection with each other until the cops started digging.

They found the one person they all have met. The kids used the same admissions adviser. Someone to help them get into a great college. The kids told this man everything about themselves.

He’s the one that told them to join Math League. He’s the one that asked personally questions for their admissions essay. He gets paid four hundred dollars an hour and is considered a genius in his field.

It didn’t make sense why this guy was running a child porn ring. He’d target girls by pretending to be someone they like until they send nudes. He then sends the girls’ nudes to guys in exchange for the guys sending him back nudes. He’s collected quite cache of kiddie porn and the cops got a warrant for Parker’s home.

The cops later knocked on Parker’s door. He saw them and then ran back inside. He shut down his server on his laptop. He was trying to hide evidence and got arrested. He smiled as he was arrested.

Parker believed he’s the smartest man in the world. After he was caught, he quickly lawyered up. He wanted a deal. He said he put a lock on his computer that no one else can crack. He was willing to unlock his computer to help the cops find fifty pedophiles. People who were sexually interested in children.

Parker claimed he wasn’t a pedophile. He swears he’s just a businessman. He’d get the nude photos from the kids and sell it to pedophiles online. Parker was despicable. Benson immediately wanted to rope in the FBI as well as Interpol.

It’s what she’s supposed to do in cases like that, but ADA Carisi told her to hold off. He was willing to making a deal with Parker. Benson tried to talk him out of it and he wouldn’t listen to her. He thought getting fifty pedophiles was better than getting one shady admissions advisor.

Parker was supposed to lure the pedophiles to a hotel. He spent all day and only got five. Carisi was about to revoke his deal when Parker said he’d give them something better. Parker gave them the website where he met his clientele.

He said that site was used to hunt children. He gave the cops access to it and they used Detective Silva to lure the men to the hotel. She spoke to fifty men online. She met someone named Matthew that sounded like a kid. The others told her that Matthew was really in his thirties. And they just thought Matthew was pretending to be a kid with Silva online.

Well, the cops arrested forty-nine pedophiles thanks to that sting operation. Matthew also showed up. He was autistic. He was thirty-two with the mind of a child. He didn’t know what he was doing with Silva was wrong and so Silva wanted to cut him loose, but she was overruled by her bosses. Matthew still showed up at the hotel with condoms to meet an underage girl.

They couldn’t overlook that. They put Matthew in a holding cell. He was in there with everyone else from the sting and Silva wanted to get him out of there.

She went straight to her captain. She begged for Matthew to be released. Benson understood that Matthew wasn’t as dangerous as the others and she talked to Carisi about letting Matthew go. Only he couldn’t do it.

Matthew was bound to meet kids through one website or another. He doesn’t know what he did wrong and that left him open to repeating it. Carisi didn’t want to help Matthew. Benson had to get around him to help him. Benson contacted the District Attorney. She gave him Matthew’s file and the charges against Matthew were dropped.

Matthew still didn’t realize what happened, but Silva did promise to play Skyrim with him and he was glad to have made a new friend.