Law & Order Winter Premiere Recap 01/16/25: Season 24 Episode 9 “Enemy Of The State”

Law & Order Winter Premiere Recap 01/16/25: Season 24 Episode 9 "Enemy Of The State"

Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, January 16, 2025 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 24 episode 9 “Enemy Of The State,” as per the NBC synopsis,

“Shaw and Riley discover a shocking motive after a young man is pushed in front of a train. When the trial hinges on a piece of legislation that Baxter wrote, Price must convince him to testify to its uses and abuses.

Tonight’s Law & Order season 24 episode 9 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Law & Order episode, a troubled young man was pushed in front of a train. The victim was identified as Raymond James Clark. It was believed at first that he jumped and it was actually the conductor that claimed differently. Duke Archer has been conductor for over twenty years.

He knew what a jumper looked like. He saw the victim’s face. He said Raymond wasn’t a jumper. The cops then checked the cameras on the train and it revealed Duke was right. Raymond was pushed off the platform. His death launched a murder investigation.

Detectives Shaw and Riley caught this case. Their lieutenant recently returned from suspension and naturally wanted the case to be handled properly. There was no room for mistakes.

They looked into Raymond. He called NYPD Sergeant Freddy Chen on the night he died. The call was placed a few minutes before the murder. Only Chen was asleep by then. He didn’t check his cell phone till the next morning and by then it was too late. Raymond had asked him for help. Raymond was once a police cadet. He failed the random drug testing. And was fired for it.

Raymond had a bum shoulder. He injured it before he joined the academy. He didn’t want to fail his physical and so he took extra pain pills to buy himself time. He didn’t count on the drug testing.

He washed out. Chen liked the kid and he told him that he could call him if he ever gets in trouble. Now Raymond contacted him on the night of his murder. It was like he knew someone was after him. The cops looked into Raymond’s life after the academy and they found he joined a men’s rights group. He left that too after a while.

The group was run by Luke Bragg. Bragg was a boxer turned activist. He didn’t believe women deserve the right to vote much less have their own bank account. Bragg makes his money by offering classes to young men at his Alpha Institute.

He supposedly brings out their true inner strength during the classes. He left out the part that it was a giant pyramid scheme. He was using them to sell protein powders. Raymond caught onto the con and he made several TikTok videos calling Bragg out.

Bragg was so annoyed that he tried to bully Raymond to taking down the posts. It didn’t work. It also didn’t escalate. Bragg has an alibi for the murder and Raymond’s own cell phone showed that he tried to contact someone else that night.

He reached out to his best friend, Noah Turan. They’ve been best friends since they were kids only Noah got in over his head. The cops went to Noah’s home. They found his mother. She hadn’t seen him for a bit. She thought her son was a good kid and she had been wrong.

The cops found a package for C-4 at the apartment. Her son works in his family restaurant. He has no reason to be around explosives or have it brought to his home. The cops got a warrant for Noah’s stuff. They found a message in Arabic. They also found a message telling him to post this in English so that the world will know he honored Allah.

Noah was a terrorist. The cops had to alert everyone in the city. They hunted Noah down. They later found him in the park. Noah had the explosives on him and he would have detonated the bomb right then if Riley hadn’t body slammed him.

Noah was arrested. He talked a bunch of extremists’ talking points. He was also told that he killed his best friend for nothing because the bomb was fake. The C-4 was literally clay. The bomb would never have gone off.

Noah killed his best friend because he told Raymond what he was doing to do. Raymond wanted no part of it. He would have turned Noah in and so Noah pushed him in front of a train. Something he confessed to when he learned that the bomb was fake. He couldn’t believe he had been played.

Things don’t end there though. Noah then wanted a deal. He was willing to accept a lesser charge in return for giving them information on the man that radicalized him. The trust jihadist. Only “Kamir” was in fact an FBI Agent.

Special Agent Joshua Haddad recruited Noah. He wore Noah down after months of constant harassment. He radicalized Noah and he told Noah that there was no backing out. He threatened Noah with the talk of “Daesh”. The extreme Islamic state. Noah killed Raymond because he thought he couldn’t back out of the bombing.

The agents followed Noah on several platforms. Noah would block him on one, Haddad would just shift to the next one. He became interested in Noah after he saw the Reddit posts that Noah liked. Noah’s family was a Muslim Chinese family.

Their people weren’t treated kindly back in China. The agent then began sending Noah all these conspiracy theorists about what’s going on over there. He radicalized Noah to the point that Noah was willing to blow himself up to prove a point. And so the District Attorney didn’t think the fed should walk away scot-free.

They charged Haddad with manslaughter. They believed he was just as responsible for Raymond’s murder. They did their best to portray Haddad as the mastermind he is and was, but working against them was the fact that Haddad pulled off this play before.

He’s done this several times. None of his other marks have ever killed anyone. It was just Noah that did that. Noah didn’t even express remorse when he was first caught. He didn’t feel bad about killing his friend until he heard that the bomb was fake. Haddad’s lawyer mentioned that in the courtroom.

Price and Maroun started looking for ways to strengthen their case against Haddad. They found out that their boss was the creator of the lure and trap program. District Attorney Baxter found a legal loophole for the federal government to catch terrorists.

He did that back in 2001. The world was much different then than it was in 2025. Baxter himself didn’t want to be affiliated with that program. He didn’t want to lose his position now. And so he only agreed to testify as a way of getting justice for Raymond.

Haddad was found guilty and the program itself might change thanks to Baxter’s bravery.

ADA Carisi was back at work. He took some time off. He was a victim of a traumatic event. He got caught up in a robbery/homicide. His friend died He almost died. He needed time to make peace with the world and he’s done just that.

He didn’t just return to work. He even went back to the bodega and he tried to act like nothing happened. Only the bodega has experienced some changes. They have a self-serve on the coffee. They also have a bullet proof glass surrounding the cashier. It wasn’t the old place that Carisi loved. He was considering finding a new place and the hits kept coming.

The young man that took part in the rape and robbery was now pleading not guilty. He wanted a plea deal that gives him a future out of prison. Carisi didn’t think that was fair. He tried to advocate against it and his own boss ignored him.

District Attorney Baxter wants to make a deal. Carisi simply has to accept that. He was already in a bad mood when SVU caught a weird case. There was a woman that came in with her husband. They were both sent a video of her having sex with a stranger.

Katharine Vernon was claiming she doesn’t remember that event at all. She said she was happily married to her husband. They slept in different rooms because he was a light sleeper, but this video created a lot of questions.

She was clearly awake in the video. She was responding to the man she slept with. He also let himself into her home without a key. Someone left that door open for him. If it wasn’t Katharine, then who? Katharine was claiming to have no knowledge of the whole thing. Her husband said he might have been out that night. He wasn’t sure.

The video only focused on the man. It was apparently taken by a private investigator. The man in the video was married. His name is Tommy Gallagher. His wife suspected he was cheating and so she hired the PI to follow him around.

The guy got a video of the husband cheating with Katharine. He sent it to the wife. She then sent the video to both Katharine and her husband. She also spray-painted the word “Whore” on their garage door. Tommy’s missus thought Katharine was actively cheating with her husband.