The Rookie Recap 03/25/25: Season 7 Episode 11 “Speed”

The Rookie Recap 03/25/25: Season 7 Episode 11 "Speed"The Rookie Recap 03/25/25: Season 7 Episode 11 "Speed"

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 25, 2025, season 7 episode 11 called, “Speed,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. In tonight’s The Rookie season 7 episode 11 as per the ABC synopsis,

“ohn and Celina find themselves in a hostage situation while undercover for a public safety initiative. While Angela and Nyla investigate the suspects, Tim challenges Lucy’s decision-making skills.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s The Rookie episode, Some felt the officers of LAPD needed to follow the same laws as civilians. Officer Miles Penn ran into one of them when the driver parked behind them. It was a no parking zone. Miles told the other driver this. He asked him to move.

The other guy got upset and said then why wasn’t the police following the same law? Which you know makes sense. Miles could see that it made sense. He moved the car to where it was legally parked.

It had to park it up a hill and so a distress call coming in was the worst because he then had to run back up that hill just to get in the car. Tim later told him to let this be a lesson for him. They shouldn’t listen to idiots.

Miles was still a rookie. He was learning something new everyday. He didn’t always have to listen to Tim’s pessimism and tonight he thought he got lucky when he rode with Lieutenant Gray.

The whole station was taking part in “Operation Ride A Bus”. It was an election year in LA. The mayor wanted to be seen doing something to solve the rising crime rates on public transport. Celina and Nolan rode the bus in civilian clothes. They spotted the perp. They also told their team whenever one of them gets off the bus.

Tim and Lucy made several arrests. There was one guy stealing wallets. Only none of them thought they’d be stuck with men that had a bomb. The bombers brought the device onto the bus.

They then took control. They didn’t know that there were two cops onboard. They just wanted to live out his fantasy of being in the movie “Speed”. Great movie by the way, but one that shouldn’t be used a blueprint. The two also had guns. There was one that kept the bus driver in line while the other ordered the passengers on the bus to block out the windows.

The bombers brought newspapers with them. They had the passenger use the newspaper to line the windows. No one could see in. No one could see out.

The bombers also demanded a pregnant women collect everyone’s phones and wallets. Nolan grew curious about that because he couldn’t believe this was all these men wanted. He asked if they were going to get a ransom and they admitted they wanted money than from a bunch of wallets. It turns out they had already called 911. They demanded a lot in return for not killing any of the hostages.

There was one hostage that had a panic attack. He works in government. He was only riding the bus to be eco friendly and he promised the bombers that he could help them get some serious money.

One of the perps wasn’t listening. He told Mr. Panic Attack to sit back down. The bomber would have killed the guy and so Celina stepped in. She saved one of the hostages.

She also fought over the gun with one of the bombers. It went off. She accidentally shot one of the bombers and that created problems down the road because the bombers weren’t just in the same crew. They were brothers.

As in biological brothers. They were still complaining about mom on the bus. They were close. The other bomber is going want to save his brother and now he knows that Celina came with a hefty price tag. The sole bomber demanded that the cops send a doctor. Nolan was treating his brother with the best he could find on a bus.

It just wasn’t enough. He needed a doctor. The bomber had Celina call her boss. She made that call and the bomber finished it. He demanded that they get medical help.

They didn’t get the doctor only they did get an EMT. Bailey was a bad*** in the field. She jumped on the moving bus. She brought supplies and she tried to save her patient. At one point, they lost a pulse. Bailey was able to bring it back. It was still a little weak and he needed to go to the hospital. The bomber worked with the cops.

He made sure that his brother, the pregnant lady, Celina, and two more left the bus. His brother was rushed to the hospital. Bailey was far away from a dangerous man. It was Nolan that was still onboard the bus.

His security camera picked up what the remaining bomber said. Joel (the cops figured out his name is Joel) said that they were told it was going to be easy. He never signed up for his brother getting hurt. Only she talked them into the plan. The pregnant woman that Nolan convinced Joel to let go was in fact pulling the strings.

The cops realized that far too late and by time they went looking for her – she disappeared. She wasn’t even pregnant. She’s the one that made the ransom call to 911 using a voice modulator.

She also boobytrapped a house from where she made the call. She could have killed quite a few officers if they hadn’t reacted in time. Her real name was Denise. Nolan didn’t know she was a suspect until he took down Joel and arrested him. While Joel was getting fingerprinted, Denise was running for the hills.

She doesn’t work for the brothers or with them. She works for Monica. Monica wanted some governmental secrets. She was probably hoping to threaten enough politicians to get a pardon for herself.

Monica was on the run after all. She was hunted by Interpol. She was hunted by the FBI. Also, as time has shown, the LAPD has been the only ones to bring her down. The LAPD was always getting better. Lucy wants to sign up for the Sergeant exam. Her ex/friend helped her seriously consider all the ramifications .

And Miles almost got in trouble. His ex-girlfriend’s father lent him some money. He did so because he thought Miles was going to marry his daughter and it was time to repay that loan now the two have broken up. Miles hated it, but he sold his championship ring. He was going to do everything to pay off the loan or else he loses his job.


Kristine Francis:
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