The Equalizer Recap 03/16/25: Season 5 Episode 12 “Trust No One”

The Equalizer Recap 03/16/25: Season 5 Episode 12 "Trust No One"The Equalizer Recap 03/16/25: Season 5 Episode 12 "Trust No One"

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, March 16, 2025, season 5 episode 12 called “Trust No One,” and we have your The Equalizer recap below.

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “McCall and the team are on the hunt for buried treasure after a history professor obsessed with finding it is killed.

Meanwhile, Dante is reluctant to introduce his sons to McCall after she invites them over for dinner.

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode, Robyn and Detective Dante are Instagram official. They are dating. Robyn told her family about it. Robyn’s side was now pushing to officially meet Dante’s side.

Robyn wasn’t sure if they were ready for that. Or at least that’s what she told her family. She didn’t mention that she was fine with it. She just didn’t think Dante was ready so she told her family that they were taking things slow. They were also focusing on work right now. Robyn caught another case. She was contacted by Ariel Kincaid.

Ariel’s father was murdered. Professor Johan Kincaid was a history professor at Hempstead U. He was murdered right after he came forward with his findings.

He told a bunch of people at a conference that he found a clue about Captain William Kidd’s lost treasure. The same treasure that everyone have been looking for in actual centuries and so that brought out a lot of kooks. According to the story, Captain Kidd was transporting a treasure during the American Revolutionary War. He hid it so that one side wouldn’t get their hands on it.

Kidd admitted on his deathbed that he hid in the treasure in one of the thirteen colonies. People have been looking for it ever since. This included Harry. He was very big into pirates as a kid and he still believes in the treasure as an adult.

He couldn’t wait to hear what Kincaid found. Kincaid told a conference full of people that he was closer to the treasure than ever before. There were a lot of people that contacted him afterwards. There were some that threatened violence. Its why Kincaid asked for extra security from the university.

He didn’t get the security. Now, he’s dead. Kincaid sent packages to his daughter an hour before his death. There was a letter as well. The letter told her not to trust anyone and so she turned to the vigilante for help.

She had no idea what her father sent her. She wasn’t really interested in history. It was her parents’ thing. They were both history professors. They loved talking about the past and it was fine at first because Ariel’s mother helped smooth out Kincaid’s rough edges. Then her mom died. And Kincaid locked himself away with his books.

The only time the father seemed to pay attention to Ariel was when he gave her pop quizzes. He loved testing her knowledge of history. He just didn’t care about the other stuff.

Like her interests. Or what a child needs to grow up in a loving environment. He stopped caring in a visible and he tried loving Ariel by including her in his love of history. She was so curious why her father would sent her his old journals. She had no clue that this was about the Kidd’s treasure hunt until a couple of guys broke into her apartment and they knocked her out.

They stole her father’s journals. Somehow it had gotten around that the journals weren’t with Kincaid when he died. He already sent it to his daughter and she didn’t think his research added up to anything.

It got stolen before she realized its significance. Ariel had some home movies with her dad. Her father’s journals were in them because he was always writing in that thing. Robyn gave the footage to Harry. He figured out one of the clues that Kincaid solved. He knew where the next clue could be found. It was in a library.

The men that stole the journals also figured that out. They went there for the next clue. They got into a gun fight with Dante and Robyn. The vigilantes killed one of the men. The men were mercenaries.

They were hired by “CK Incorporated”. The person behind the shell company was Dr. Janet Luttrell. She worked with Kincaid. She helped him with his research and she killed him because she wanted to keep the gold all for herself. She underestimated Kincaid. He made sure to send the documents to Ariel. He also tried to warn her by telling her not to trust anyone.

Ariel was the one that ignored the advice. She later opened her door to Luttrell. She thought Luttrell was a family friend and came to express her condolences. She didn’t count on Luttrell bringing her own friends. She brought two mercenaries to Ariel’s home. They also killed the cop that was keeping watch from outside.

So, when Robyn called Ariel about finding the new clue, it was Luttrell that answered. She demanded the gold or she was going to kill Ariel. Luttrell said she was owed this much because she helped Kincaid get further than anyone else did to the treasure.

Robyn and her team did everything possible. They followed all the clues. It led to nothing. There was no treasure. They believe it was just a hobby for a grieving man that went too far.

They tried to tell Luttrell this. She refused to believe them. She’s killed too many people to go back now. She said the treasure has to be real. She claimed she was going to find it after she kills Robyn, Dante, and Ariel. The vigilantes couldn’t let that happen. They got the drop on the mercenaries. They took them down and Luttrell was arrested.

Ariel was safe. The treasure was also real. Harry realized that Kincaid didn’t misspell his letter to his daughter asking her not to trust anyone. He wrote “truss” over “trust.

Truss was apparently the last clue and the whole team along with Ariel later found the treasure. Half of it was going to the museum. The other half was going to be used to create a scholarship for disadvantaged kids studying history. It’s what Ariel’s parents would have wanted. There was also a reason Dante didn’t want his kids meeting Robyn’s side of the family right now.

Dante’s move back to New York has given his youngest son a false impression. The little boy thought his parents were going to get back together. Dante didn’t want to hurt his sons by introducing them to someone new and, for now, he has to ease his children into accepting that there aren’t going to be a traditional family.

But they will always be a loving family. Robyn’s side thankfully didn’t mind waiting. Dee ran into Ty again and she realized how hard it was to take care of his two sisters without any kind of support.

Ty had traumatized when he pulled a gun on her only she came to see he was fighting for survival when he stole from the block party. He wasn’t a bad guy. He just doesn’t have many options.


Kristine Francis:
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