Transplant Recap 04/24/22: Season 2 Episode 7 “Control”

Transplant Recap 04/24/22: Season 2 Episode 7 "Control"

Tonight on NBC the hit Canadian drama Transplant airs with an all-new Sunday, April 24, 2022, episode and we have your Transplant recap below. In tonight’s Transplant season 2 episode 7, “Control,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Bash and Mags clash while treating a young woman with a rapidly progressing health crisis and an overbearing doctor/father.

Bishop confides in Bash about a professional dilemma. June puts herself on the line for a patient against the advice of a powerful surgeon. Mags makes a big career decision.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Transplant recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Transplant episode begins with Bash, who is in a prayer session, but he is not really listening, his mind is elsewhere.

Mags is in bed, she can’t sleep. Jake says he has stress too, trying to impress Theo. He gets up and goes, and tells her to try and get some sleep, they smile at each other.

Jed arrives at the hospital, Claire is sitting on the floor of his office, she is studying because she has an exam in the afternoon.

In the emergency, a young girl, Kelsey, comes in. Bash takes a look at her, and Jed walks in to overlook them. She needs blood and her father offers a direct transfer because she is 0 negative, he has a donor card so Jed approves it. During the procedure, her father reveals that they buried her mother a month ago from ovarian cancer.

Elsewhere, a wife, Tessa, and husband, Ned, have come in from a car accident, she is pregnant. They got in an accident on the way to have the baby. Her stomach is bleeding. Theo tells her that there is no time for an epidural, the baby is coming now. Theo tries to calm Tessa down, while Tess calms Ned down. The baby girl is born and she is just fine. Jed passes out on the floor.

June goes to access Mrs. Crawford, who is nauseous. She says she had a bypass, twelve weeks post-op, but she is following the diet strictly. June orders a test just to rule out any complications from surgery.

Kelsey is awake, her CT was negative. She just has a headache and a high fever. Her father says she overworks and doesn’t eat right. Kelsey tells her father that she has ALS, that is why she fell. The neurologist said she has two to five years. Her father wants a second opinion. She says this is why she didn’t tell him, she has doctors, and she just wants him to be her dad. Her father then meets with Bash and he tells him that he wants tests done.

Bash goes to see Jed who asks about his sister after her head laceration. He says she is fine. Bash asks Jed if he is hiring a co-chief, he says no, he has been asked to meet with candidates to replace him.

Mags with Kelsey who says she wants to do things on her own terms, run her bar as long as she can. Bash comes in and asks if he can do some tests, she knows they are what her father wants. Mags assures her nothing will happen without her consent.

Theo sees Ned in the hallway who tells him that he never wanted a baby. Theo says he is not there for that, his spleen is ruptured and he needs to have surgery.

Kelsey has a crackle in her lungs, she might have pneumonia. Her father wants her on a ventilator, Kelsey is afraid, she thinks she will never come off, and she says no.

Jed sees a bunch of people in the hallway and tells Arnold to get to it. He then goes to see Mags and Bash, he says her father has friends in high places and he is making noise. Mags says it is Kelsey, she doesn’t want any more tests. He takes Jed off the case, and tells Bash to handle it on his own.

Mia Crawford is in surgery, the doctor who performed her surgery walked in and says this is not necessary, she doesn’t follow her diet. June says that she deserves the care any other patient gets. Theo tells Ned’s wife that he is in surgery. The baby starts to cry and Theo gets her.

Kelsey is spitting blood, she is going into hemorrhagic shock. Her father is there telling her to stay with him. Jed is also there, while they try to get her heart going, they are losing her.

Mags tells June she thinks she hates everyone they work with, except her. June laughs and tells her to give it time.

Bash tells Kelsey’s father they stopped the bleed and were able to get her to the OR.

Theo is having problems with his ex-wife, she is asking for custody. His lawyer tells him to stop being so stubborn or he can lose everything.

Mia is having problems, June tells her she hasn’t done anything wrong. She is having extreme reactions and it is going to take time for her stomach to intake properly, but her tests came out negative. June tells her that bypass reversal is possible.

Ned sees his baby and is overwhelmed, Tessa tells him that he has her eyes. Theo gives them his car, it has a car seat in the back and he doesn’t need it anymore.

Jed says they stopped the bleed, but her body is weak. She will live, but she will be attached to a ventilator for the rest of her life and unable to speak.

Jed calls Claire to his office, he bought her a present, her own stethoscope, she tells him that she is going to feel really bad if she failed.

Bash walks into Kelsey’s room, her father is there with her. He says he had a chance to fix things, get to know her the way he should have and now he never will. He tells Bash that this is his fault.