The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, February 23, 2025, season 5 episode 9 called “Stolen Angel,” and we have your The Equalizer recap below.
In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “McCall and the team search for a missing pregnant woman whose baby may be in danger. Meanwhile, Dante meets his brother James for the first time.”
Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!
Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s The Equalizer episode, Delilah remained grounded. She took her grandfather’s car out without permission. She knew how important that car was to her mother and ignored that because she wanted to impress her boyfriend. Well, the two of them got into a car accident. Robyn was glad her daughter was safe.
She also needed to ensure her daughter never did something as stupid as that again and that’s why she’s grounded. It wasn’t sorta grounded. It wasn’t partly grounded. She was stuck at home and school. She wasn’t allowed anywhere else. And so naturally Dee complained about it.
Dee was still whining when Robyn caught a new case. There was a woman whose friend disappeared. The friend’s name is Maya. Maya was pregnant. She also had a history of drug addiction as well as several run-ins with the law. The two friends haven’t connected in years. Only Maya still reached out.
Maya said she turned her life around. She went to rehab fourteen months ago. She got clean. She wanted to see her old friend again and so her friend hopped on the next flight to New York.
By time her friend reached, Maya disappeared. Her cell phone and car keys were left behind. There was no sign of a struggle. There was also no sign of Maya being alright.
Her friend tried to get the police’s help. They refused to assist because they all thought Maya simply went on a drug binge. They figured she’d return once she sobered up. It was just Maya’s friend that refused to believe that. She sought out the Equalizer and she asked Robin to find Maya because she knew something was wrong.
It turns out the friend was right because Maya was grabbed. Maya pregnancy wasn’t smooth. She has to take medication to stave off of preeclampsia and that medication was left at her apartment.
There’s no way Maya would leave that behind. Not when she risks dying without it. Robyn found that drug and it was enough to convince her that Maya was in danger. They dug through Maya’s life. She was receiving fifteen hundred dollars each month from a charity for low-income single mothers. She was also seeing Dr. Bennings for her pregnancy.
Maya was doing everything right with the pregnancy. Robyn and Mel went to the doctor’s office. They tried to get info about Maya’s condition and he refused to tell them anything.
They instead got information from a nurse named Regina. Regina said that Maya has an extreme case. She needs the medication to survive. She also couldn’t risk stress or it might trigger a dangerous reaction. There was one other thing that Regina mentioned. She said that Maya got into a fight with a guy some months ago.
The guy was Lenox. He was Maya’s ex. They got into a lot of trouble together. He might also be her baby’s father. Their fight was supposedly over money.
Lenox might have grabbed Maya to gain access to what little cash she has. Besides the charity money, she also works for a call center from home. It wasn’t much but much never mattered to an addict. Robyn and Mel went to Lenox’s apartment. They busted down the door. They found Lenox tied to a chair. They also ran into his “friends”.
Lenox owed some dangerous people some money. Its why he got back in contact with Maya. He needed her help and she agreed to loan him some cash so that he wouldn’t get killed.
Then she never showed. Lenox has no idea what happened to her. The two of them were merely friends. He denied being the baby’s father. He said Maya told him that the baby’s father didn’t want a kid. Which is odd because Harry later found out the father was paying Maya the fifteen hundred each month. The charity was bogus. It was a shell company.
The man paying Maya was Colin Bass. He was married to Linda Bass. They thought they were adopting Maya’s baby and so Linda broke the rules. The rules that were set by their adoption lawyer. She contacted Maya. She wanted to get to know the mother of her child. All she did was freak out Maya.
Maya ran off. Linda reported what happened with their adoption lawyer and that’s why Maya was grabbed. Maya never agreed to put her baby up for adoption. She wanted her child. Its why she bought all the baby items. She even bought the baby books.
Maya wasn’t the first victim. The adoption lawyer has handled five domestic adoptions over the past year. They set up the fake charity to lure these women in and then they steal their babies.
They claimed the baby died from their bad lifestyle choices. The adoption lawyer was working hand in hand with their OBGYN. Only it wasn’t Dr. Bennings’s idea. It was Regina’s. She figured no one would care about a druggie. She also didn’t want to get caught for stealing babies. She planned on killing Maya to cover up what she did. And she didn’t count on either Robyn or Mel.
Once they realized the scam, they figured out that Maya was taken to an off the books clinic. Somewhere she could give birth and no one will hear. The ladies got Dr. Bennings to give them information. They used that to find Regina. Regina saw them coming and she grabbed a syringe.
She threatened to murder both Maya and her baby. Regina wasn’t just in it for the money. She was raised by a drug addict single mother. She thought she was saving these babies by giving them a better life. And the money that came from it was merely the topping.
Robyn didn’t care what her reason was. She and Mel still killed Regina. They knocked out the adoption lawyer. They also delivered Maya’s baby. Maya took the call center job because she applied to NYU. She was going to get her degree. She wanted her baby to have a mother to be proud of.
Robyn told her she already was. Thanks to Maya, there were four other children that were going to be returned to their mothers. The fake adoption ring got shut down. And it made Robyn happy to return to her daughter who finally stopped being angsty.
They did that while Dante finally met his half-brother. His brother’s name is James. They share the same eyes. James also visited their father in prison. Unlike Dante. It was therefore strange that it was Dante that got power of attorney. James was the defense attorney. Dante was a cop.
It wasn’t fair that Dante got to make all the medical decisions. He got to put their father in a home. James felt he should have a say. It was better for them to work with each other rather than against each other. They realized that when their father hopped on a train to Brooklyn without them realizing it.
They eventually found their dad at his favorite pizza place. Their father was so happy to be with the both of them that neither son wanted to disappoint him by arguing.
Also, Dee was only in a rebellious mood because she was afraid about life after high school. She wasn’t ready to grow up and Aunt Vi talked her through it.