NCIS: Sydney Recap 03/14/25: Season 2 Episode 6 “Hell Weak”

NCIS: Sydney Recap 03/14/25: Season 2 Episode 6 "Hell Weak"NCIS: Sydney Recap 03/14/25: Season 2 Episode 6 "Hell Weak"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: Sydney airs with an all-new Friday, March 14, 2025, season 2 episode 6 called, “Hell Weak,” and we have your weekly NCIS: Sydney recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS season 2 episode 6, “Hell Weak” as per the CBS synopsis, “The suspected suicide of a former U.S. Navy SEAL leads NCIS: Sydney to a wellness retreat to investigate a group of his fellow former SEAL buddies,.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS: Sydney Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

It took a lot to become a Navy SEAL. Those officers were usually tortured to near breaking point. If they survive after that, they get to become SEALs and they wash out if they don’t. There was also always a chance that something unexpected happens. There was a SEAL trainer who lost someone during training. The young man he was hoping to train died during a routine exercise. His trainer took it hard. He ran off to Australia to start over. He created the Brute Force Wellness Retreat with his Australian wife. And he would have lived his life in obscurity if his past hadn’t found him.

The former SEAL was Chief Finn McKay. He had some old friends fly out to see him. It was supposed to be a trip to catch up and instead there was an investigation. One of his friends committed suicide. The man that died was Lieutenant Pete Levinson. He and Finn served together. They also worked the same training program together. Finn left the program after that one man died. Pete stayed with the SEALs. Finn later told NCIS that they were hoping to reconnect, but they suspected something else happened at the retreat because Pete didn’t kill himself. He was murdered.

There were marks on Pete’s neck that indicated he was strangled before he was hung. Doc said he was murdered. It was up to NCIS to figure out why. They went digging through Pete’s life. They found he had a bunch of steroids in his fridge. He also had some masking agents and so it looks like he was selling drugs on the side. He had way too much for personal use. NCIS tried asking his SEAL buddies about it. They weren’t talking. They just said Pete was a friend and they took DeShawn out on an exercise.

DeShawn doesn’t like talking about it only he tried to become a SEAL. He quit the program before he finished. He quit on the last day of Hell Week. Yet, he still holds a lot of respect for them and the program. This could be why he didn’t suspect the other SEALs of killing their friend. Evie wanted to grill them. She wanted their location on the night in question. It was just DeShawn that swore a SEAL would never kill one of their brothers. He said those men go through hell together and they wouldn’t betray that for nothing.

They would on the other hand betray that to protect themselves. The trainee that died was Victor Austin. Austin’s family pushed for an investigation and it turns out Pete was helping them. Pete didn’t agree to this trip just to catch up. He agreed because he wanted to catch those responsible for Austin’s death. He went as far as to wear a wire. His friends found out about it and they ripped it off of him. They threw it into a fire. Pete’s buddies didn’t know that Finn’s wife witnessed the incident. And she pulled the receptor out of the fire before it could burn.

It was handed over to Blue. She had to run a few tests on it. In the meantime, Blue spoke with Austin’s grandmother. The poor woman suspected that her grandson was given steroids during training and that could be why he died. Blue got the redacted autopsy for Austin. She and Doc worked through it. They determined Austin was indeed on steroids when he died. He was already in pique condition. He took the steroids and he became a beast. He became bulkier. He got agitated more. He even snapped at his grandmother and that’s what made her suspect he was on something.

Austin’s official cause of death was drowning. Only he didn’t drown on the beach. He drowned from his own fluids after it built up in his system and that was directly caused by steroids. Austin’s autopsy didn’t show that. It showed that he died because of a prior health condition. The same condition was that found in a small group of people that descended from Poland. Austin didn’t have it. He was Asian-American. His health records from before showed he didn’t have this condition. Someone that did have it was Pete.

Pete was the Medical Officer at the time. He’s the one that oversaw Austin’s autopsy. He’s also the one that used his own blood to swap out with Austin’s. Pete did all of that for his friends. He thought he was helping them. He didn’t realize until he got to Australia that they were drug dealers. It wasn’t some one off with Austin. They’ve been selling steroids for years. They were still trying to do it in Australia. There were four of them in their friend group. Two of them were drug dealers. The third was Finn. Finn had no idea what they were doing or that they would kill one of their own.

The receptor from the wire told NCIS everything. It told them who killed Pete. It also told them why. Pete confronted his friends that night. He tried to get them to admit to their drug business. They realized that Pete was wearing a wire. They fought him for it. They threw it into the fire and they then killed their friend. Finn’s wife saw the fight. She was heavily pregnant. She couldn’t sleep through the night and she overheard the arguing. She took the receptor because she didn’t know what caused the fight, but she didn’t want her husband to get in any trouble for what the others did.

Finn’s friends later took Evie and DeShawn hostage when they tried to apprehend them. Finn convinced them to give the NCIS Agents a running chance and all along he was helping the agents. Finn wasn’t a bad guy. He didn’t know about Austin. In fact, it was Austin’s death that led him to starting over in Australia. He beat himself up from the guilt and two of his supposed best friends wouldn’t even tell him the truth. Or help him heal. Finn took out one of his buds. The other was taken down by Evie.

Evie has never shot anyone before. She wasn’t ready to take a life and so she just shot the Axeman in the leg. She got lucky when the rest of NCIS arrived. The Axeman was arrested. Finn was given closure. DeShawn got medical treatment for his injuries and Evie was soon back at telling jokes.

But on the side, the team continued to look into Rankin’s movements before he got the pacemaker.


Kristine Francis:
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