The Amazing Race Recap 03/19/25: Season 37 Episode 3 “Chaotic, Crazy, That’s What We’re Used To”

The Amazing Race Recap 03/19/25: Season 37 Episode 3 "Chaotic, Crazy, That's What We're Used To"The Amazing Race Recap 03/19/25: Season 37 Episode 3 "Chaotic, Crazy, That's What We're Used To"

Tonight the CBS series The Amazing Race airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 19, 2025, season 37 episode 3 and we have your The Amazing Race recap below. In tonight’s season, 37 episode 3 called, “Chaotic, Crazy, That’s What We’re Used To,” as per the CBS synopsis,

“The stakes are high at the Roadblock! Racers must play the ancient Japanese game of kemari and the first team with both members to successfully complete the game will win the express pass.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:30 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Amazing Race recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Amazing Race news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s The Amazing Race, the third leg of the trip sent everyone to Kyoto, Japan. They all got to take the bullet train. The bullet train was considered the best way to travel in Japan and the contestants got a first class view of the countryside.

The were a lot of people that only visited Japan to see Tokyo. The “Amazing Race” helped change mindsets. Osaka was Japan’s current capital of Osaka Prefecture.

Kyoto was the capital of Japan’s Kyoto Prefectures. Both areas were rich in history and challenges. The first challenge being the contestants booking their own trips on the bullet train.

It was a lot harder than it looked. Thankfully, there was always a new train running every few minutes. It allowed the people from the bottom from last week to still be in the game. Jonathan and Ana were in first place last week yet they weren’t the first to get fortune paper. They came in second to Scott and Lori.

Scott and Lori were about five minutes faster than Jonathan and Ana. They were told to get fortune paper, put it in water, and that would reveal their next stop in Kyoto. They did that. They realized they had to go play kemari with a kemari master at a sixth century shrine.

Kemari was a Samurai version of soccer/football. Both members of the team has to make five successful passes without dropping the ball or using their hands to touch the ball.

The first duo to complete the task earns themselves an Express Pass. The Express Pass allows any team to skip any challenge they don’t wish to complete.

They all wished they had that pass before they had to play kemari. It was a tough sport. Jonathan finished it no problem. Ana wasn’t as coordinated. Her husband was judging her from the sidelines.

If they just let one person play, they miss out on the Express Pass but still remain in the game. Scott and Lori chose that option. Scott played kemari. Lori decided not to play and they were the first to leave for the next challenge.

They said they did that to psychological trip the others up going for the Express Pass. It worked because Jonathan got more upset with his wife after the other couple left. He didn’t forgive his wife until she completed the challenge and they won the Express Pass. The second they did, the other team left.

Jack and Carson were right behind Jonathan and Ana. They were off to the third location when people were still going to the first stop. Courtney and Jasmin got the clue from the fortune paper. Only they didn’t write it down. They just took the wet paper with them and it dries up pretty quickly.

The writing on it can only be seen when its wet. It ended up setting them back in the competition. The others were reaching the Fling It or Fold It challenge when people were still playing kemari.

With the Fling it or Fold It challenge, the contestants get to choose between being a ninja or origami artist. The first three teams there tended to favor the ninja. They love the idea of throwing stars or using blowguns. They just weren’t good at it. Jack and Carson watch a lot of anime.

They thought they would kill it if they did it in real life and they were wrong. There’s a reason why people study these things. It’s not because everyone can do it. The contestants soon realized that and they switched to fold it the first chance they could.

The fold it option forces the contestants to make a giant origami animal with white paper. If it had color at least then maybe they could see what was folded and replicate it, but white paper no matter how large remains really hard to structure. It took them forever to figure it out. Scott and Lori were first to complete the origami.

Then Carson and Jack. Jonathan and Ana were third. These three teams have been close in time with each other all the time. They arrived in that same order at the final stop in Kyoto.

Scott and Lori won five thousand dollars for being first. Phil joked about splitting the five grand equally. Scott and Lori told him that the five grand was going all to Lori. She’ll know how to use it.

They were also given an advantage in the race. They were moving on when Courtney and Jasmin finally moved past the kemari. They were last in the competition. They needed to make up time quickly. It helped that many of them really did choose ninja before moving on to origami. Alyssa and Josiah took forever to give up ninja.

They played dart games back home. They thought it would be the same thing if not similar. They were wrong and they weren’t any good at origami either. Holden and Han also got into a fight. They were trying to do origami when they started yelling at each other. There was another pair of siblings there.

They weren’t as bad as Holden and Han. Also, Alyssa and Josiah did get origami eventually. They were in seventh place at the end of the night. Bernie and Carrigan came in tenth place. Han and Holden also got it.

Courtney and Jasmine sadly stayed in last place. They were eliminated tonight after the origami issue and they don’t regret a single thing.


Kristine Francis:
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