Chicago Fire Recap 10/12/17: Season 6 Episode 3 “An Even Bigger Surprise”

Chicago Fire Recap 10/12/17: Season 6 Episode 3 "An Even Bigger Surprise"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all new Thursday October 12, season 6 episode 3 called, “An Even Bigger Surprise” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Lt. Casey gets off on the wrong foot with Sam Mullins, a temporary chief who is filling in for Boden at House 51 for the morning. When Casey later makes a risky move in an attempt to save a distraught man from jumping off a building, Mullins has a surprise that Casey does not expect. ”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 6 episode 3 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Lt Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) is in the shower when Hope Jacquinot (Eloise Mumford) joins him. Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) calls out for Kelly, saying it’s time to go to work when Hope comes out in just his shirt. He tells Stella to go ahead, he will meet her at the firehouse.

Lt. Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer), Gabi Dawson (Monica Raymund) and Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) walk towards the firehouse, learning Chief Boden (Wallace Eammon) won’t be in for the first part of the shift and the chief taking over is apparently a real bear. He berates the crews saying if they are not 15 minutes early for their shift, they are considered 15 minutes late.

Chief Mullins says he has nothing but respect for Boden and is only there for ½ the shift, hands out assignments to everyone but stops as Severide and Casey exchange looks. Casey says it’s only half a shift and on Tuesdays they do the side compartments of the rigs. When Mullins learns who Casey is, he adds more and more work, dismissing them.

Matt apologizes to everyone, and Stella tells him not to worry about it, asking what is the worst thing that could happen? Randall “Mouch” McHolland (Christian Stolte) says that is the question asked by every Darwin winner. Herrmann shares that a friend who served under Mullins says he killed more careers in the CFD than actual fires; Casey tells them not to give him anything to look at. Gabi and Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) are called out to a bicycle accident.

A driver is upset that he hit a little girl named Ella, saying he didn’t see her, she came out of no where. He is worried about the little girl and when Gabi tells him to let them work, Ella asks if he is okay because he’s grabbing his chest; Sylvie tells her not to worry about him but when Ella says there is something wrong with him, they turn around as he falls to the ground. Gabi rushes over and there is no pulse, she calls for back up. Gabi shocks him as Sylvie comforts Ella; Gabi calls in saying they are going to transport both patients to Chicago Med.
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek (Yuri Sardarov) asks why Mouch is whistling, he says he flew Leon Cruz (Jeff Lima) in for Joe Cruz’ (Joe Minoso) birthday; everyone is shocked because Leon moved out of state after fleeing the gang life but Mouch says he checked with his wife Sgt. Trudy Platt (Amy Morton), who assured him it would be safe. Otis thinks this is great, all they have to do is get Joe to Molly’s after shift.

Stella smirks at Severide that he hooked up with Hope, but he says she knew what was on the table and is leaving today. Brett and Gabi are reprimanded for breaking the rules and taking two patients at once, especially an injured little girl and the man who did it. He says it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen but Matt says it was a judgment call. Mullins takes them out of service, forcing them to fill out a report; he wants the paperwork on his desk before he leaves. He orders Matt to let him handle it, unless there is something other than Lt. for him.

Severide talks to Matt in his office, laughing and advising him to keep his head down and stay out of Mullins’ way. Matt winks and says sure. Gabi and Sylvie are busy filling out the paperwork, already missing two calls. Matt tries to tell Gabi to correct her writing but she gives him a death glare and he backs off.

Paul Pogue (Aaron J. Nelson) arrives at the firehouse and tells Cruz that his brother Leon looks really good. When Cruz looks confused, he says he was sure he saw him this morning with a lady cop; Mouch gets him to stop talking but when Cruz calls his brother, Herrmann says it’s time to come clean before this becomes a disaster.

Severide returns to talk to Casey saying he spoke to Captain Patterson who told him Mullins is on the short list to become the next Commissioner and it’s apparently happening next summer. Severide suggests Matt says something; Gabi tells him to fix this so she can do her job. Connie (DuShon Monique Brown) is also organizing files for Mullins when Matt comes to see him. He gives them Gabi and Sylvie’s reports and apologizes for stepping on his toes.

He begins to talk about the crew at Firehouse 51, but Mullins interrupts him saying when he arrived, he saw cigarette butts outside the door and wonders what kind of pride this house has and who would disrespect their home like that and now he found out! Matt is furious that was his response to the apology and is told Boden will be back in a couple hours; Matt says Hallelujah!!

The crews go out on a call, and it’s a man standing on the ledge of a roof; Herrmann and Matt go to the top as the Chief arrives on scene. CPD wants to talk to matt, he says Dan is way too calm, he says whatever risk Matt wants to take he is good with. CPD continues to talk to Matt as Herrmann drops a rope and lines. Gabi tells Mullins Matt is doing whatever he has to; CPD signals Matt and Dan gets ready to jump.

When Dan jumps the rope wraps around him and he is thrown back onto the roof, Matt calls for paramedics; CPD praises Matt for the good work, they are taking him to Chicago Med with a bruised back and high blood pressure. Mullins says Hallelujah but Matt says if he is worried about liability to put it on Matt, he can take it.

Boden returns to the firehouse and he immediately calls Kelly into the office. Stella catches Hope in the firehouse, she says she is there to see Sylvie. Hope wonders why people are so tense, she tells Sylvie she had a great time and when Sylvie says she loved having her there and Hope gives her cookies from her mom, saying she will see her again.

Matt is worried as Mouch says Mullin’s naughty list is not one to be on. Cruz comes in and says Mullins is gone, every is relieved. Herrmann calls Mouch over silently, without attracting Cruz’ attention; Leon is hiding in the cot room and Mouch is upset that he is ruining the surprise, Stella and Herrmann agree with Leon. Cruz comes in, wanting to know what is going on when they are acting awfully suspicious. Connie calls everyone into the bullpen.

Boden apologizes for being out this morning, and introduces them to their newest member of the firehouse – out walks Hope! Severide’s mouth drops as Stella looks at him. Hope follows a shocked Sylvie, saying she wanted to get this job on her own merits. She says the last few weeks in Chicago were amazing, she saw the job posting and wanted to apply. Sylvie wishes she told her, but Hope hopes she is happy for her; she says she is.

Stella comes to see Severide, who laughs saying there is wreckage everywhere. Gabi comes to talk to Matt about Hope; Connie comes in asking what they are saying about Hope. Connie says she wants all of Matt’s incident reports as Mullins wants them along with his personnel file. He hands them over as she says she just does what she is told. Cruz is concerned that his brother Leon is avoiding his calls, he confides in Otis and Mouch that something isn’t right.

Dan’s sister arrives at the firehouse, Matt tells Rachel Dan talked about her. She says they did an MRI on his back, she is happy he is alive and Gabi offers her a seat. Rachel admits the family knew he had problems, stopped therapy and his meds. She cries that in Dan’s pocket was his will. She thanks them, saying what they do for them is the whole world. When she leaves, Gabi smiles at Matt.

Cruz scares Otis, saying he wants to go talk to the gang to see if everything with Leon has blown over; he tells Otis he is coming with him. Otis tells Mouch and Leon he needs to tell him as Cruz wants to go to gang corners. Connie calls Casey and Gabi into Boden’s office, where Mullins is standing. Boden wants to know what happened at the jumper call while he was out.

Matt says it was a complicated situation but he stands behind his decision. Mullins says Boden has a sharp eye for leadership, he says that rope rescue was like nothing he has ever seen and no firefighter would have done. He says Matt put the victim first, even though he knew Mullins was on scene and knew he was on his hit list. He put Dan;s life before his career; Matt says all of Truck 81 did. He says spoken like a true leader and has recommended him for a promotion. Mullins and Matt shake hands as Matt doesn’t know what to say. Boden says he has earned it, it won’t be official but he wants to be the first one to say Congratulations Captain Casey. Severide hugs him.

Connie brings Hope into the room, giving tips to her, saying don’t turn the firehouse into Melrose Place and she will be just fine. Hope finds Severide walking down the hall, she tells him it’s better to leave things as “what happened”; she had a great time but now that she is working there she doesn’t want it to be an issue, Severide laughs and agrees.

Cruz comes to Otis, who says he is working at Molly’s; he says they have a reason to celebrate since Matt got promoted. Cruz promises to go if they agree to do after shift to look for Leon. Everyone is at Molly’s, Severide talks to Stella who he says is paranoid when Hope says it’s not a thing. Stella gets the cue as Mouch, Otis and Cruz are approaching; Cruz tries to get out of it but Otis convinces him with the buy one bet one free.

Cruz walks in and is super surprised they had a party for him; Mouch says he has a bigger surprise because Leon is there, but when they call for him, he isn’t there. Cruz thinks it is a joke as Cruz is upset saying he isn’t happy. Cruz says he knows what Mouch did and Leon pops out from behind the bar. Leon and Joe say you can’t screw with the Cruz brothers and Otis was fretting about the gang visit because he helped Mouch. Cruz says this is amazing and thanks Mouch, who says it’s the least he could do.

Cruz yells that its buy one, get one free all night long. Connie comes to see Sylvie at the bar, asking her if she knew that Hope stole ten grand from her last boss?