Tracker Recap 03/16/25: Season 2 Episode 13 “Neptune”

Tracker airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, March 16, 2025, season 2 episode 13 called “Neptune,” and we have your Tracker recap below.

In tonight’s Tracker episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Colter is hired to find a mother in Ohio who went missing after tucking her son in for the night.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our Tracker recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Tracker recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Tracker episode, Colter Shaw found himself in New York City tonight. He was called about a missing woman. The woman’s name is Clare Dillard. She and her husband were walking when she spotted a dress.

It was a very expensive dress. Clare knew it would cost too much. She was ready to walk right past it when her husband still convinced her to try it on. He told her it couldn’t hurt to put it on once. Logan and Clare both went into that store. Clare went to the dressing room to try on the dress and then she just

Clare didn’t leave via the front entrance. She wasn’t in the dressing rooms. She wasn’t out back nor did anyone hear the back door open and so she truly just disappeared.

It was as if she had never been there. Her husband was worried. He said his wife wouldn’t leave him out of the blue. Logan reported her missing. He also contacted Clare’s brother. The brother had some money issues a couple of years ago and Clare loaned him what he needed. When Logan called him, the brother said he hasn’t heard from her in a year.

Logan put out a twenty thousand dollar reward for his wife. He wanted to find her. He wanted to make sure she was okay and that she hadn’t been grabbed. Logan was later filling Colter in on what happened that day when someone broke into his apartment. He has it on video. Both men raced to the scene.

The thief was gone and he surprisingly hadn’t taken anything. He didn’t even take the money or the jewelry that was hidden in the beside drawer of all places. Colter checked the whole apartment. He found something.

The man that broke in had planted a cell phone jammer. He didn’t take anything because he added something. Which made Clare’s disappearance a lot more suspect. Colter asked Logan about Clare.

Clare allegedly worked at a small publishing house in the city. Colter went to that location and he found five people dead. Most of Clare’s coworkers had been killed. Clare and one other woman were the only ones left. Colter realized that this publishing house was a front for some government agency.

Probably CIA or another alphabet. Colter hacked one of the computers with Randy’s help. They found out that Clare was looking for a mole within their team and that could be why her office was killed off. Colter was almost spotted by the clean up crew that was set to erase all signs of a murder at that building.

He escaped thanks in large part to Randy. Only Randy faced a price for that. He hacked in a governmental agency black site and so they hacked him back. He was forced to unplug everything. Randy couldn’t use his computer or his phone.

Randy had to put his faith in Reenie. Reenie had government contacts. She knows important people and hopefully she can get them answers about who was running that site.

Randy asked her for this favor right before he had to go dark. He didn’t even get a chance to tell Colter what happened. Randy wasn’t just hacked. Someone was deliberately trying to shut down the investigation into the missing Clare. Clare’s husband disappeared from his hotel room. He was grabbed and Colter was searching that hotel room when someone called the room.

The person on the other end told Colter to drop the case. He was getting in over his head with this one. Colter’s friends agreed with the kidnapper. These people that were willing to kill are no joke. Colter was leaving the hotel when he found Clare. Clare tracked her husband’s cell phone to the hotel.

She wanted to get him somewhere safe because she found out who the mole was. The mole was Eileen. Eileen ran the site. There were two guys that found a leak coming from their office and so they went to Clare. Clare thought she was following protocol when she reported it to Eileen.

Unfortunately, Eileen was the mole. She killed off everyone to bury what happened. She texted Clare to come to a safehouse and Clare eventually escaped when she figured out Eileen was the problem.

Clare knew that her escape could put her husband in danger. She tried going to him. She was too late to save him from Eileen and now he was a bargaining chip. Logan didn’t know about any of this. He met his wife on a flight to New York from London. He bought her cover story. He didn’t know she was a spy.

Clare was working in the counter-terrorism agency. Reenie’s contact confirmed that much. Eileen was in charge of that site and Eileen’s boss was Deputy Director Bartholomew.

Clare doesn’t know the man. They’ve never spoken. She wasn’t sure if he’d believe her if she tried to report Eileen. No, the best way to get her husband back was to give Eileen what she wanted. She knew she’d be killed at the end of it. She also knew that her husband would be killed once Clare gave them what they wanted and so she turned to Colter for assistance.

Clare agreed to meet with Eileen in a public place. She demanded to see video of her husband. To check if he was still alive. Eileen didn’t know it, but Randy tracked that second cell phone with the new computer system he put in place of the old one. He found out where Logan was being stashed.

Colter went there and he rescued Logan. Logan suffered a gunshot wound to his shoulder only it was a through and through. He’ll be fine. He was also more concerned about his wife than he was about his shoulder.

All of this because of a satellite. The American government has a secret satellite that can be turned into a weapon. Clare has access to it and Eileen wanted to sell it to the highest bidder.

Clare had just accessed the satellite for Eileen when Colter showed up. Colter created a distraction. It gave Clare the chance to get a one up on Eileen and she has a chance to kill her. Colter talked her out of it. They instead reported Eileen. The case was over. Logan paid Colter for his help and Colter also got a letter of congratulations from Deputy Director Bartholomew.

The letter could be a threat. No one was sure. They chose to forget that for now. What mattered was that both Clare and Logan survived. Clare sent a message to Logan to meet her in Fiji and its up to him if he was willing to join her in spite of all the lies.


Kristine Francis:
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