OJ Simpson Documentary Footage Reveals New Truth About White Bronco, Secret 911 Calls, And OJ’s Biggest Regret!

OJ Simpson Documentary Footage Reveals New Truth About White Bronco, Secret 911 Calls, And OJ's Biggest Regret!
Oh, O.J. Simpson! Twenty years have passed since Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were allegedly murdered by O.J. Simpson. The man in the white Bronco is currently serving time and enjoying karmic retribution in a Nevada prison. One would think a kidnapper, robber, and acquitted murderer would chill in his prison cell and think about life, but this is O.J. Simpson. He does not go gently into that good night, nor does he rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Simpson’s manager Norman Pardo has created a vain little documentary titled O.J.: In His Own Words to “celebrate” the macabre milestone. According to Pardo, he “built an O.J. special for the 20th anniversary, which was professionally put together” using Pardo’s footage. It is supposedly “interesting” and it contains “footage that no one’s ever seen before.”

Ooh! It sounds like an episode of The Bachelor — “the most dramatic rose ceremony in the history of forever!” The documentary contains interviews, archival footage (scary!), and — wait for it — 911 transcripts!

“If I saw a girl with Nicole, I would be all over her. I loved the way the mother of my kids, my wife, and my girlfriend of 17 years looked. I was unfaithful to both of my wives, and it’s what I’ve regretted most in my life,” explains a laughing O.J. in one of the interviews.

He was also “angry” (ooh!) after his trial and blamed the media for “convicting” him. O.J. alleges that he wasn’t “fleeing” in the white Bronco. “They never brought up the Bronco in a court of law [because] they knew where I was! We were going to my house. We went to try to go to Nicole’s grave. We couldn’t get there because the cops are there.”

A friend of his “called the police, told them where I was, where I was going … the law is, flight can be construed as guilt. They knew I wasn’t fleeing.”

Nicole made a 911 call on the night of the murder – excerpt:

SIMPSON: … I don’t give a (expletive) anymore…. That wife of his, she took so much for this (expletive) (inaudible)
NICOLE: Would you just please, O.J., O.J., O.J., O.J., could you please (inaudible) Please leave.
SIMPSON: I’m leaving with my two (expletive) fists is when I’m leaving. You ain’t got to worry about me any more.
NICOLE: Please leave. O.J. Please, the kids, the kids (inaudible) please.

The infamous and disturbing call painted a picture of severe domestic violence, but O.J. refuses to take any responsibility for his actions. He explains, “I don’t want these drug people and these hookers hanging around my kids, and I became the bad guy yelling on the tape. America made me the dog of all dogs, the poster boy for abuse, because I’m pissed off that drug people and hookers are hanging around my kids. [What man] wouldn’t have been as upset as I was?”

O.J. doesn’t have to worry about his soul, because according to him he was “exonerated” in the eyes of “his Lord.” Oh, how lovely!