Survivor Recap 03/19/25: Season 48 Episode 4 “The House Party’s Over”

Survivor Recap 03/19/25: Season 48 Episode 4 "The House Party's Over"Survivor Recap 03/19/25: Season 48 Episode 4 "The House Party's Over"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 19, 2025, season 48 episode 4 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 48 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 48 episode 4 called, “The House Party’s Over,” as per the CBS synopsis, “An unexpected twist for the castaways sends the trajectory of their games into an all-new direction.

An undercover alliance in the losing tribe leads to a shocking tribal council.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Survivor episode, there were no sweeter words than “drop your buff” tonight. Especially for the Vula tribe. They’ve been at the bottom for so long that they’ve lost half of their tribe and would have gotten wiped out if they hadn’t merged with the others. The remaining tribe couldn’t even count on each other.

The three of them turned on the each other at the last tribal council. Sai no longer trusts Cedrek. Cedrek was doing his best to befriend both ladies because he knew he would need them if anyone from their tribe makes it to the final three. Then there was Mary. Mary wormed her into the whole that Justin left.

Mary didn’t really have a choice by then. She was fighting to hold on. Plus, she knew exactly what to say to win Sai over. They were both smart women doing their best to survive the game.

They’ve been worried about what the guys would do for too long. They can change all of that if they band together and so they made an alliance with each other.

They both decided to keep Cedrek on the outside. Cedrek thought he could still befriend them and frankly that moment passed when he nearly sacrificed Sai at the last tribal council.

All of that changed by the way when Jeff said those sweet words. He asked them to drop their buffs and suddenly it was the other tribes that started panicking. They’ve been on the island for eight days.

They’ve made friends. They’ve made allies. It wasn’t going to be easy to go from what they knew to what they had to do to stay in the competition. Lagi tribe was worried the most. They’ve been winning all the challenges. They didn’t want to lose that momentum and they did. The old Lagi tribe was all split up.

There was a lot of cross pollination tonight. Though it was amusing when Sai and Cedrek both went to a new tribe together. She was just talking about ousting him and now she has to work with him.

They ended up at Civa tribe. There were two OG Civa still there. There was also Bianca there. Bianca was the sole person that came from Lagi.

She knew instantly that if her new tribe lost that she would be up on the chopping block. She also lost her vote during a trip the other day. And so she wouldn’t even be able to protect herself if the others went for her.

Bianca was in a horrible position. Her friends and allies saw that from their own spots. Mary meanwhile was the Bianca on the new Lagi tribe. She was the sole person against two OG Lagi and two old Civa.

Only her position was stronger than Bianca’s. The others sought to ally with Mary. Eva was the most willing to work with the newcomers. She couldn’t wait to tell them the grand plan from the old Lagi. She said the first chance they get they needed to get out Star. Star stayed Lagi during exchange.

Eva couldn’t work with her. Or to better put it, she never tried to work with her. The old Lagi tribe banded together to oust Star because Star never pretended to be their friend. She went looking for an idol. She found a cipher she was trying to solve. The others knew about the cipher and that’s why they really wanted to oust her.

They didn’t want her getting the idol. What Eva didn’t know was that her allies changed gears recently. They were now focusing on ousting her and she was actually saved when they switched tribes.

Eva turning on Star now was just silly. She used to have the numbers with Star and possibly Mary. Now that she told everyone she’s willing to turn on Star, there was no one there to protect her.

The switcheroo caused a whole bunch of drama. The Lagi guys went to Vula with Kyle and Kamilla and the latter had some gossip for the Lagi guys. She knew for a fact that Thomas was never given the option to walk away on his last Journey. He also wouldn’t be able to describe it to his friends if he hadn’t seen it for himself.

Kamilla knew that Thomas was lying about what happened. He would only lie if he got an advantage. She told his friends about it and it created a divide. Thomas later did his best to repair the damage.

He said that Mitch must have lied to Kamilla. He even went as far to say Kamilla was furthering the lie to cement her own position in the new Vula tribe. The same tribe that was stuck with absolutely nothing. They didn’t even have a map because the old Vula forgot to leave one behind.

It technically didn’t matter that Kamilla was telling the truth. Thomas did win an advantage. He hid it from his closest allies because he never knew when he might need it and now too much time has passed.

He couldn’t come forward. His allies would know they couldn’t trust him. They’d rather believe Kamilla was lying than have proof that the core three alliance they made at the start was flawed. Over with the new Lagi, Charity went around telling everyone that she and David were super close. He’d vote her way no matter what or so she claimed.

Charity honestly didn’t know that David doesn’t trust her. The old Civa tribe knew they couldn’t trust her. She plays too aggressively and David couldn’t wait to vote her out. There was Charity telling everyone that she thinks for David because he wasn’t the smartest when really he hates her. David wants to oust Charity.

Eva wants to oust Star. Mary was just happy in the middle. The truest way to determine an ally was on whether or not you could win an Immunity Challenge with them. And the new Lagi won the next challenge.

They started from a position of weakness before rising up to take the first spot. Civa came in second. Vula was last and so the curse of Vula lived on even when it’s a group of new people. They lost their flint.

They had to vote someone out. The tribal council came down to who could trust who. Joe and Shauhin wanted to keep Kamilla. Thomas didn’t want her around because she tried to tell the truth about him. He considered using his advantage against her. He does have Steal-A-Vote. Only he didn’t know that Kyle has an idol.

Kyle and Kamilla pretended not to trust each other. They were pretty close behind the scenes. She told him that the others went looking through his bag when he wasn’t there and they didn’t find the idol because he hid it in his shoe.

Let that serve as a reminder for future generations. Kyle later used the idol for himself. He and Kamilla worked together to oust Thomas. They blindsided him so well that Thomas never got a chance to play his advantage.

Thomas was done tonight!


Kristine Francis:
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