Tonight on CBS NCIS: Sydney airs with an all-new Friday, February 21, 2024, season 2 episode 3 called, “Back in the USSR,” and we have your weekly NCIS: Sydney recap below.
In tonight’s NCIS season 2 episode 3, “Back in the USSR” as per the CBS synopsis, “When the body of a long-missing U.S. Naval engineer is discovered buried in concrete, the team enlists Doc Roy’s old friend to assist in the investigation.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!
Tonight’s NCIS: Sydney Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s NCIS: Sydney episode, there was some construction at Melrose Park. One guy was assigned to the jack hammer. He found a prosthetic arm in the rubble. He thought it was a joke played on him by his friends and he was air-guitaring with it when the rest of the remains were found.
It turned out the dead guy has been under concrete for decades. He’s been there since the concrete was poured in 1985. The man was later identified as Naval Lt Harvey Wilson. He disappeared that year. He was working for the US Consulate. He was even married to a local girl.
Harvey’s wife was still in the area. Her name is Diana Parkinson. She thought her husband left her for another woman. She and Harvey hadn’t known each other that long when they got married. When NCIS informed of her husband’s death, she kicked herself for thinking the worst about him.
Diana said Harvey worked at the Consulate and that was odd because the Consulate claimed to have never hired him. They’d only do that for US Intelligence Officers. Harvey was a spook. The fact that he was a spook during the 80s meant he was most likely spying on the then Soviet Union.
The Russians have been a problem for Americans since the end of WWII. They constantly worked against each other. They spy on each other. Harvey was supposed to spy on the Russians and yet NCIS found he might have been secretly working for them. They tracked the victim’s movements.
They found he visited an Australia graveyard and there they found an urn with the name “Benedict Arnold on it”. Mackey knew that was a lie. Arnold was buried in London. They checked the urn and they found film inside of it.
Harvey was taking photos of classified American documents. Mackey had Blue run through it with American Intelligence. The plans may have been from the 80s only they were still used well into the 90s.
Just when the team was thinking the worst of the guy, the detective that investigated his disappearance showed up. Terry Barnes never stopped looking for Harvey. It’s the one case that never left him. He investigated him so thoroughly that he knew he couldn’t be a traitor. Eve dug a little deeper and she found out Barnes was right.
Harvey wasn’t selling American secrets. He gave the Russians sabotaged schematics. He was actively working against them and so Russia once again became a suspect. Harvey was killed with a nerve agent. Something the Russians were noted for. Harvey also had two arms. The prosthetic arm wasn’t his. He was just holding onto it when he died. Mackey and JD reached out to the Russians. They were claiming this wasn’t them. They even sent Russian Consul-General Lina Bukovska to speak with NCIS.
Someone that high up only comes out of hiding if the case was still active. Harvey has been dead for forty years. He wasn’t the issue. NCIS found Sasha. The man they suspected kill Harvey because he had a new prosthetic arm.
He was killed by a nerve agent. The same one used to kill Harvey and Mackey said that didn’t sound like the Russians. The Russians tailor made the nerve agent for each kill to throw off suspicion. They wouldn’t use the same thing to take out two people over forty years.
No, NCIS didn’t think the Russians were behind this. They suspected that this was the case of someone going rogue. Their best bet on who that could be was Barnes. They looked into Barnes’s case file. He never asked Diana when was the last time she saw her husband. He deliberately kept things vague.
Which was odd because he swore up and won that this was the case that stuck with him. Barnes was also Doc’s friend. They’ve known each other for decades. Their wives used to be friends as well. Barnes lost his wife a while ago and he never wanted to move on. He was fine staying a widow.
NCIS knew they couldn’t just interrogate Barnes. They pretended like they needed his help. They had come in and watch as NCIS were questioning Diana. Diana’s testimony poked holes into Barnes’s story. Barnes seemed shock that Diana had been pregnant in 1985. She had a girl. Her husband never met his child.
Both mother and daughter falsely believed that Harvey walked out on them. Barnes seemed a little shocked about Diana having a kid. It took a minute for him to recover and then he was back to his old cocky self. He told DeShawn that this was chess. And he was checkmate.
Or he was until he was sprayed with a nerve agent. Barnes was sprayed. NCIS saw it happened and two of them chased their suspected poisoner. It was Bukovska. She has diplomatic immunity.
She made sure to ditch the poison before she was captured. NCIS couldn’t hold onto her. Their best bet at making a case was Barnes. He disappeared after he was poisoned. He didn’t have long left and so Doc Roy knew he’d go to the graveyard to be with his wife. He proved to be right about his friend because they did find Barnes at his wife’s grave.
NCIS called in a hazmat team. Only Doc didn’t want to wait for them. He went to his friend. He got the truth about what happened and Barnes died in his arms.
Barnes admitted that Bukovska had Sasha kill Harvey. She wanted to cover up the fact that her assets sold her bad bag of goods. Barnes tried to get Sasha to turn on her. Bukovska found him first and killed him. Barnes made a lot of mistakes trying to close the case, but he made sure to leave himself vulnerable because he knew Bukovska would try to kill him next and she did.
Barnes helped NCIS and APD gain evidence against Bukovska. The Australian government told her that she either waves her diplomatic immunity or they’d tell the Russians that she allowed them to waste billions on fake bombs. Russians didn’t usually like being made a fool of and so Bukovska agreed to jailtime.
The whole team also got their official NCIS gear and everyone mocked JD for getting a yellow vest. It really was a whole thing. And he never wavered from loving it because it came in handy.