OK! Magazine: Secrets Of Kim Kardasian’s Wedding – Photo

OK! Magazine: Secrets Of Kim Kardasian's Wedding - Photo

The August 22nd issue of OK! Magazine features Kim Kardashian and they claim they have ‘Secrets of her wedding.’   OK! Magazine seems to in the know about Kim Kardashian and the big event.  Last week they had exclusive an exclusive story on what happened inside Kim‘s wedding shower.   This week blazoned across the cover is ‘Exclusive Photos – Kourney & Khloe reveal secrets of Kim’s wedding.’

With the wedding of Kim and her fiancé Kris Humphries just over a week away new info is beening leaking everywhere about the big event.    The magazine claims that Kim is leaning on her two sisters Khloe and Kourtney to help her with the “3 ring circus.”   According to the magazine the girls have helped her choose the wedding cake, menu, music and wedding attire.

Khloe told OK!: “Kim’s so happy. Honestly, Kim is someone who has thought of her wedding from the day she was born.”  Kourtney’s advice for Kim:  “If something goes wrong, just relax,” Khloe has advised. “Marriage is about you and your husband, not the flowers or the guest list.”

I am so over this Kardashian wedding news, it is everywhere.  As we get closer to the big day that is all we are going to hear about.   This issue of OK! just seems to be recycling the news that is everywhere.  It does not look like there is anything new.  However if you are tempted to find out more about how the girls are helping Kim pick up the current issue when it hits stands tomorrow!