NCIS: ORIGINS Recap 03/24/25: Season 1 Episode 14 “To Have and to Hold”

NCIS: ORIGINS Recap 03/24/25: Season 1 Episode 14 "To Have and to Hold"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: ORIGINS returns with an all-new Monday, March 24, 2025, season 1 episode 14 called, “To Have and to Hold,” and we have your weekly NCIS: ORIGINS recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS: ORIGINS season 1 episode 14 called “To Have and to Hold,”as per the CBS synopsis, “The team works the case of an investment advisor found dead shortly after her release from prison. Also, Mary Jo is left reeling by an unexpected development in her personal life.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS: ORIGINS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS: ORIGINS Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS: ORIGINS episode, Mary Jo was a great hostess. She treats everyone like family. She was a great cook. She threw a great party at her house and went into work the next morning at her best. She was even amazing there. She ran that office. She kept everyone from panicking.

The one thing she didn’t count on was getting divorced. Her husband filed for divorce. The processer found her at work and gave her the papers.

Mary Jo was taken by surprise when she saw the petition for divorce. Sure, the marriage has been over for years only they never thought to get back together or to split. They’d been living in limbo for a while when her husband decided it was enough.

Mary Jo cried about it in the women’s restroom. Lala found her in that state. The two of them talked and Lala was surprised herself because she thought Mary Jo was already divorced, but now she knows how to help her friend. She was going to contact her sister. The lawyer.

Mary Jo needed a lawyer just so she doesn’t lose anything or get caught having to pay her ex anything. Lala put Mary Jo at ease. They went back to work and NCIS later caught a new case. They were called by Master Sergeant Joshua Dane.

The marine said his wife was missing. His wife is Sarah Dane. She was recently released from prison after stealing money from her clients. She was an investment advisor or at least that’s what she claimed. She mostly just stole from people and that’s why she was caught. She went to prison.

She served her three year sentence. She was reunited with her husband. The two of them were together for a week before he had to return to work. Joshua thought it was suspicious when he called home to check on her and she didn’t pick up the phone.

He left work early. He checked the house. He saw her purse and car keys were still there. He was worried something might have happened to her because they’ve been receiving nasty calls. Sarah defrauded a lot of her clients. She spent the money living the high life. She went shopping.

She made some bad investments herself. She was supposed to make restitution after she was caught and her victims only got a small fraction of what they gave her. The feds couldn’t take her house because it belonged to her husband. His uncle left it to him in his will.

Only that didn’t stop the victims from demanding their money back. They harassed Sarah and Joshua. They called all hours and left behind threats. They also didn’t stop after Sarah’s death.

There were a lot of them that believed Sarah had stashed some of her money some place. They now feel it was up to Joshua to pay them off or they were going to hurt him too. Sarah was found dead in her pool. Joshua didn’t spot her right away because the yard back there was pretty much left to rot. Sarah was found by Lala when she searched the property.

Everyone assumed Sarah had been murdered. It required a full investigation. Those on the case also looked into her original sentence. Sara’s husband has always claimed that he thought his wife was doing well at work. He went on lavish vacations with her. They bought expensive paintings.

He swore he had no idea that she was stealing from her clients. He also said most of the money was gone when she was dragged into court, but a forensics analysis showed she wasn’t as broke as she claimed. Sarah had some money hiding in an offshore account.

The question is did her husband know about the secret accounts? If he did, he might have killed her to keep the money all to himself. Joshua was asked to come to the station. There was a new secretary.

She saw an opening in Franks’s schedule. She gave that to Joshua without running it past Mary Jo and that led to a problem because Joshua showed up the same time as his wife’s victims were being questioned. Franks got upset. He yelled at Mary Jo. The Special Agent in Charge also was upset about it. And not once did Mary Jo throw the new girl under the bus.

Mary Jo said she was ultimately to blame because she assigned the new secretary to someone else. She should have been overseeing that and so she said what happened was still her fault.

She also didn’t take Franks yelling personally. He came to work without one of his rings. He was on edge. She didn’t know that him and Tish broke up only she did know he wasn’t his usual self. Its why she gave him a pass tonight. She knew she wasn’t at her best either. She kept thinking about her husband. His name is Marcus.

Marcus knew how much she loved Ray Charles. He used to dance to one of his songs with her all the time. Mary Jo couldn’t help thinking about the good that came from their marriage. She wishes that Marcus would have called her before filing for divorce. It did however make her realize how much she misses him.

Mary Jo also realized her situation wasn’t bad as what happened to Sarah’s victims. There was a man who saved up to send his only child to college and Sarah took that away from them. There was a couple that saved up for their dream home. And they lost that home when they couldn’t make the mortgage payments.

Mary Jo also had Lala’s sister look through the divorce documents. It stated her ex-husband wanted alimony. He also wanted half the house and half of everything else. Once it was explained to her, Mary Jo got so upset that she confronted Marcus. He had no idea what his lawyer put in the documents.

He didn’t want alimony or half the house. He simply wanted to move on with his life. He doesn’t hate Mary Jo. They’ve been through a lot together. They lost a child and he’s always going to love her. She was always going to love him. They just needed to find lawyers that were willing to respect that.

Back at work, the autopsy was finally finished. Sarah wasn’t murdered. Her death was accidental. She had a heart attack and fell into the pool by accident. Franks was ready to put it behind him. There was just one problem. He didn’t want to go home. Tish was moving out. Her uncle was helping her.

She was following through after she told him it was over and Franks couldn’t be upset with her. He took it out on others because he was sad right now. Mary Jo realized that. They talked and they put each other at ease.

Mary Jo also convinced him to keep looking for the money Sarah had hidden away. Sarah was a selfish person. She didn’t just hide the money. She also bought a one-way ticket to Colombia.

She was going to abandon her husband after he waited for her and also break her parole. Her poor husband refused to believe his wife was going to leave him. He said that Sarah hated the backyard. She had no reason to be out there. He was wrong about that because Sarah was hiding her secret bank statements in the backyard. NCIS found it. They were able to give the money back to the people she defrauded.

It wasn’t everything, but it helped a lot of people.