“She got kind of aggressive with me and was really angry. She was like, ‘I’ve been at every premiere and you never say hello.’
“And it was funny, I felt really upset. I felt bad for her. So I turned around and went over to her and just gave her a hug and said, ‘It’s cool. I’m sorry you feel let down or disappointed. But the nature of my life is I can’t necessarily stop every time, and it’s not because I don’t want to.’
“I think she felt a little better afterwards, and so did I. And for me, it actually shed a little light on the other side of the coin.”
What the hell? People like that are insane. If I was Orlando I’d send that lady to the mental hospital. I mean seriously. SHE SNUCK INTO HIS ROOM BECAUSE HE DIDN’T SAY HELLO TO HER IN A PREMIERE! How insane is that? I’m surprised she didn’t like…attack him with a knife. Seriously. He needs better bodyguards and he needs to not be so nice. Next time someone’s going to come in with a gun because Orlando didn’t have sex with her/him and Orlando will give them a hug and a pat on the back and it’ll be a total Oprah moment. Seriously. I don’t know why it pisses me off so much.