Big Brother 19 spoilers tease Josh Martinez wants to shake up the game and backdoor someone he considers a huge threat. And, the kicker is, Josh wants to keep Paul Abrahamian in the dark about the sneaky plan. To recap Week 6 so far, Josh Martinez won HOH after Jessica Graf used the Halting Hex. The temptation kept Cody Nickson and Jessica safe for, at least, one more week.
Flashback to 8:18 a.m., Christmas Abbott and Josh chatted about who he should nominate for eviction. Big Brother 19 spoilers indicate that Josh plans to put Jessica and Cody on the block, but hopes to backdoor Elena Davies. Josh’s idea came to him when he realized that Elena is in multiple alliances.
Josh began to see that she is the most dangerous player in the house. BB19 spoilers state that Josh believes that Jessica and Cody are huge targets, but he sees Elena as someone that could backstab anyone in the house.
Christmas agreed with him and added that she thinks that Mark Jansen and Elena are much closer than they want everyone to believe. Big Brother 19 spoilers state Elena is in an alliance with Jessica, Cody, and Mark. She is also locked in with Paul’s group and is in an alliance with Raven Walton and Matt Clines. Christmas begins to see how dangerous Elena could be as she has set herself up to untouchable in the BB19 house.
Another thing about Elena that scares Josh, is her ability to persuade people to believe her when she’s under fire. Josh explained that he chatted with her in the storage room after the HOH competition and she rationalized why she voted to keep Ramses Soto and voting to evict him. Josh claimed that’s when he decided then that she had to go, as she could be hard to get rid of down the road.
Josh told Christmas that the plan is to put Jessica and Cody on the block. After the Veto, he wants to take one of them off and nominate Elena. So far, they counted that they had four votes to get rid of her. All they need is one more vote to send her home!
Do you think Josh can pull off the backdoor Elena plan? Do you think Christmas will blab to Paul and reveal everything Josh told her? Stick with CDL for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news, and live feed updates!