NCIS: Sydney Recap 02/14/25: Season 2 Episode 2 “Fire in the Hole”

NCIS: Sydney Recap 02/14/25: Season 2 Episode 2 "Fire in the Hole"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: Sydney airs with an all-new Friday, February 14, 2024, season 2 episode 2 called, “Fire in the Hole,” and we have your weekly NCIS: Sydney recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS season 2 episode 2, “Fire in the Hole” as per the CBS synopsis, “When a young girl finds the body of a former U.S. Navy officer floating in the harbor, the team is led to an 18th-century sailing ship hosting a pirate-themed wedding, where DeShawn and Evie go undercover to investigate.

Meanwhile, Mackey and JD are pulled in to prevent a potential tragedy on the harbor that could rip the U.S.-Australia alliance apart.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS: Sydney episode, the body of Navy Lieutenant Brad Shields was found floating in the harbor. He was an American. He may have been a sailor, but they have a set uniform and he was found in a pirates outfit. It was the oddest thing. The victim was also a reservist. He gets called up when needed.

He wasn’t technically a serviceman when he died. It led to questions on whether or not this was a case for NCIS. Mackey and JD weren’t in the office when the body was reported. They were onboard of the USS Perez. They left DeShawn and Evie in charge.

DeShawn did what Mackey would do. He claimed once a sailor, always a sailor. NCIS took over the murder investigation and the first thing they did was solve why their victim was dressed like a pirate.

The victim was working on a specialty cruise. It was a tourist trap on an old fashioned boat. Couples hire it out for weddings. It was a bit a stepdown for a serviceman and Brad did it anyways for the money. He captained the ship. Or he did until NCIS called the boat and someone answered claiming to be Brad himself.

The second guy was very much a fake. The Brad they found had his medal. It’s a special medal within the Navy that goes all the way back to WWI. The real Brad would never be found without it and so the one in the mortuary was in fact their dead sailor. The man pretending to be Brad on the ship could be his killer.

Evie wanted to get sea patrol in. They were the ones that handled crimes on the water. DeShawn vetoed that idea because he was still in the Mackey mindset. He and Evie went onboard the ship.

There was a wedding in progress. DeShawn pretended to be the photographer. Evie pretended to be the celebrant. They left without comms or weapons. They were surrounded by a shipmates that could have killed Brad together.

There was a lot of civilians from the wedding that were also in the way. Poor Tony and Jen wanted a pirate themed wedding and they almost died for it. DeShawn’s cover was blown. He got shot. He fell overboard. Evie was on her own and so she came clean to the man holding them all hostage. She admitted she was APD.

It was terrorists that took everyone hostage. They spoke to Mackey. They claimed they took over a wedding party because they have three men in prison. They were threatening to kill a hostage each hour until their men were released without charges. They said Brad just got in the way. The same for DeShawn.

DeShawn got lucky because he didn’t die when he fell. He actually grabbed onto a piece of rope. He hoisted himself back onto the boat. He had a shoulder wound but ignored it. He found his way to the cell phones. He called his boss and she was grateful he wasn’t dead. That’s the only reason she didn’t fire him.

DeShawn also gave great intel. He found a massive bomb on the ship. What he found connected with what Blue found indicated that this gang planned on killing everyone.

They weren’t just going to blow up a tourist boat. They planned on bombing the boat to take down the Perez. Blue found that the tourist ship was heading right for the Perez. She was just wrong about the plan. The terrorists on the tourist ship were a bit like sovereign citizens. They wanted a “free” Australia. They were tired of Australia getting dragged into American wars or so they claimed.

They didn’t want to bomb the Perez. They wanted the Perez to bomb them. An American naval ship bombing thirty Australians hostages in their own harbor would ignite a scandal that neither side will ever be able to live down. It would destroy the military alliance between both countries. JD figured out the plan.

He warned Mackey. She warned the Perez. JD also took a boat out to the tourist ship. The terrorists didn’t plan on going down with the ship. They didn’t wisht to be martyrs. Their loyalty doesn’t extend that far.

DeShawn managed to get Evie some pliers. She cut her restraints. She also gave it to the wedding party and they got free when Evie told them to attack. They took down the terrorists.

They got control of the ship. JD arrived in time to steer the ship away from the Perez. The Perez came close to bombing that ship. Mackey bought her team some time and that’s the only reason there wasn’t an international incident in the harbor. As for the man in charge of the attack, Evie tackled him into the water.

The terrorist drowned while DeShawn saved Evie’s life. Crisis was adverted. No one got in trouble and the wedding party now have a cool story.