Mel Gibson managed to make a plea bargain in his assault case against Oksana Grigorieva but that won’t stop her from going after his money.
In September Oksana hired lawyer Daniel Horowitz with the intent of suing Mel in civil court for battery, emotional distress, and defamation. Mostly what Oksana wants is money, money, and more money – from Mel.
Her civil case against Mel will not be helped by the fact that Mel was able to deal with the criminal assault case without pleading, or being found, guilty. Typically a civil case is easy to win for the plaintiff when the defendant has already been found guilty of the criminal charge. However just because Mel managed to avoid being found legally ‘guilty’ of the criminal charge in his case does not mean Oksana won’t win in the civil version.
A good example is the O.J. Simpson case – O.J. was appallingly and incorrectly found ‘not guilty’ in his criminal murder trail but nevertheless got slammed for millions in the civil suit brought by the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson – the two people that he murdered.
There is little doubt that Mel assaulted Oksana – whether ‘she deserved it,’ as Mel claimed on tape, or not, in the USA you are not allowed to physically attack people just because you are angry. Mel should have to pay – and pay plenty – for what he did. Sure Oksana is a money-grubbing snake but nobody forced Mel to be her boyfriend.
Photo Credit: Michael Wright/