Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap – Stomping on Butterflies: Season 1 Episode 8 “June 13th Part Two”

Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap - Stomping on Butterflies: Season 1 Episode 8 "June 13th Part Two"

Tonight on NBC their new show Heroes Reborn returns with an all new Thursday November 5, season 1 episode 7 called, “June 13th Part Two” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Erica Kravid (Rya Khilstedt) puts her dark plan into motion in the wake of a tragedy.

On the last episode, part 1 of 2. Noah sought answers, teaming up with Hiro Nakamura to return to the tragic day that set everything in motion. Meanwhile, Mohinder Suresh received a dire message about Erica’s true motives; a calculated move was made against Hiro; Luke and Joanne seek a cure for their son. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “Erica Kravid puts her dark plan into motion in the wake of a tragedy. Meanwhile, Hiro and Angela embark on an important mission; Luke and Joanne realize their tragic calling; Noah has a reunion; and Miko’s origins come to light.”

Tonight’s episode of Heroes Reborn is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this first season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#HeroesReborn begins and it’s Chapter Eight – June 13th Part Two. Erica is making a statement after the bombing about Evos. She blames them for the explosion. Quentin is at the hospital looking for Phoebe. They tell him they don’t even know the names of who they have right now. Erica promises a better world after this tragedy. A reporter asks about Mohinder and Erica says he worked in their genetics division. She’s asked if Mohinder is an Evo and Erica says the rumor is that he murdered his research team and is dangerous. She says no more comments.

Erica tells Harris to keep an eye out for Claire while she goes back to Primatech. The reporter says she has a video from Mohinder from before he bombed the facility. Noah asks Casper to get him some water. Mohinder’s video says they showed the world today that they won’t conform and calls humans an inferior species. He says the time has come for them to take their rightful place and spill human blood and says they will kill off all the humans. He says it’s their destiny.

Noah goes to kill Erica but the past Noah blocks the shot. Erica is shot in the leg and is stunned to see two Noahs. Quentin opens the stairwell door and drags Erica inside. The two Noahs go into another room to talk. Future Noah says he came back to fix it. Quentin demands to know where Phoebe is and Erica says help her or he’ll never see his sister again. She says she’s the only chance he has. Past Noah asks if he came to kill Erica and he says not specifically.

Past Noah says future Noah is stepping on butterflies. Angela and Hiro are in Odessa back in 1999. He tries to take them to Angela’s place in Switzerland but can’t. Angela says the babies are doing it. She says the boy is a Petrelli. She says that’s why he can’t use his powers. She says the baby boy is taking his power and that’s why Claire died in childbirth. Hiro says the boy is a bad baby. Angela says they have to keep the boy from his sister. Angela says the children must be raised separately.

She tells him to take the boy and she’ll take the girl and they can’t run into their future selves. She says he’ll be a good parent and wishes him luck. Hiro calls the baby superbaby and tells him he’s the former master of time and space then frowns and says in Japanese – he pooped. Some soldiers are shown a video of a Taliban attack during a trial of some sort – Carlos is being quizzed. They tell him there’s a glitch in the footage and says they reported that he came up behind the rebels.

Two US soldiers died and the man quizzing him and asks what part he played. Future Noah tells Past Noah that she did in childbirth and he says her powers stopped working somehow. He tells Noah that he will see her when he comes back. Molly and Casper are with them now. Noah tells Future Noah he needs to get back to the future. Future Noah tells Casper and Molly that Angela took the babies into the past to protect them. Noah tells Molly he needs to find Hiro.

She concentrates and says she can’t see him. She says his power is in Odessa but she can’t see him. Future Noah tells Past Noah he has to forget all of this. He tells him not to sue the Haitian but to use Casper. Harris lurks and sees Future Noah leave with Molly. He cuts off a finger to grow a clone. Noah refuses Casper’s memory wipe then says he’ll fake it. Harris is there and knocks Casper out and holds a gun on Noah. First responders dig bodies out of the explosion.

Luke and Joanne post a notice for their missing son and a medic says if he’s one of “them” his body will be over there and points. Joanne spots a small body wearing gloves and uncovers him. She cries and says – my baby. Noah tells Harris he won’t tell him anything and he says he doesn’t need him to. Matt Parkman is there and Noah asks why he’s working for Erica. Matt says she’s been good to him and his family. He sits in front of Noah and says he got smart and sold his ability to the highest bidder.

He says he’s a company man now. Noah says Erica doesn’t want to help Evos and he Parkman says she’s their best hope. Harris tells him to get into Noah’s head and find out what’s going on. Parkman digs into his head and tells Harris that Claire is dead. Noah starts crying and Parkman says he’s sorry. Harris asks how she died. He asks how she died and Parkman says in childbirth. Harris wants to know about the baby. A penny skitters into the room and Noah steps on it.

Parkman says all Noah’s thoughts of today are gone and he can’t remember anything. Harris is ready to kill Noah but Casper knocks Harris out. Parkman gives up and tells Casper to just take Noah and go. Casper shoves Noah out the door. Parkman sighs in frustration. We see Carlos come to see the other soldier, the woman, that was at his hearing. He asks if she was going to tell him she was leaving. She says she took a new assignment with the company she used to work for.

He says he’s getting a medal for what she did. She says they had a deal to keep home from being court martialed. She says the powers that be are turning the world against people like her. He says she saved them while he cowered. He tries to kiss her and she slaps him. She says live up to the honor of the medal he’s getting and tells him to go. He does then she sighs sadly. In Tokyo, at Otomo’s apartment, he paces and listens to news about the attack at Primatech and he calls Erica.

He asks why the news is reporting that Hiro is one of the terrorists. He says Hiro is in one of the game and asks why she’s saying Evos are evil since Mohinder worked for her. She ends the call and asks Harris if Hiro is still in the game. Harris says another Hiro was there from the future or past. She says that explains the two Hiros. She says to kill off the other Hiro and find the baby. Otomo is annoyed that they locked him out of the game and he makes a back door and says he’ll find a hero to find Hiro.

He creates a digital version of Katana girl then touches the screen and brings her into the real world. Katana girl attacks. He stops her and says he’s her father then says she has much to learn in a short time. He says he made a big mistake that she must correct. She accepts the mission. Molly guides Future Noah to the source of Hiro’s power. She says she knows that Mohinder didn’t do this and tells him that Erica deserves a bullet. They head to a suburban house and Hiro opens the door to Noah. He tells him it’s about time. Hiro looks gray now. He tells Noah – it’s about time.

Hiro tells Noah it’s worse than he anticipated and asks if Noah was the one who tried to kill Erica. Hiro says he’s committed years to living without his powers but says he may have wreaked havoc on the future. Hiro explains the boy absorbed his power and also Claire’s – that’s why Claire died. Tommy comes in speaking Japanese and he tells Nathan that’s his grandfather Noah. Tommy runs to him and hugs him. He tells Noah he’s been waiting on him.

Noah says he was just a baby in his arms a few days ago. He says dad showed me photos – he’s talking about Hiro who says he was freed from the prison to help raise his grandson. Nathan says he’s ready if it’s time. He says he’s ready to save the world. Noah says they have to keep him safe for another year and Noah needs to get back to the future. Harris busts in and puts a gun to Nathan’s head. Nathan zaps him to the other side of the room and Noah shoots him. He dissolves to ash.

Noah asks Nathan if he can take him to Angela and he says yes and that he wants to meet his great grandmother. Otomo tells Miko that she was in a terrible accident and tells her her name and says her mother chose it. He says her mother died when she was little. Miko doesn’t remember any of this but Otomo says he will teach her what she needs to know. Miko says she has a feeling of emptiness inside and he says it’s hunger and she needs to eat.

Joanne and Luke watch the news about the terror attack. Someone knocks on their door. Luke opens it and the guy who Luke saved is there to thank him. Joanne says he saved him instead of Dennis. Luke explains it’s not like that and Joanne calls him a freak. Luke says he did what he could but Joanne says if he did, her son would be there. Luke says he failed their son and Joanne says you people did this. Joanne attacks him and he knocks her down. Then Luke fights back and the guy freezes him in self-defense.

Joanne grabs scissors from the first aid kit and stabs the guy to death. Luke asks if she’s okay and she smiles. She says she’s fine. Luke is horrified. Casper is at the disaster site with Noah who picks up his glasses. This is right after the explosion. His glasses are perfect. He asks an EMT who did this. She says Evos. It’s the woman who was in the military with Carlos. Noah goes calling for Claire and a woman tells Noah to come with her so she can help him. He goes with her.

Noah shows up to see a graying Angela who says he must be Nathan. He says she’s young for a great grandmother and she says he’s big for a one year old. He watches Elena do her stuff and asks if he can meet her but Angela says he can’t get too close yet. Angela asks why he brought him and he says Erica found them. Noah says he screwed it up when he shot Erica. Angela says she’s been plagued with dreams about fire raining down and the twins saving the world at a clock tower in Odessa.

Noah asks when and he says when the magnetic poles shift, animal life will go the wrong way when they migrate. She says the Northern lights will move. He says that started a year ago. Nathan says we’re going to save every last one of them. Angela says he really is a Petrelli. She tells Nathan to stay in touch and she will make sure Malina finds her way to them when it’s time. Angela snaps a photo of him and says – give us a smile. Erica is in her hospital bed when Quentin comes in.

She says she owes him her life and he asks where his sister is. She says she helped his sister fulfill her true potential. Quentin says she framed Suresh using a shapeshifter then used his sister to dampen the Evos’ powers then blew them all up. She says yet he still saved her. She says she will keep her word to let him see his sister. Angela naps in her chair while someone invisible creeps up on her. It’s Farah. Angela introduces her to Malina and says she’s half of mankind’s greatest hope.

Farah says they’re doomed. Angela explains that the twins must be brought together at the right moment and not before. Angela says there’s something she hasn’t had the heart to tell Malina. Otomo goes to the door. It’s Harris knocking. Otomo says just a moment. He goes back to Miko who’s chopping vegetables. He thanks her for bringing a smile to his face. He says the world is dangerous and tells her to remember what he taught her. The knock is at the door again.

He hugs her and says they both have a destiny. He says once he’s made his right again, they will find each other. He says – the sword is the key. He tells her he loves her and he opens the door. He goes outside. Mike peeks and sees him walk away with Harris. Outside Odessa, Phoebe sees Quentin pacing in a room waiting on her. He hugs her warmly. He asks what they did to her and she says good things. She says Erica gave her a purpose and he says killing thousands.

Phoebe says Erica will save them and tells him to listen. She says he’ll see this is the only way. Casper warns Future Noah that Erica is on to him and says he erased the other Noah’s memory. He promises to keep an eye on Nathan. Future Noah tells Molly to stay on her toes and says Erica will come for her because of her power. Molly asks Nathan to give her a head start and he sends her to India to talk to Mohinder’s mom. He’s ready to send Noah back and Hiro advises Nathan how to do it.

Nathan says – dad, I know what I’m doing and sends him. They hear tires outside and Hiro looks out. A black SUV pulls up. A car load of Harrises gets out. He tells Nathan to take his mom and Casper and go. He tells him he will always be with him and hands him a 9th wonders comic. He says it guided his path. The Harrises surround the house with guns drawn. Nathan says he doesn’t want to leave him. Hiro says being with them is more than he could have ever asked for and thanks them.

Anna hugs Hiro and says save our son, save the world. He tells Nathan he must go now. Nathan takes them away. Hiro grabs his sword as the Harrises break into the house. Hiro says he’s been waiting 15 year to finish this. Nathan tells his mom he has to go back and save his dad. Anna tells Casper to take his memories. He says he’ll only remember Anna. He flips a coin at Nathan who catches it then Casper walks away. Nathan asks her what’s going on and how they got there. She tells him it’s time to go.

He asks where they’re going and she says she hears Denver is nice. They walk off. Noah crash lands on a pile of first in Midian, Colorado. Quentin asks where he’s been and says he’s been looking for him. Quentin says Harris nearly took his head off. Quentin asks if it worked. He asks where’s Hiro and what time travel is like. He asks if he has his memories. Noah says Claire had two babies and he was protecting them and that’s why he wiped his memories.

He says he has to get them to Odessa. He asks where his gun is. Quentin calls Erica and says the baby they’ve been looking for is actually two teenage wonder twins and Noah is going to take them right to them.