Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Paulie Says Psychiatrist Warned Him Not to Play BB18 – Headed for a Breakdown?

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Paulie Says Psychiatrist Warned Him Not to Play BB18 – Headed for a Breakdown?

Shocking Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds show that Paulie Caliafore admitted to the other houseguests that he lied on his CBS profile about his psychological history. Given his behavior since his Week 8 nomination, BB18 fans have asked on social media if Paulie is heading for a breakdown.

On the Live Feeds, Paulie was observed telling other Big Brother houseguests that he lied in his network screening about his psychological history. Apparently, CBS has potential houseguests meet with a shrink to discuss any issues that might affect their gameplay or health while in the house.

Paulie told the other houseguests over the weekend that he lied to CBS. He said his personal psychiatrist advised him not to play in BB18. Paulie stated that his shrink told him he would be “playing with fire” if he participated in Big Brother 18 but decided to do it anyway, against doctor’s advice.

Paulie admits to lying to CBS about mental state

Then Paulie also said that he told the CBS psychiatrist that he had never been seen or treated by a shrink when they were evaluating his mental health to decide if he’d be chosen for BB18. Paulie has admitted on-camera more than once that he’s extremely claustrophobic, but is this all a ruse?

Or is Paulie heading for a breakdown? A number of times, when he was speaking about his brother Cody Caliafore’s season, he kept calling it “my season” which made him sound schizophrenic. Can he not tell himself from his brother? Hmm…

On Live Feeds, we saw Victor nominated Paulie and Corey on Friday night after the Week 8 HoH comp and America’s Care Package delivery, Paulie got extremely aggressive with other houseguests. He seemed agitated and ranted at Victor for putting him on the chopping block

Paulie throws epic fit after nominated to chopping block

Victor reminded Paulie that it was Paulie who got Victor evicted and did it on a blindside so that Victor never had a chance to play for Power of Veto and save himself. Victor told Paulie at least he was being given a fighting chance.

Paulie has since tried a bunch of other desperate tactics since he lost the PoV comp. He’s been crying, ranting, raging, trying to make other players look dirty, and then asking Victor to pull Corey off the block and renom one of the girls in his place.

More recently, his talk has turned to self-evicting or waiting until he is evicted, Julie opens his Paris room envelope and if he does NOT have the Round Trip ticket to get back into the game, skipping the jury house altogether and going home instead.

Will CBS pull Paulie from the game for lying?

Some BB18 viewers have asked on social media if Big Brother showrunners should pull Paulie from the game over the lies he says he told about his mental state to get on the show. Still others have speculated that Paulie is trying to get CBS to pull him from the game.

That way, he won’t be evicted, won’t have to go through that ordeal and can leave the house and go home to pout. Throughout the day today, Paulie has gone repeatedly to the door of the Diary Room, ringing the bell and trying to get in – but has been denied access.

BB18 viewers wonder if Paulie is trying to get in there to self-evict… He also came out of the Diary Room on Saturday without his punishment costume that he was assigned in the PoV comp. Paul is in a Secret Service uniform and Corey is in an Uncle Sam unitard doing their part.

Paulie refuses to follow rules – social media trending #IHatePaulie

Paulie was slapped with an American Pie punishment where when a song plays, day or night, he has to go into the kitchen in the costume and make a pie. But so far, no costume, no song and no pies. Paulie is essentially refusing to play the BB18 game and follow the rules.

Paulie’s behavior is turning off legions of fans that are tweeting their dislike of his behavior since Paulie refused to show empathy to anyone he nominated or pushed other HoHs to nominate. Yet he wants everyone in the BB18 house to coddle him and feel sorry for him.

Paulie has proved that he could dish it out but he can’t take it and now he’s alienated the rest of the houseguests so that he will likely go out on a landslide vote on the Thursday LIVE eviction. What do you think BB18 fans?

Share your comments below on Paulie’s extreme antics. Do you think he’s heading for a breakdown or is this desperate, eleventh hour gameplay? Be sure to check back with CDL often for the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers including a LIVE recap of tonight’s BB18 episode.

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